Sometimes it is just too difficult to think. We want to be simple-minded. We want to be told what to do. And sometimes we will give our lives to people who are bold enough to appear as though they really know what we should be doing. This is an interesting fatigue we indulge in from time to time. And, as I too share into it, I cannot exactly point fingers. But, it is important to us that the condition is clearly identified as the hazard it is. Take care when you are suffering from this type of fatigue. Watch out for the promises you make, the people you elect, and the contracts you sign. Honest people can honestly be hung. To quote Larry Norman: 'Is it safe?'

Where does Gnosticism fit into this, you ask? Well, what is Gnosticism? First, let's look at how gnosis is defined: hidden, deep, secret (or mystical), spiritual knowledge, or the knowing of.. Gnostics are people claiming this knowledge as their own private property. There are gnostics, and then there are Gnostics. The former include anyone who believe they have found the Answer. Scientists, to my knowledge, are not in this group publicly. Physicists are still looking for a key to the General Unification Theory that will yield the Answer. However, in theory, every private citizen could be a gnostic. We call people who 'think' they know the Answer: philosophers. Yet, a clear distinction exists. 'Think' is not 'know.'

Gnosticism moves one step deeper into the madness, in that it represents a collection of persons each claiming to share in this knowledge. When enough people claim something is true, the statement, or statements they make appear to be true.

This is where Gnosticism creeps into our minds.. In the twilight zone of our thinking, when we are too tired to think, but not fully asleep, strange things can happen.. Some religions fall into this pattern, since they are based on dogma, rather than truth. I will leave you, of course, to decide for yourself what is truth and what is not. But, contrary to some popular opinions, this is exactly why I believe in Jesus Christ as the Apostle John so clearly defined Him in his gospel, and revelation message. This is why I believe in the one christian God, who is, incredibly, represented as being simultaneously three; Father, Son and Spirit. I believe because God offers us reason, and a hope that we can test, and prove. I believe because God has come to me and proven Himself to me. I know Him to be the true author of the Bible; the originator of the inspired Word of God. I know Him to be my Saviour; the one who is and will be responsible for my life now and my life to come. And, I know Him as our Creator; having no favourites, loving us all equally. But, this is not gnosticism, it is 'good science': verified in the lives of, and to the extent of trust given by, every believer. We all start in belief from the same point. May God bless your search for truth..