The Gem Of Dethmus The castle courtyards was overflowing with unusual energy from the celebration occurring below. As it drifted out onto the terrace, Ry'al thought how peculiar it sounded. After all, when the mercenary had first arrived to the kingdom, it had been shrouded in a near death-like silence. It had seemed like those Sularians who had not been leery of him and his motives when he had first arrived, had been stricken with grief over the devastation the great mind-plague had caused to their people. The soldier had never seen such wide-spread suffering, nearly every household having been touched by the sickness that would first destroy the mind before finally ravaging the body. Closing his eyes, Ry'al could still conjure up the image of a young Sularian mother cradling her stricken offspring to her bosom, begging one of the healers to help her ailing child. The mercenary could also remember defiant tears that spilled down the mother's bronze cheek as the healer turned away from her and said there was nothing further he could do. It had been the introduction to this group of proud, but weakened people that had finally convinced Ry'al to assist the Sularian king, Jorian Prim, who had summoned him. The ruler's request had seemed a simple one at first... ========= One month prior ========= Ry'al arm was held tightly by the young servant's hand while being guided through a long and winding corridor of the castle. "Hurry with you, King Prim awaits," the young man prompted, ushering him along even more quickly. "Do you know what he wishes of me?" Ry'al asked, hoping to get some information before actually meeting the ruler. "The king does not inform me of such matters," the servant said, dark brows furrowing in exasperation. "He only asked for me to fetch you now, so please come." Quickening his own pace, it was only minutes before Ry'al came face to face with who could only be the Imperial Guards. The two large Sularian males were standing at prompt attention, arms folded in front of their chests. The golden complexion, common to all Sularians, was set off even more-so by the well-fitting dark yellow uniforms clothing the guard's forms. The most unique and noticeable aspect of the uniform though was not the color, but the rather long sabers sheathed to their thigh, which was nearly hidden by the black sash around their waists. It had been the first and only weapons Ry'al had seen since entering the kingdom. The servant bowed his head slightly. "By orders of King Prim, I bring Ry'al Lamar to speak with him." "The visitor must first be searched," the taller of the two guards said. Ry'al could have told them they would find no weaponry on his person, but knew the protocol had to be carried out regardless, so he allowed the quick, but thorough search. "You may enter now," the smaller guard said. Ry'al merely glared at him in passing, knowing he had more important matters to attend to. As he entered, Ry'al took in the spacious room...his eyes lingering on the impossibly high ceiling and the beautiful tapestries that filled the walls, and finally came to the throne in the center of the room, which was empty. The king, instead of being seated, was standing next to one of the huge windows that allowed the bright sun to pour in and fill the room. The regal figure looked diminutive in contrast, but from all accounts he'd heard, Ry'al knew such thoughts to be deceptive. There was nothing meek or meager about the sovereign leader who had brought his people out of poverty and disappear to the great kingdom it had flourished to become. Or at least had flourished until recently. "Your Majesty, you have summoned me?" Ry'al asked when the king had yet to speak. The ruler turned his slender back around. As their eyes met, Ry'al was once more taken by the differences in the looks of their people. The Sularian people where much smaller in stature and more slender than the Tallogians, his people. And while their skin was the monochrome color of sand, only offset by the purple spots on horse-shoe shaped ears, his own Tallogian skin was a two-toned dark blue and white, the white taking the left side of his body while the blue colored the right. Another difference quite noticeable was that while Sularians had hair as dark as night, Tallogians had fair hair. Ry'al also knew the difference between their peoples went much deeper than merely physical appearance. "Yes, Ry'al Lamar, I did summon you," the king finally answered in a soft voice. "Come." Ry'al moved soundlessly against the floor into the sunlight filtering in from the window to stand next to the king. Dark eyes studied the floor before rising to meet the mercenary's dark blue. "You have seen firsthand the trouble my kingdom is in." Ry'al answered solemnly. "Yes, Sire, I have." "I summoned you here in order to ask for your services." Dark eyes bored into him. "Your help in saving my people while there is still hope that they can be saved." "What is there that can be done for them?" Ry'al asked, folding his arms across his chest. The king waited until the servant boy had left the room before continuing. "There has been rumors, whispered tales without much fact but still..." "Yes?" Ry'al urged. Jorian sighed before beginning. "I have heard the healers speak of a gem, a special gem called the Gem of Dethmus. This gem might be the only thing cure the poison spreading through my people." Ry'al frowned in skepticism. "And what would make this Gem of Dethmus so powerful?" King Jorian's fingers caressed the scepter he held. "It has been told that Dethmus was a powerful sorcerer who believed that in order to achieve immortality he had to transfer his powers to an inanimate object." "The gem," Ry'al guessed. Jorian nodded. "Correct. Now, my healers believe that once this gem is located they will be able to release