The Twisting Tale of a Sentimental Star-Gazer

written by Stacie West

I am but a lonely star-gazer,
hoping for all the dreams I can dream.
A day-dreamer, a wisher, a hopeless romantic.
Fantastical lands where all is aglow
are concocted in my mind in a splendorous show.

The tale, my life, ever so dull, until a magical day
when I met a new face
Taken abak by this unprecedented first impression;
frightened I became, and lost my inhibitions.
I fell into a trace, love, the strongest of addictions.

Hauled away by an uncontrollable force,
apart from my spell-caster, the one I am enraptured by.
The spell was unbroken upon my ill-fated exodus.
Now constrained by a power unbeknownst to me,
I must live out my days, mastered by a trace, where up with the stars,
in a sweet dream,
with my master, my spell-caster, my love, I cannot be.

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