Fleetpaw's Literature

A day in the life of Fleetpaw(In 3rd person),>

Fleetpaw wakes up at the crack of 
dawn, after dressing and getting all =
>of his things together he heads 
down to the mess hall to get some =
>breakfast. During breakfast he and 
an' old ex-searat exchange stories =
>from their pirating days. After breakfast 
Fleetpaw walks over to the =
>Mission Board and checks for any missions 
that look interesting, after =
>applying for a mission he goes over to the 
parade grouds to practice =
>throwing his dagger, although he doesn't 
need any practice he tries to =
>stay his best. After practicing he goes 
over to the Roster to see the =
>new members. Then it's his turn to go scout 
the surrounding area to see =
>if anybeast is coming. After scouting 
around he finds a family of =
>dormice coming towards the camp, he hurries 
to Scumfoot and reports, For =
>finding them Fleetpaw gets to lead a small 
paw-picked group of SOS to =
>intercept the mice. They take a long chain 
with shackles attached to it. =
>They pounce on the mice and lock them 
up in the manacles. Fleetpaw takes =
>them back to the camp so Scumfoot can sell 
them or keep them, his =
>choice. By now it's Dark so Fleetpaw goes 
back to the Barracks and =
>promptly falls, asleep.

One day little Blacktooth 
the Weasel strayed from where
 his mother
> Sicant was cooking, badly. He 
was wandering through the Northland snow
> when he bumped smack into, an otter
 babe! The otter babe and
> Blacktooth were too young to 
realize that they were mortal enemies.
> "What's yer name?I'm Blacktooth" 
asked Blacktooth. "Me name's
> Riverweed." said the little otter. 
They played and played and made a
> snowbeast and finally it was getting
 dark and Riverweed said "Hey,
> it'sa getting dark, wanna come 
over to my place for dinner?"
> Blacktooth nodded furiously, 
he wasn't going home to Sicant's Skilly
> an' Duff. They walked an' walked, 
finally they came to holt Riverweed
> lived in, a cave. Riverweed went 
in and announced "Guess what, I made
> a friend taday, 'ere 'e comes" The 
grown otters were curious, was it a
> squirrel or another otter or a mouse 
or a mole? Then Blacktooth came
> in, smiling. Some of the older 
otters gagged that Riverweed had made a
> vermin friend! Riverweed took Blacktooth 
to the table for dinner. the
> Holt Chieften, Mudwake, talked to 
Riverweed's mother. "Don't ye worry,
> that vermin's too small ter realize 
that vermin and otters are
> enemies, they can be friends until 
the weasel goes bad, then we can
> slay him." Riverweed's mother agreed. 
After dinner, Blacktooth said it
> was the best he'd ever had, 
Riverweed taught Blacktooth Nut 
throw, a
> game played by many dibbuns. After a 
few games of that it was almost
> dark, Blacktooth said goodbye and 
Mudwake went to take him home. When
> Blacktooth got home he told Sicant 
all about it, Sicant was
extremely PO'd that he'd made friends 
with an OTTER but then she
figured that if he ate over there 
she didn't have to cook, so to put
it short Riverweed and Blacktooth 
were friends forever, even when
Blacktooth became a corsair he still 
visited Riverweed, This is a
weird story or what?