the power of the stone and use it for healing purposes, banishing the disease that is methodically, ruthlessly, killing those under my governage." "And why hire me to locate the gem for you? For surely this is why you sought me." Ry'al glanced out the window and into the cloudless sky above. "Why not send one or more of your own men on this quest?" "Because I do not think any of my men would be capable of matching your skills," the king responded. Ry'al's eyes narrowed considerably. "By skills, you mean those formed by my warrior heritage?" "Yes," came the quite response. "Skills involving bloodshed and...what is it your people call it? Barbarianism...that your kind find so disgusting?" The king raised a hand to stop him. "Please, do not judge my race by a few. Yes, I will admit that we are people of a peaceful society and have no need to protect ourselves with weapons or learn skills of war, but do not feel we do not respect your people because they do possess and use this knowledge. We simply believe peace can be maintained through understanding and negotiating instead of...intimidation." "As my people believe that sometimes our hand is necessarily forced to show we are more that capable of protecting what is ours," Ry'al insisted. Jorian nodded in acquiesce. "Will you use these skills, if necessary, to aid our cause?" "I'll help anyone...for the right price," Ry'al replied, trying to keep the smirk off his face. He found it more than a little ironic that these people needed the help of someone they could barely tolerate. "I believe the price will be found more than satisfactory," the King retorted. "And we're talking...." "You'll get to name your own price once the job is completed and the gem is delivered to the healers," Jorian furnished. Naming his own price? Ry'al had not been expecting that. Most people who hire his services pay a certain fee. It was no problem though, as he knew exactly what he would ask for in payment. Though he had been excommunicated from his own kingdom, forced to leave his own kind, he had received word that the Tallogians had also been stricken by the same devastating disease as the Sularians...including his own younger brother, Ma'gi. Once the stone was brought to the Sularian healers, he would ask that the cure be sent to his own people immediately. "I'll need equipment, supplies," Ry'al stated instead of answering straight out. "You'll have all the provisions you need, I'll see to that." The king extended his hand in a promise to seal the terms of the agreement. Ry'al captured the proffered hand and shook it heartily. Early the next morning, after gathering his supplies, Ry'al had made his way to the king's livery to saddle a steed for the long journey. A torch guided the mercenary through the stalls, as day had not yet broken into the night sky. The smell of fresh hay and the sounds of soft neighing greeted him. Ry'al continued stealthily until he came upon a sable coated mare that began dancing and prancing when he passed by. "Easy, my girl," Ry'al spoke quietly as to not spook the fine looking horse. "Are you anxious to be my traveling partner today?" He smiled as the mare's nostrils flared with approval. "She seems to be ready, as am I," came a soft voice from behind the mercenary. Whirling around, hand upon sword and ready to unsheathe it if need be, Ry'al came face to face with a slender figure cloaked in a dark black cape with midnight blue trimming around the edges. The speaker's face was hid behind a heavy hood. "Identify yourself," Ry'al demanded. Slender fingers rose to push the hood back upon the stranger's shoulders, revealing a young man. A grim frown pursed full lips while Ry'al was measured by a pair of deep set hazel eyes that flickered in the torch's flame. With the hood down, it also revealed the stranger's long dark hair and a bejeweled gold chain that looped between the two points of his left ear. "I am known as Thalus," came the soft and unassuming voice. "As in Thalus Prim, the king's son?" Ry'al asked, slightly taken aback. For a brief moment, the young man allowed a smile to touch his lips and Ry'al could not help be amazed by the beauty of this man-child before him. "Yes, that is I." "Then what is it you seek?" Ry'al asked, letting his hand rest to his side instead of on his saber. "I seek to accompany you on your quest for the Gem of Dethmus," the prince stated. Ry'al's eyes widened for a moment and then he threw his head back, letting deep laughter roll from his throat. "And what, may I presume, do you find so humorous in my request?" the prince asked, his mouth puckered slightly in annoyance. When Ry'al could catch his breath again, he attempted an answer. "The King's son wishes to go with me to bring back the gem." "That is correct," the prince stated. Ry'al couldn't help but smile at the younger Sularian prince. "First, what makes you think your father would even agree to such a preposterous suggestion? Can you even begin to fathom the kinds of obstacles that might lie in waiting for me? There is simply no way King Jorion would dare allow his only heir on such a mission," Ry'al pointed out reasonably. "Besides, what makes you think I'd want you trailing along anyhow? Chances are you'd be more of a hindrance than an asset anyway," Ry'al said, eyes narrowing. "I am being paid to bring back the jewel, not to protect you." The young man strode forward until he was toe to toe and nose to nose with the mercenary. Thalus's eyes did not waiver as his soft voice spoke with stern authority. "First of all, Mercenary, my father's concerns are not my own. There isn't even need for him to know I've accompanied you. As for being a hindrance, rest assured my friend, I am more than capable of protecting myself...more so than anyone including my father is even aware of. In fact, I might if you