Dragon Ball was created by Mr. Akira Toriyama, and is one of the most popular anime series to date. The Dragon Ball Club Features pages containing Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT ONLY. This site is not meant for all anime in general.

In order to join the Warrior's Ring, you must fill out the form below. Before you waste any precious time, however, read the following guidelines. If your site does not fit these guidelines, then We are not the Ring for you. If your site does fit the guidelines, send it in! Your site will be indexed within the week. So,whaddya waitin' for? Check out the guidelines!

Rules of the Ring
  • 1. This is a Dragon Ball site ONLY. If your site is not relevant to Draon Ball, it won't be added.

  • 2. The url must be legit. Some people may try to submit bogus url's but WE DO CHECK FIRST.

  • 3. No adult material, please. Any pornography should be sent to a hentai site, not to us. If you have a hentai page, that's fine. Just don't have any of the pics on your Dragon Ball site.

  • 4.The DBC ring is for DBC members. There's no charge or anything like that. it's just a group of Dragon Ball fans promoting Dragon Ball on the web. We sponsor really cool contests, such as winning free Dragon Ball videos and other cool stuff. Join the Dragon Ball Club.
  • To make your application complete, you must have the Warrior's Ring logo somewhere on your page. WITHOUT THIS, YOUR SITE WILL NOT BE ADDED TO THE RING.

    Submit site to Warrior's Ring
    Site Title:
    Site URL:

    Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
    Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
    Description: Enter a short description of your site.

    This Warrior's Ring site owned by ____.


    Or, you may want to use this format:

    Warrior's Ring: The Official Web Ring of the DBC Warrior's Ring
    The official Web ring of the DBC

    This site is owned by _______.

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