~~ The Princeton X Page ~~

     This page has been designed for the writers from Princeton High 
School -- those who are willing to put their words before the world.

     Mo's Page has been created...there are more who will be joining.
In fact, any writer who sees this message, and wants a page-
link (which would require some material to be published, let Skydax 
know at the e-mail address below.

     New submissions and links will be added as: most recent first --
that is -- the newest manuscripts will appear at the top of the links.

     Please address any questions to Skydax, at the address below.

     All materials are copyrighted by the authors on the links. The
material belongs to those authors, and may not be used without their


Princeton X Page Links...Mo's Page, The New Writers, Write Now...and more..

Mo's Page: -- a young woman with a powerful voice...
~~ Write Now ~~: A page for young writers...with the understanding that "young" is a relative term...
Frost and Fire: -- ...the page of extremes...new writers pushing the edge...anyone can apply..


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