"The planet hates us!"

This scenario can be played with or without Mechs, but I think it's easier with Mechs. Or at least tanks. Or ... or you can use the later part of this scenario with a small infantry party.

The story

The party gets hired by a representative of a succesor state. There is a little rebellion on some tiny planet (they don't feel important, safe, paid, etc.) and they need to be calmed down - somehow. This wouldn't be a problem, if this tiny planet wouldn't be so important (in agricultural ways of productivity). So if this state would now launch their troops to stop the rebellion, they would make things even worse. The party now has the task to raid this planet. Of course there will be no clue that they got hired by this state or something like that. The big idea behind this is: The hired troops (yes, the party is meant) conquer the planet, the citizens will wish that someone kicks these invaders out of the IS. That is where the state comes into play. The succesor state can now send as many troops as they like to "stop those bad invaders. Of course, the party won't get hurt. It's just a show, right? It goes after the "no names, no press, no bad reputation" principle. There is only a lance of light Mechs guarding the city of the planet. While fighting, they shouldn't damage the city.

What the party doesn't know

Everything is exactly as said above, exept that it has to mean "no names, no press, no bad reputation, no witnesses"... Oh, by the way: The thing with the show - forget it.

What else can happen?

There are many possibilities:

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