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CODE NAME:ShinKazama


PLACE OF ORIGIN:Believed to be somewhere around Chicago,Ill., however was raised in Va. Beach and later moved to the mid-south where he now resides.

HEIGHT:69 inches

WEIGHT:3,200 ounces

SPECIAL ABILITIES: Can communicate with anything, be it poeple(infants included), animals, or machines. has a knack for getting computers to do what he wants;powerful mind, and an endless supply of creativity, which is used mainly for writing and programming. The ability two speak 2 languages fluently.

SPECIAL ATTRIBUTES:Amazing physical strength,credited to weightlifting, sports, and overexposure to radiation during fetal stages. Talent in the martial arts. Likes to run really fast.

when he gets tired of running, he's been known to zoom around in his faithful Camry.

more information as it develops. we're currently trying to get a pic of him.

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