A Policeman's Frustration


If constitutional freedom is for everyone,

Why are the "benefits" only available to some ?

The some I refer to are the crooks and the cons,

But not for the rest of the average johns.

These rights that they talk of, are just for the accused,

But not for a cop, if he's been abused.


Its part of the job, they are quick to exclaim !

But saddest of all, it is really a shame !

One day Clifford Olsen, will be allowed to go free,

To find other victims, maybe you, maybe me.

Completely oblivious, this bunch with the power,

Sitting secure in their ivory tower.


Where they never will deal, with the cries of a victim,

Or look in frustration, at the ways of the system.

The closest they get, is a second hand story,

From the press and their photos, censored, not gory.

But very few ever get out on the street,

And stand while a person, spills blood on their feet.


Or fight with a crazy man, deal with a drunk,

And take the abuse of a young teenage punk.

But let a policeman, dare to fight back,

He is quickly on trial, for his, quote, senseless attack.

They never will deal with a man with a knife,

Or inform someone's husband, of the death of his wife.


Never at all! Will they hold a dead boy,

Killed by a drunk, who thought his car was a toy.

The powers that be, sit back and proclaim,

Six months probation, don't do it again.

It has gotten so bad, that a cop can't arrest,

A crook who can prove, he has an address.


Meanwhile many lawyers, grow rich on the spot,

Claiming the guilty, really are not.

But I think all in all, we do the best that we can,

With the tools we have left, right down to the man.

Maybe some day, if we continue the fight,

Everyone will be safe, on the street every night !


PC 664 T.J. Gowdyk 84-07-18 (21)