~~ Kneeling Before You ~~

                  © text by David Farrar -- 1/22/99

         -- see link below for graphics copyright (T. Ryan)

~~ Source of Graphics ~~

Tony Ryan -- Gallery Three: ...just one page of an excellent site -- graphic above from Gallery Four...
~~ the art and pleasure of posing...~~: -- how does it feel to pose? perhaps...left to the imagination, the connection between model and photographer is a mystic link...

~~ Earth and Sky Connected ~~

      This piece of writing (like so much of what I've written on 
other pages) is drawn from this heart by Isaeri...Renny Jay...Renee
Jaskulek (I hope she doesn't mind my using her name).

      I called it "Kneeling Before You..." because that is what I 
feel when I am with you on certain occasions. Yes...they may involve 
sexuality. They may involve our breathing together in some soft after-
noon breaze, my hand resting easy on your breast, your hand nestled
against "Jimmy." 

      Yet...so often this feeling of kneeling before you, my deepest
sense of respect and humility (not subservience!) comes during moments
when we are simply looking across a valley near Evergreen, or above 
Boulder...and the sense of connection between earth and sky are all
but overwhelming. 

      And I want to kneel before you, earth-mother, and offer you
the stars.



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