allow me to come. Also don't be so quick to dismiss the benefits having a member of royalty could afford you while alone in a kingdom of people not your own." The conviction of the prince's words were nearly as surprising to Ry'al as the boldness in which they were spoken. It was enough to make Ry'al pause a moment and consider the wisdom in the man-child's words. "And," Thalus continued, "what kind of future ruler could I hope to be if I am not willing to do what I can to help save the lives of my countrymen?" The prince's voice dropped lower as he continued to speak. "How could I dare talk of respect, of honor, of sacrifice and courage from my subjects if I am not willing to lead by example?" The stables fell silent as each man stared into the other's eyes. A horse in a far stall whinnied and Ry'al looked down at his worn boots. "I'm leaving as soon as the sun breaks. Gather your own provisions and be ready to ride by then if you wish to come with me." The young prince reached out and laid a hand upon Ry'al's shoulder, the heat from the delicate fingers seemed to flow right down the mercenary's back. "Thank you," Thalus spoke barely above a whisper. "I shall be ready." ======== Present Day ======== What Ry'al hadn't expected though, was just acutely accurate the young prince's words would come to be. In fact, had it not been for Thalus, Ry'al would have surely not lived to see the gem returned to the healer. How was he to have known that Rahjeem, an evil sorcerer, not only had possessed the healing gem but had also induced the mind-plague in hopes of weakening both the Sularians and Tallogians and coming to rise in power and take over rule of both races? Nor was he to know that young Thalus, unbeknownst to his father, held power over magic himself...or that Thalus would be required to battle against Rahjeem in order to claim the jewel. And how would Ry'al have known that along the journey to seek the stone, he would find his attraction to Thalus almost too much to bare? Yet there it was. The very truth that had been staring him painfully in the face, demanding to be dealt with, since the last leg of their trip. Never since Chath'el had Ry'al been attracted to another male, never allowed himself close enough to become attracted. Now as quickly as it started, it would be over. Ry'al had delivered the gem and King Prim had stood by his word of payment, a messenger already having been sent to the Tallogian High Counsel. All that was left was for him to pack up and leave the following morning. Ry'al let his eyes shut, letting the night wind that had stirred to gently brush against his cheek and sighed. 'You're going soft, my friend. Keep it up and you'll lose your edge for good and then what use would you be?' The mercenary tried to ignore the tauntings of his own thoughts, but found it too difficult. After all, what 'would' he have if he lost his edge? Being a soldier was all he'd know for the last half of his life. What could he even think could happen between him and a future king? He wouldn't even consider keeping Thalus from the thrown either, he couldn't deprive the kingdom of someone who would come to be a very wise and compassionate ruler. While lost in thought, Ry'al hardly noticed the slim figure that had approached him soundlessly from behind. A slender hand fell onto his shoulder, the familiar spark of the touch searing Ry'al to the bone. The prince's body was clothed in a sheer white one piece outfit that billowed over his limbs, the small waist defined by a royal blue sash. "My friend, why are you not at the celebration? It is for you that they gather and rejoice your triumph of bringing the gem that has ended their suffering." Ry'al turned towards the searching hazel eyes. "They don't know the truth though, do they?" "What truth is that?" Thalus asked, letting his hand slide down away from the mercenary's shoulder. "That if it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't have even lived to bring the stone back," Ry'al said in a voice barely audible. "They must not know of my powers, you know this," Thalus reminded him. "But why does it have to be that way? Your power, your skill..." Ry'al started to object. "Would be seen as a threat by some," Thalus supplied. "They would fear what they do not understand." The young prince's eyes fell towards the crowd in the courtyard, watching his subjects. "I suppose you're right," Ry'al relented. "Even if you told of your training with Tridal." Thalus had told Ry'al after the battle with Rejeem about the time he had spent as a boy with Tridal, the court's soothsayer with a hidden talent as a wizard. Tridal had obviously taken a liking to the boy-prince and took him under his wing as an apprentice without the king's knowledge or consent. "All my people need to know is that Rajeem is no longer a threat to us any longer," the prince spoke with quiet decisiveness. "Because you, not I, took his life," Ry'al whispered. Two agile fingers pressed hard against Ry'al's lips. "Let us not speak of that," Thalus said, shadows flickering across his eyes. The fact that the prince was now only a hair's breadth away from him did not go unnoticed to the mercenary, his body instantly betraying him at the proximity. "But I wish to speak of it," Ry'al said huskily. "You risked your own life to save mine without pause or thought." Only the two of them knew the full truth of the battle with Rajeem. The wizard's magic had been too strong for Ry'al and had drained him of much strength and energy. While incompasitated, he watched as the young prince and wizard battled with magic in the forest clearing. Rajeem's powers had been strong, but not strong enough to overcome the power of the prince's pureness. Then when Rajeem had been weakened, Thalus had grabbed Ry'al's own sword and slew the wizard. "And I would