Book Statcks Holmes#1 Stud#1

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This listing is not yet 100% complete. There are other books I have to add but, there is still a large selection listed. The listing was built by doing a search for SHERLOCK and so tomes titled 'Good Morning, Irene' or 'Beekeepers Assistant' will have to be searched and added seperately. If you do not see the item you want, pop over to Book Stacks (or use the form at the end of this page) and try a search using the details you know about the volume you are seeking. Knowing the ISBN will be the fastest, surest way to locate what you're looking for but it isn't required. Links marked with a indicate a short review of the item is also included on the summary page at Book Stacks. Finally, this list is an intial effort, as time permits, I will add more details to the individual items including any reviews you would care to submit to be posted.

Parodies & Pastiches

by Author

  • Sherlock Holmes and the Egyptian Hall Adventure
    - Andrews, Val - 09/95 - PAP
  • Sherlock Holmes and the Greyfriars School Mystery
    - Andrews, Val - 05/97 - PAP
  • Sherlock Holmes and the Houdini Birthright
    - Andrews, Val - 09/95 - PAP
  • Sherlock Holmes and the Man Who Lost Himself
    - Andrews, Val - 05/97 - PAP
  • The Glendower Conspiracy : ... from the Papers of Edward Porter Jones, His Late Assistant (Brown Bag Mystery)
    - Biggle, Lloyd - 09/90 - TRD
  • Sherlock Holmes and the Mysterious Friend of Oscar Wilde
    - Brown, Russell A. - 04/90 - PAP
    The Last Sherlock Holmes Story (Vintage Crime/Black Lizard)
    - Dibdin, Michael - 01/96 - PAP
  • Case of the Revolutionist's Daughter : Sherlock Holmes Meets Karl Marx
    - Feuer, Lewis - 09/83 - HRD
  • The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
    - Green, Richard Lancelyn (Edt) - 03/86 - PAP
  • Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
    - - 02/93 - PAP
    The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
    - Greenberg, Martin/ Waugh, Carol-Lynn Rossel - 10/88 - PAP
    The Game Is Afoot : Parodies, Pastiches, and Ponderings of Sherlock Holmes
    - Kaye, Marvin (Edt) - 04/94 - TRD
    The Game Is Afoot : Parodies, Pastiches and Ponderings of Sherlock Holmes
    - Kaye, Marvin (Edt) - 04/95 - PAP
    Adventures of Sherlock Holmes' Daughter
    - McTavish, Ian - 01/94 - CAS
    Sherlock Holmes and the Red Demon
    - Millett, Larry - 07/97 - PAP
    Sherlock Holmes and the Red Demon
    - Millett, Larry - 09/96 - HRD
  • Sherlock Holmes and the Earthquake Machine
    - Mitchelson, Austin/ Utechin, Nicholas - 11/94 - TRD
    Sherlock Holmes in Orbit
    - Resnick, Mike/ Greenberg, Martin H. (Edt) - 02/95 - PAP
  • Sherlock Holmes in Orbit
    - Greenberg/ Resnick - 01/97 - HRD
    The Angel of the Opera : Sherlock Holmes Meets the Phantom of the Opera
    - Siciliano, Sam - 06/94 - HRD
    A Samba for Sherlock
    - Soares, Jo / Landers, Clifford E. (Trn) - 11/97 - TRD
    The Secret Chronicles of Sherlock Holmes
    - Thomson, June - 09/94 - TRD
  • Sherlock Holmes and the Masquerade Murders (The Armchair Detective Library)
    - Thomas, Frank - 05/94 - TRD
  • Sherlock Holmes : In the Dreaming Detective
    - Vaughan, Ralph - 06/92 - PAP
  • The Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes
    - Wolfe, Sebastian (Edt) - 05/91 - TRD

    by Title

  • coming next update plus more results of further searches

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    Sherlock Holmes - Vine#1

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    Sherlock Holmes