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Anfernee "Penny" Hardaway
I can't say enough about my man Penny Hardaway... He's
just incredible with the skills that he possesses. I'm his
biggest fan... Now that he is 100%, and we've got a great team backing him up, there is no stopping him! (Can you say MVP?) Let's see
WHY Penny is #1.
Pat Riley: "Penny is one of the best. You put him right out there
with Michael Jordan and Grant Hill and Scottie Pippen, players like that
who have the ability to control the game from the perimeter also in the
Allen Iverson was asked: "Who is the hardest guard to defend in the
low post that you have faced?"
He simply replied: "Penny Hardaway."(
Assistant Coach Richie Adubato on the Miami-Orlando Series: "He did
everything possible to carry this team home. With what he's done the
last three games, there's no question he has shown he's the next
Michael Jordan."(
P.J. Brown (Miami): "I was never a big Hardaway fan, but I am now.
He is in the top five, maybe three, in the league. He is a great man,
a great player."
Seattle's all-star guard Gary Payton described Hardaway in five words:
"Best guard in the NBA." (NBA Basketball - A Fan's Guide)
Zo Mourning on (the Heat) trying to deny Penny Hardaway the ball: "We knew that
he was going to take a lot of shots;...he made some big shots. We
continued to try to run at him and keep the ball out of his hands,
especially when he had position down low. We play Jordan the same
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If you have a page dedicated to Penny, leave your homepage address. I'll definitely put a link to your page on my page. And make sure you put a link to my page on your page. Even if you don't have a "penny page", tell me how you like my page.