Rules of the Room

First off, this is not a role playing room.
We are serious about what we do...worshipping the Old Gods and working magick are not games that we's who we are and what we do. Therefore, don't come in thinking you can wave a magic sword or conjure demons from thin air. That behavior is extremely disrespectful of our beliefs and will get you booted.

Secondly, we have no connection whatsoever to the Christian devil, nor will we tolerate any names that connect us with such.

Third, this is not a cyber-sex room. If you come to the room, you will be expected to participate in the general discussion, not spend your time in PM with one other person.
If we see you in the room, we will assume you are interested in Paganism.

Fourth, we are adults here, so act like it.
Name-calling, foul-language, and other juvenile behavior will not be tolerated.

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