do so again willingly," Thalus confessed. Ry'al shook his head in an attempt to clear it. Thalus was too close. Hazel eyes seemed to absorb him, the slight body seemed to overwhelmingly surround him, sweet breath blew warm against his cheek. "Why, when taking life goes against everything you were taught...everything you believe in?" "The price pales when compared to what I'd have lost had I not." Ry'al blinked. The moonlight seeming more intense as it wove ribbons of light and shadows through Thalus's unbound hair which laid in gentle waves down the center of the prince's back. "You would not have lost the jewel. Rajeem was no match for your skills and prowess with sorcery...or with the sword." As he spoke, the mercenary's eyes fell upon Thalus's full lips. They glistened as the prince moistened them with the tip of his tongue. "It was not the jewel that was my primary concern." The prince lifted his hand and gently cupped the mercenary's cheek. Ry'al found himself frozen "Have you still not realized yet that it was 'you' I fought for, not the jewel?" The corners of the prince's mouth curled up in a small smile. "At the moment I realized Rajeem meant to kill you, suddenly the thought of saving many meant nothing compared to saving just one...a very special one." Somehow Ry'al forced down the lump that had formed in his throat enough to find his voice. "What are you saying?" "I'm saying," Thalus whispered, "that I have come to care a great deal for you, Mercenary." Ry'al slid his hand up the prince's arm and wrist until he covered the young Sularian's hand with his own, pressing his cheek against the warmth. "Since when?" Thalus stroked his thumb against firm cheekbones. "Since we mind-merged...or before." Ry'al sucked in a breath as he recalled the experience that had happened. A small band of thieves had tried to attack them early on the journey. Ry'al had received a deep and painful stab wound through the shoulder. The pain had been excruciating and the prince said he could help. Starting with some breathing techniques, Thalus had lead Ry'al into a meditative trance. The prince had then said he could help further but only if the mercenary allowed him to do so. Ry'al had been leery but had agreed and before he knew what was happening, Thalus was sharing his thoughts. The feeling of having the prince enter his mind was nothing Ry'al had ever felt before. Incredible energy filled him but along with that came a powerful sense of peace and That had been a strange feeling to overcome, but before Ry'al could have any hesitation or doubts he had already let Thalus have complete access to his thoughts and memories, hiding nothing from the prince because somehow he knew he had no reason to. After the intense experience, Ry'al knew then he had started caring for the Sularian prince as well. Staring into the depths of hazel eyes, Ry'al found himself at a loss for words. There were so many things he thought to say, yet the stuck in his throat. Instead, his hand captured the back of the prince's dark head and pulled him forward until their lips touched. The kiss was hesitant and light but jolting at the same time. Ry'al gently tasted the soft pliable lips that yielded to him. The prince's willing mouth was sweeter than anything Ry'al had ever tasted before and he found himself hungry for more when they finally parted for air. Ry'al's fingers massaged the nape of the prince's neck as their eyes were locked on one another. They were still close enough to take in the other's breath. "Stay here, tonight, with me," Thalus offered in a whisper against Ry'al's mouth. The mercenary closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind. He knew what Thalus was offering and his chest ached with need and desire to take it. The ache was only matched in intensity by the anguish in the realization that if Ry'al took the gift offered him tonight, that it would 'only' be for tonight. Could he face the morning sun and walk away after sharing something like what the prince was asking for? The thought made his chest hurt worse than if he'd been pierced with a sword once again. A half-formed curse to the fates rose on his lips. How dare they tease him by offering such tender pleasure only to know he'd be forced to leave it come morning. Thalus closed the distance between them once more to press his lips with more insistence than the first kiss. The prince allowed his lips to part and his tongue to explore the mercenary's, his fingers digging into the soldier's shoulders. He pressed into Ry'al's body, molding himself against the other man. Ry'al growled deep in his throat, forcing the young prince back until he was flush against the stone wall of the castle. The mercenary relentlessly drove his tongue side the prince's mouth, claiming the sweetness for his own. Their tongues dueled and twined against one another in heated battle as their lips grated harshly against the other's. Ry'al turned the tender assault into a thorough exploration of the young Sularian's mouth, tracing over the ridged roof, playing with the soft inner skin of his cheek, and running over pearl white teeth. Ry'al pressed full length against the prince, letting no room for even a breeze to pass between their bodies as the mercenary's hands slid down the prince's form to pull their hips together. The prince moaned softly as the kiss ended and Ry'al could feel the heat from Thalus's fingers as they ran over the length of his back. "Damn you,Boy," Ry'al cursed in a ragged breath. "This wasn't supposed to happen." The mercenary captured the prince's chin with his fingers and forced the Sularian's head back gently where he tenderly kissed the firm jawline before letting his tongue trail down the exposed neck until he reached the prince's shoulder. "This shouldn't happen..." the soldier whispered in a