The Bravest Man


The story began, one fine summer day,

When Doug Fisher and partner, scooped one Michael K.

They got him for murder, and sent him to jail,

Where Mike Barnard was awaiting, addressing some mail.

First there was one little B.T.A. Test,

For Michael to take, before joining the rest.


After the test of his breath had been done,

He came to the fifth floor, and the start of the fun.

He was ordered to strip off his bloodstained old rags,

Which were taken and placed into evidence bags.

The loss of the clothes, upset old Michael K.,

Who realized right then, he was in there to stay.


He then made a move, that he did once before,

And pulled out his weapon and stood by the door.

The weapon he held, to keep the jailers aside?

His colostomy bags, and the contents inside !

Now everyone scattered, to get out of his way,

Lest they should be caught in the path of the spray.


Ritva went for the bathroom and bolted the door,

While our own Tommy Forbes made a dive for the floor.

Doug Fisher attempted to make himself small,

Whilst another one made a quick dash down the hall.

Still more of the boys, were attempting to flee,

To anywhere old Michael K. could not see.


When out of the office, came the bravest of men,

Sergeant Barnard, who was still holding his pen.

When he saw Michael K., he knew what to say,

"Doug, you gc out there and take that baggie away."

No way! replied Doug, I would if he possesed,

A knife or a gun, I have a bullet proof vest.


But that bag that he has, is full of his shit,

And there is no chance, that I want to be covered with it.

So Sergeant Barnard, moved towards Michael K.,

He was determined, that he, would get that baggie away.

He slowly moved forward, very calmly he spoke,

"Give me the bag, Michael", this is really no joke.


And finally when Mike got himself, closer to him,

He lunged quickly forwards going out on a limb.

He grabbed Michaels wrist, without spilling a drop,

And took hold of the baggie and sealed off the top.

Now this is the bravest deed, I've ever heard,

Of how Mike Barnard, almost got covered with turd.


PC 664 T.J. Gowdyk 84-07-08 (20)