Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. Updated on June 12, 1999. Where Is My Family?This page is dedicated to adoptees, birthparents, and anyone else missing a loved one in their life. To all those in search of family and the loving angels who aide in their search. IN MEMORY OF LILLIAN WHO GAVE THE GIFT OF LIFE KENNY AND CARIBOU...WHERE ARE YOU?William Wayne SPOON was born on August 3, 1965 in Fort Frances, Ontario. He lived on the Seine River First Nations Reserve in Northern Ontario with three brothers, a mother and a father. After his parents died when he was young, he was taken away from everyone he knew and everything he knew. His family was split up and scattered. William and two of his brothers were sent to foster homes. Imagine one scared little boy being adopted at the age of 7 by a white family, not understanding his pain or his reason for not speaking. Imagine going to school and seeing the faces of strangers. They stare and wonder who you are, where you came from, and why you are so different from them. A little boy who only wanted to go home. The rest of this story is not pretty and only William can speak its truth. At the age of 12 he was removed from this home and went to live with foster parents who were very kind and treated him like a human being. The scars are still there in his heart, and only the TRUTH will heal them. William is in search of his three birthbrothers. The family is Native NorthAmerican. If anyone can help in this search please e-mail us. All information will be kept confidential. William is currently registered with the Adoption Disclosure Registry in Ontario. We are told there is a 10 year wait for them to even start a search! NEW INFO SEPTEMBER 25, 1998Today we found out some news. William's older brother is gone. He died 14 years ago at the age of 30. He is buried on the Seine River First Nations Reserve along with his mother Lillian who died in the year 1972. Brothers Kenny and Michael are still missing. THE LAWS MUST CHANGE. Isn't everyone entitled to know when a member of their family has died. Not if you are an adoptee! Fourteen years is a long time to find out that your brother has died. PLEASE HELP! When a child reaches 18, adoption records should be opened, it would save a lot of heartache and tortuous searching in the life of an adoptee. Michael was last known to be in the Hamilton area. If anyone knows or has contact with him, please let us know or tell him that his brother is looking for him. They do know each other, but have not seen each other for 6 years. We are desperately searching for Kenny, his name may have been changed when he was adopted. He could be anywhere! Hopefully he remembers his birthname and the members of his birthfamily. If he is not ready, we will wait for him. NEW INFO APRIL 29, 1999FOUND MICHAEL!!!We have found Michael! Alive and well. Also more good news we have Kenny's name. If anyone knows him please help. Last known to be living in London, Ontario. He makes wonderful soapstone carvings.
BRING LEVI HOME CAMPAIGNLevi Emile Henderson Born April 1, 1998 THE STORY Please support Bill 88. Adult adoptees should have the same rights as all other Canadian citizens. This bill has now passed its second reading and needs everyone's help to pass into law. Please e-mail and/or phone your MPP to let him or her know your position. You can read it in detail on Bill 88. You can e-mail all PC's at Tell them that you demand this reform in the name of the United Nations Rights of the Child 1996, which Canada signed, and which ensures that every child has a right to a name and nationality from birth. It is your HUMAN RIGHT. To see a copy of Article 7 & 8 click on United Nations Rights of the Child 1996
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