hoarse voice into the hollow of the prince's neck. "And why shouldn't it?" Thalus insisted. "When we both long for it." "Because tomorrow..." Ry'al began. "Is yet many hours away," Thalus reminded him. "We could either spend this night alone and wishing for what could be or we could take these hours we have for pleasure and sharing something we can hold with us." The mercenary could find no suitable argument for the younger man. There was no denying his body's desire and while the thought of leaving the prince in by dawn's light caused an undefined ache somewhere deep inside the soldier's chest, the ache became tenfold at the thought of letting this night slip through his fingers. He knew instinctively that the regret he'd face would be worse than sharing himself for the few hours he could with the young Sularian. Ry'al leaned in to taste once more of the full lips already swollen and bruised. The kiss was lingering and possessive, Ry'al groaning in defeat as he surrendered himself to the kiss and the unspoken vow he knew he was making. When the kiss broke, Thalus held out his hand and Ry'al took it willingly. The younger noble led the warrior off of the terrace and into the sleeping chamber. The room was was illuminated with a mixture of candle and moonlight, leaving few shadows in the spacious room. Thalus's eyes didn't leave Ry'al as he led the older Tallogian to a large bed with silken sheets and a flowing canopy that took up the center of the room. The room seemed to dim and blur around Ry'al, light and dark coalescing into one, as the only thing he could focus on with perfect clarity was the dark eyes of the prince. His hand reached out and grabbed the midnight blue sash around Thalus's waist and pulled the younger man against him. Dark eyes seemed to smolder as Ry'al tenderly traced the young prince's lips with the pad of his thumb before claiming them in a branding kiss. The Sularian's arms twined around Ry'al's neck as the mercenary slid his hands up and down the narrow, muscled back. Ry'al slowly started to unhook the clasps of the prince's white outfit one by one, his fingertips brushing over each new area of exposed skin, until he reached the younger man's waist. Untying the sash, Ry'al let the gauzy outfit fall in a sheer pool around the prince's ankles. Ry'al's breath caught in his lungs as his eyes slowly swept down the Thalus's nude form. There was no denying the younger man's beauty - a perfect union of sinewy curves and muscles moved with such grace. It was enough to almost mesmerize him, much like it did the first time he caught a glimps of the man-child...that warm day weeks ago when Thalus had been bathing at the waterfall. The prince had been unaware of Ry'al's watchful gaze as the afternoon sun glistened off the golden body. Then, as now, Ry'al could not seem to pull his eyes away. Though this time, the mercenary was not only transfixed by the outter beauty of the younger man, but knew the inner beauty. The Sularian was such a unique mixture of innocence and sagacity, of strength and vulnerability. For a moment, Ry'al wondered what he'd done up to this point in his life to be worthy of the prince's attention, but he was nevertheless grateful for whatever the reason might be that Thalus had chosen him. The mercenary tucked a stray strand of ebony hair behind the prince's indented ear, rubbing the back of his knuckle's against the young man's cheek before allowing both hands to caress the prince's arms. The Sularian prince tilted his face upwards in a silent demand for more kisses, which the soldier more than eagerly supplied. Ry'al's hands gravitated up and down the warm, bare flesh that seemed to vibrate with energy and need. Hunger and desire, affection and want melted together to illuminate deep hazel eyes, the mercenary knowing that the dark gaze was a mirror relection of his own. Their lips fuzed together as Ry'al's hands trailed down Thalus's spine to the small of his back, fingers wrapped around the thin waist as the mercenary could feel the heat of the prince's body even through the barrier of his own clothing. "Beautiful boy, damnable beautiful boy," Ry'al murmered against Thalus's lips as his hands caressed the younger man's slender hips. The prince smiled as his fingers tugged at the fawn colored jerkin Ry'al wore until it was pulled over the older man's head. Ry'al closed his eyes as Thalus began unbuttoning the cotton shirt he wore. The cool night air hit his skin breifly until it was warmed by agile, exploring fingers. Nimble fingertips traced over hard muscles, gently teasing rosey nipples to hard peaks as Ry'al bit his tongue to keep from crying outloud. The prince caressed him with such sureness, as though he knew exactly which caressess would push him over the edge with the most efficiency. With the first kiss, Ry'al had felt certain he would be the teacher tonight, but now he was beginning to wonder just who would serve as the teacher and whom would be the student. If the prince's mere kisses and easy expertise at caressing was any indication, he just might learn a thing or two himself. "Have you..." Ry'al paused as Thalus reached for his belt. "Have you ever been with another..." The warrior couldn't seem to get the words out. A part of him dreaded asking the question, or rather the truth it might bring. "Have I made love to another male before?" the prince supplied with a demure smile. A slight pinkish blush was barely detectible under the younger man's golden complexion. "No, I have not shared myself like this." For some reason that knowledge gave Ry'al more satisfaction than he cared to examine at the moment. A surge of protectiveness and possessiveness swept through him as he smiled down at the younger man. The warrior gently kissed the Sularian before tipping the dark head back while turning serious