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Welcome to The Ethers Tragic!

Hello.. Welcome to my page. This page is about Billy Corgan. If you don't know who Billy Corgan is, he is the singer/lead guitarist for the Smashing Pumpkins. If you don't know who the Smashing Pumpkins are, click here =c). This page should have a lot of stuff like pics, links, a bio, and maybe some wavs. My page will also have a list of some people online that have claimed to be Billy. If you have any requests or questions or comments or anything, you can email me here. If you don't have a frames-capable browser, just click on the links below to get around the page =c). Thanks for coming!

-Last update: 9/4/98

Links to other places on my page

Billy bio
a bio of Billy Corgan
Billy pics
pictures of Billy Corgan
Billy wavs
wavs of Billy Corgan
Billy quotes
some quotes from Billy Corgan
Online "Billys"
people online who say they're Billy Corgan
SP news
Billy quiz
Billy Corgan quiz
links to other sites
site updates
Coming Soon
stuff that is coming soon
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