~~ Secrets of Love ~~

                images © David Farrar -- 1/25/2000

     This is a collection of personal erotica (our poems, sketches,
photos and other images related to erotica). We define erotica as
material related to love...sexually expressed. I suppose everyone
has their own definition. That's ours. 

     Having said that, we hope you don't find this page by "accident,"
since it is not our intention to offend anyone. As the title says
-- "Secrets of Love." 

     If you were invited here, by us (D Farrar and RJ), then, by all

     We hope you share our love of this kind of imagery. 


for Isaeri...

© David Farrar 12/14/98

  In one another's arms...peace and a sense of connection 
      beyond imagination...

  In one another's arms...warmth and the feel of another's
      pulse...another's heart beating nearby...

  In one another's arms...a feeling of roots connected
      with the human family...

  In the arms of the earth, he feels the need...searching for some
      part of him...

  In the arms of the clouds, she feels the promise of the seed

  In the arms of Gaea...they both surrender, with sighs that 
      shake the planets...


for Isaeri again

© David Farrar -- 7/15/99

    Shaking...with electric shocks...her touch like lightning

returning to the clouds...

    Rolling...like sky whipped by creamy clouds about to release

their pent energy -- her face a dreamy smile...an invitation to

swim into her...drown in her rivers...lie gasping on her beaches...


The Trouble With Clothing © RJ Wing 1999

she realizes she is clothed
needs to slip into the covers of her bed
Her daughter's phone chatter echos softly through the wall
as she removes 
her shirt,
under garments
She takes a cool cloth 
runs it over her breasts
moving her hand slowly,
remembering his.
The moist cloth now 
nestles between her legs
and she remembers
the nights
he would gently wipe
the pearl drops of 
his seed
from her thighs
as she lay spent in
from  his passion

Now,  naked,
she lifts her bed cover
a light earthtone blanket-
settles between the sheets
after fixing the pillow  so she can read
and imagines as she turns her pages,
 his hand
seeking  her bareness
the shape of her nipples,
as he did so many nights
while turning his pages.....


How do I explain the crossing of time?
  A sense that there is none
  that this love has been eternal
  no beginning 
  no end
  just a sense that I have know your touch
  all my lives

  It is why
  though my hair is so very short
  in this life
  it flows 
  wraps itself around my own shoulders
  as you have lifted long skirts
  of another time
  I know not who I am 
  but a woman in your arms
  and I drift among the sea and stars
  loving you


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ on the beach ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
...letter found on cyber-beach...

copyright 4.3.2000 -- DSF (Skydax)

Slowly he rises... his mind awash in dreams... 
lingering on a beach -- 
he is  naked, stretching his arms overhead to allow the sunlight 
falling down full  access to his chest, his stomach... 
(where he knows he must protect himself, lest he experience very 
painful sunburn!)... 
a memory awakens  him more quickly... 
and a part 
of him begins to rise... 
much more quickly than his slowly awakening 

She lies nearby, equally naked (he always feels "more so" -- and why 
is that? 
how is that possible? isn't naked... naked?)... 
ahhh... ne' mind... she is truly a 
her skin like silk, and radiant in any light -- 
her limbs a living invitation to him... 
her breasts like rose petals floating on crest of sea foam... 
her delta a shaven path to the incredible beauty of her flower... 
her petals...
pink and oh, so sweet in memory...

He turns to her, and she to him... 
side by side on the sand... 
his rising column now acutely aware of that which it seeks... 
the flower of her... 
the entrance to her... 
their hands seek many places... 
their bottoms, rounded and shaped for touching... 
their tongues seek many places... 
one another's mouths, and the secret places of each... 
his lips find Florita's where they leave electric traces of moist 
hers find Jimmy, who seems to grow with each passing  second, as he 
cries out... 
uncontrollable passion floods the gates...

they merge... 
he enters... she cries out... 
and they both move, like waves...

folded together... 
they ride a storm of heated paths into the sky... 
as lovers they are constellations... 
their bodies afire with exquisite glow...

and later, in twilight stillness... 
they whisper and coil about each other...

... satisfied and still, but breathing in quiet little gasps...


                      ~~ and I love her ~~ 

     This page is dedicated to Isaeri...whose real name remains a
mystery, as far as the net is concerned. She knows who she is...and
she knows how she affects this body, this heart...this soul.

DSF -- 8/99

~~ Paths to Erotica...

Earth: ~~ another page of the Isaeri couple (the couple who brought you " 'Frayed" and other stories and graphics)
Galleria Erotica: ~~ a sample of other types of erotica (including erotic elves)
Earth II: ~~ ars nova, erotica