as he studied hazel eyes. "If I do anything that hurts you or you just don't like, I want you to make me a promise," Ry'al demanded. "I want you to tell me so I can stop, all right?" An amused look flittered over the prince's eyes. "I know you would not do anything to hurt me." "Promise me, or I'll stop this here and now," Ry'al swore. The younger man rubbed up against the warrior, his intent and need clear as it pressed firmly against Ry'al's. "I promise," the prince whispered, his hands sliding down to the leather belt that held the mercenary's trousers around his his hips. The Sularian then tugged at the drawstring binding the material until it loosened and fell to a heap on the floor. Ry'al stepped out of them as the prince's hands explored the contours and dips of the newly exposed flesh. The mercenary felt fingertips dancing over the sensitive skin of his hips, around behind to caress his curved buttocks and back of his thighs. It took more control than he knew he had for the soldier to step back far enough and nod towards the bed that awaited them. With efficient grace, Thalus climbed into the plush, silken bed. Ry'al watched the lissome form as it seemed to spread out before him. Each line and curve seemed to beckon his touch, calling out to be cherrished and adored like a treasured jewel. Ry'al planned on paying homage to each inch with the reverance it was due. Climbing on to lay down beside the younger man, Ry'al began to dilligently map out each and every dip and hollow, fingertips learning every detail. The back of his hand brushed back and forth on the younger man, tracing a path from his chest, down his ribs, and over a slender hip. The warrior felt a thrill run through him when Thalus shivered and moaned everso softly. Encouraged, Ry'al began relearning the areas his hands had explored with his mouth. Airy kisses were scattered over the prince's smooth, hairless chest. The mercenary took time to thoroughly torment each dusky nipple until it was so erect he knew it had to be painful, then he gently lapped at the buds with the tip of his tongue. The young prince writhed against him, long fingers curling tightly in his hair and scrapping along his back and urging him along. Ry'al moved from the tender nubs down the Thalus's ribs, taking delight as the prince squirmed and chuckled. He then took his time and eased his way down the prince's flat stomach, Ry'al swirling his tongue into the prince's navel and drawing closer and closer to the younger man's firmness. Strong hands on his shoulders kept encouraging Ry'al further down. While the mercenary enjoyed the fact the prince was enthusiastic and responsive, he felt the younger man was moving too fast if they wanted to make the most of the night. Capture Thalus's hands, Ry'al linked their fingers and stretched until their arms were above the young man's head and held them there. Then moving up until each inch of their bodies connected, Ry'al devoured the young prince's mouth while he slid their bodies together. Both men found themselves moaning as the friction between them started growing hotter and more intense. Flesh slid against flesh, Ry'al feeling the younger man's hard arousal pressed against his own sending shivers through both of them. Thalus quivered under him, the growing need so evident on the younger man's face, held within his eyes. They besceeched him, but still Ry'al continued to thrust against the slender body as he drove himself and the prince closer towards the edge. Ry'al gave up the prince's lips to nip and suckle the tender skin of his throat. The younger man tried to pry his hands out of captivity, but the mercenary held them steady. "You want this, don't you, Little One?" Ry'al demanded between gentle bites. Thalus moaned. "Yes, I want this." Ry'al growled into the prince's throat. "I know you do, I can feel it. You feels so good, so right. So beautiful..." His words trailed off, Ry'al knowing that the verbal did no justice to the course of emotions running through him. The words seemed so inadequate and imperfect for something so precious. "Ry'al, please, I need...need more," Thalus whispered hotly against his cheek. "Do you want my mouth on you, Ki'yori?" Ry'al asked in a raspy voice. "By the Sacred Creator, yes!" Thalus pleaded. The mercenary couldn't help but feel excited by the fact he had the younger man in such a state of fevor, the prince had not even recognised the endearment he'd just been called. Sliding down along the lean body once more, Ry'al made his way back to slim thighs and the full, dusky member standing proudly from their center. The engouged head was nearly the same purple hue as the spots on Thalus's ears, and the narrow slit leaking copiously, glistening with need. Ry'al's were held on the liquid offering as he edged closer and licked his lips in anticipation. The mercenary's tongue flittered out to dab across the head of the prince's length. Thalus moaned and writhed against the coverlets, digging his fingers into the soft material as Ry'al continued feasting from him. Ry'al swirled his tongue around the crown, the sounds of Thalus's helpless moans driving him on. Ry'al intimately and attentively ran his tongue across the thickly veined length that was flushed from heat and desire, lifting and seeking the heat of the mercenary's mouth, twitching against his lips. "Please, Ry'al, please..." Ry'al found himself loving the breathless voice the price got when he became needy, the sound was intoxicating and something he wasn't able to resist. Opening his mouth wider, he drew the rigid length past his lips until he felt it near the back of his throat. The older soldier started sucking gently, letting his teeth graze against satin-smooth skin and felt his blood heating up when he heard soft moans rumbling from his lover's chest. As he