Welcome to 'Sherlock Tomes', an online source for all your Holmesian needs ... well many of them anyways. We will feature products from many sites, some are competitors with each other or even us, but our goal will be to provide you, the customer, with the widest possible selection. We would rather lose a commision and see that you get exactly what you want than earn a buck and you end up with an article that isn't quite what you were looking for.
This site will remain 'under development' for sometime. Portions are now available, and additions will be added as time goes on. Feel free though to try out any of the material that happens to be online.
We are excited about this website and look forward to helping you find that special item. Thanks for stopping by and be sure to drop in from time to time.
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This page last updated: October 26, 2009
Legal Stuff, Layout and design © 1997-2010 Yoxley Web Works
Sherlock Holmes is conan doyle mystery mycroft. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle baskerville victorian crime murder, and sherlock holmes detective does basil rathbone moriarty jeremy brett. sherlockian baker street dr watson holmesian can irregulars bsi sherlock holmes conan doyle.