Undying Love

Chapter 19

Taylor woke up the next day, the only one in the room. He looked around. Even Cara was gone. He got up and ran out of the hospital room. He saw Robin and another man standing by the ER window. He walked over to them.

"Robin?" asked Taylor.

Robin turned around, a little startled. "Oh, Taylor," she said, and swallowed him in a hug. He pulled away a few seconds later.

"What's wrong? What happened to Cara?" He looked through the window and saw her hooked up to a resporator.

"Honey, she isn't pulling through too well. They tried to feed her last night, but something happened. She chocked on it, or something. She is still alive, but they have to breath for her." Robin stopped and looked at Taylor. "Everyone is in the cafiteria, if you want to go have breakfast."

Taylor nodded his head and walked off. He couldn't stay there. He had to get away. Walking down to the cafiteria, he saw Zac, Isaac, his mom and dad, Jessie, Avery, Mac, Marie, Jacob, and Jack all sitting at a table. He grabbed a bagel and joined them.

The table was silent. Taylor looked from person to person. Finally he asked, "Who was that with Robin?"

Zac looked up from his bowl of cereal. "That is her father," he said, and put his head back down.

"Come on, you guys! Don't let this get you down!" Marie said, a little too happy.

"Shut up, Marie!" yelled Zac. He stood up and ran out of the cafiteria. God! He couldn't stand that woman. He heard his father calling after him, but he didn't care. He ran up the stairs, not bothering with the elevator. When he got to ER, he didn't see anyone there. So he walked right in. He knew he wasn't supposed to, but he did anyway. He just stood there, looking at Cara. He wished more than anything that she could just have one more chance. He would make sure she ate. He would watch her.

All of a sudden, she started to move. Zac walked over to her bed. "Cara?" he asked.

"Zac? Is that you?" she asked. Her eyes were closed, but she was talking to him.

Zac smiled. "Yea. It's me."

Cara put her arm out to touch him. She opened her eyes and saw him closer then she thought. "Why am I still here?" she asked.

Zac looked at her. He heard the pain in her voice, and he was about to cry. "You can't eat anything," he said, finally.

"Oh," she said. There was a long pause. "I will if they want me to," she said.

Zac wipped a tear from his eye. "I know," he said. "I'll go get everyone." he said. He started to walk out the door.

"Wait, Zac?" asked Cara.

He turned around. "Yea?"

"Am I gonna die?"

Zac looked at her. Looked at how hard she was trying to fight all that was happening. "No," he said. "I won't let you. I promise."

He closed the door and found everyone right outside.

"She is awake," he said. Everyone unloaded a huge sigh of relif after Zac's comment. Taylor decided to go see how she was doing and walked into her room.

"Hi," he said, walking over to her and kissing her forehead.

She took his hand and looked into his eyes. "Hi," she said.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

Cara looked away. She didn't say anything for a moment. "I'll live," she said.

"I know you will." He leaned over and hugged her. "Hey, I have some good news for you. Your father is here. He is worried about you."

Cara's face lit up. "Really? Will you tell him to come in?"

"Sure!" he said. He walked to the door. "I love you, Cara."

"I love you, too," she said.

She watched him walk through the door and into the lobby. She really hated having eveyone staying there with her. She had to admit, she was glad that they were there, but she still felt guilty. She heard footsteps coming towards the door. Yes, she thought. I am finally going to see my father. Her heart was pounding as fast as it could. Even though she had talked to him on the phone, it wasn't the same as seeing him in person. She missed him so much and...

"Marie! Stay out here! The last thing she needs is to see us walk in together." That was her father.

"Just let me come in and see her! I haven't been in there but once!" That was Marie.

She heard them fighting. No, she thought. Marie was doing it again! She was making my father mad!

"NO!" Cara screamed at the top of her lungs. Suddenly, she started coughing. She heard everyone rush into the room to see what she was screaming about. But she couldn't stop coughing.

Voices rushed around her head. "Cara, are you okay? Cara do you need some water? Cara, can you breathe?" But she couldn't shake the voices of her father and Marie arguing.

"STOP!" she screamed, in between coughs. All of a sudden, the room went black.

Chapter 20

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