continued to suckle, using his tongue and cheeks to bring the most pleasure, a free hand slipped down to cup tightly drawn testicles. Able fingers teased and rolled the firm sac, occationally slipping down to taunt the crevice seperating the two firm half-spheres of the younger man's rear. Fingers dug into his hair, scrapping against his scalp as Ry'al held the slender hips steady with a firm hand. Relaxing his throat, he took the prince in even farther. The mercenary sped up the rythm as he pulled small murmurings and inarticulate cries from the prince's throat. The dark head was arched back but not so much so that the older man couldn't see the pleasure and desire illuminating in hazel eyes. Eyes that were so trusting, so giving. Never had he held another lover who seemed more vulernable and open to him. Ry'al released the steeled erection and pressed his lips against a sandy thigh. "My Ki'yori, my precious Ki'yori," he murmered into the soft skin. "Don't stop, Ry'al," Thalus implored. Gentle hands cupped the mercenary's face as he was slowly drawn up to have his lips covered in a deep, lingering kiss. "I want to share everything with you tonight," the prince confided softly against his ear. "Everything?" Ry'al asked doubtfully. "But you've never..." "I want to, with you," Thalus stated. Ry'al knew the prince wanted his words to come out sounding certain and sure, but fear of the unfamiliar couldn't be hid and the younger man's voice trembled slightly. The soldier opened his mouth to protest when a finger was placed over it to silence him. "I remember the promise I made when we started," Thalus assured him. "Now know this, I have not wanted anything more that I can ever recall. I want you, all of you, tonight." Hazel eyes flecked with gold and amber searched his. "Don't deny me this." Ry'al took a deep and stabilizing breath. The fingers of his free hand threaded through the prince's ebony hair. "As though I could deny you anything, Little One." They kissed softly, reverantly. Outside sounds of music and celebratory fireworks were brought up by the night wind. Ry'al spent several moments simply stealing kisses from the prince's wanton mouth and relishing the feel of the slender body under his, contemplating what the younger man wanted. How, after tonight, was he ever going to be able to wake up and leave this passionate, mesmerizing man-child's arms? He had been trained to defend, to fight, but there was no way to fight this or defend his heart. He knew the prince would own it by morning, as he already owned it. "Do you have any salve or oil?" Ry'al asked huskily. Thalus tilted his dark head towards the stand near his bed. "Over there," he said shyly. "I still have the salve I had used on you after the attack by the thieves." Ry'al had to smile as he thought about how tenderly Thalus had cared for him and his injuries. Because of his occupation, he had never had someone to care for him in such a manner, had not allowed anyone close enough to care for him. It had been nice to be able to let himself go and put himself into the care of someone else's hands for a change. Reaching across, Ry'al opened the wooden drawer and searched the contents until he found the small glass jar he needed. Sitting back on his knees, the soldier opening it up and scooped out some of the balm and reached out to the prince. Gently Ry'al slid his finger between the crease of his young lover's rear and pushed against the small muscular opening. Thalus moaned as Ry'al bent his head down to suckle his nipples. His finger pressed harder until he barely entered the younger man. "We'll take this easy, Ki'yori, remember to tell me to stop if it gets to be too much," Ry'al murmered a reminder as he gently took the nipple between his teeth and tugged. "Don't stop, I want this so much," Thalus encouraged in assurance. "So do I, Ki'yori, so do I," Ry'al affirmed, nuzzling the soft skin of the prince's stomach as he breached the muscled enterence even further until his entire finger was inside his lover. The younger man moaned, hands sliding down his own body to stroke his chest and tease his own nipples as Ry'al started pumping his finger inside the impossibly tight channel. He watched the prince bite and suck his bottom lip in an effort to quiet himself. "How does it feel, Little One?" Ry'al whispered, twisting slightly as he pumped. "It doesn't hurt," the prince said with certainty. "It feels...different...but doesn't it doensn't hurt." Ry'al chuckled as he leaned forward to kiss and suckled swollen lips. "Just wait, I promise it'll get even better." With that, he pushed his finger in even further until he found that one center spot, the pleasure point he knew was there. Stroking it, Ry'al felt the prince shudder and his eyes roll back as a deep moan escaped him. "Oh sweet Saints!" Thalus cried out, his body arching up and off the bed. Ry'al took this moment to add a second finger. With tender care, he set upon the task of working the tight channel. Easing them in and out, the mercenary scissored his fingers, spreading the prince open slowly. With control that came from years of military training, Ry'al patiently and dilligently waited until he felt the tenseness in his lover's body ease and the muscle slacken. He watched as the younger man's body eagerly accepted his carresses and clentched around him in demand for more. The mercenary kept up the steady rythm, slowly speeding up when the prince's body cued him it was all right to do so. His younger lover relaxed more and more, spreading his legs and pulling his knees back to his chest. Ry'al wrapped his fingers around Thalus's manhood, stroking the ruddy length in time to the tempo of his other hand. Ry'al became absorbed in watching his juberant lover. Thalus's dark hair flung around his head exposing the purple spots on his ears which were turning a deep plumb, hazel eyes dancing with desire, the golden body glistening from a fine sheen of perspiration. In the name of the Sacred Creator, Ry'al had never seen anything more beautiful in his life. Ry'al heard growling, but he wasn't sure from whom it was coming from, him or his prince. "Want you in me, now," Thalus said in a voice that all but commanded it. Ry'al stopped the motions of his hands, which caused a plaintive groan from the prince. He ran his hands up and down the younger man's body in wide sweeping movements in an attempt to soothe the tumultuous storm of emotions sweeping between both of them. He wanted this night to linger as much as it could. "Easy, my eager one," Ry'al said in a quiet,calming voice that didn't match his pounding heart. Thalus took in a shaky breath and nodded his head. Ry'al watched as the prince's eyes followed his own hands as he reached for more of the salve. In slow, sure strokes, Ry'al covered his own aching, rigid shaft until it was completely covered in the salve. The mercenary then moved closer between the prince's parted legs, lifting the younger lover's thighs until they were over his. Gently he pressed forward until he was at the threshold of the prince's body. Watching his lover's eyes intensely for permission, Ry'al waited until the saw the certainty, the prince wrapping his arms around him and pulling him forward. With the shallowest breathes to fill his lungs, Ry'al tentatively pushed forward until his body was joined with Thalus. The prince cried out at the union and Ry'al immediately stopped. He had barely entered the younger man, but the prince was so impossibly tight. He forced himself to hold still until his young lover grew accustomed to his presence. The mercenary's arms trembled as he held his weight on them, his breathing coming in short pants while he covered the young Sularian's throat in comforting kisses. "Don't hold back," the prince said in a strained voice. "D...Don't want to hurt you," Ry'al managed, the tight constriction and the incredible heat was cutting his cognative ability more sharply than a dagger through dwarf wolf hide. He shut his eyes and forced himself to slow his breathing. Before he knew what was going to happen, Ry'al felt his hips being grabbed and himself pulled down and into the prince full hilt. Suddenly he was completely sheathed by the torrid, strained muscled tunnel.Gasping in surprise, he tried to pull hismelf free but the thin and musclular arms of the young prince held tight, wrapping long legs around his hips until he stopped fighting and slowly sank as deeply into his young lover as possible. "Saints, Thalus!" Ry'al cried out, his teeth gnashing as he burried his face into the other male's shoulder. "I wanted to take it slow, didn't want to hurt you." The prince grapsed his face firmly between two hands and forced the warrior to look into his flushed face. "And I didn't want to prolong our joining." Ry'al moved his hips tentively. "Are you all right?" Thalus graced him with a sweet, warm smile. "Better than all right. I can't even begin to explain the feelings." Slowly Ry'al pulled himself back slightly, then rocked back into the prince, Thalus rocking his hips to meet him. The pace began slow and steady, Ry'al burying himself within the welcoming depths as the prince greeted each movement with joyous abandon. Ry'al, still attentive and cautious, started to speed up slightly as Thalus followed his movements measure for measure. The mercenary drove into his lover faster and faster as their moans growed louder, tumultuous. Ry'al found himself drowning in the heated passion fusing them as one, their bodies sliding against each other with purpose. Each touch of Thalus's hands brushing his skin felt scalding, as though branding him with their desire. It nearly matched the rising ball of sweet fire building deep inside his gut and spreading outwards like tendrils until his whole body felt tingling and alive with a bone deep longing that couldn't be quenched. Never with another lover had Ry'al ever wanted to totally sumerge himself so deeply, lose himself forever in the embrace that promised comfort and love. Yet he couldn't seem to get enough of the young prince. Even joined as one, it didn't seem to be enough, to do justice to stark desire that filled him to the core. With the desire though, he also recognised an almost paralysing fear...the fear that came with the knowledge that this young man already had such a hold over him, controled him so completely. What spell had this young sorcerer-prince used to bewitch him? Ry'al did not know, he only feared that there was no cure...or worse yet, that there was one. "Ry'al," Thalus bemoaned. "Please...please..." "What, my Ki'yori? What do you need? Tell me and I'll give it to you," Ry'al growled urgently against the prince's lips. "Need more...more of you...all of you," Thalus responded fervently. Ry'al's eyes searched the prince's, understanding coming to light of what the younger man didn't lay voice to. Knowing the decision was Ry'al's, the warrior took one of the prince's hands and placed it at his temple, the other one holding Thalus's hand against his chest, against his heart. It would be the link that would open the mind-merging and would complete the joining their bodies had already begun. Closing his eyes, the breaths filling his lungs almost non-existant, Ry'al let the blue-white energy pouring from the young Sularian seek him out. The Talogian opened his mind, lowered his defenses, and let the warm energy flow like molten lava that soothed his nerves as it creeped and twined through his body until it finally reached his mind and his heart. The first time Ry'al had let the young man have such an intimate connection with him, he had been injured and in incredible pain. The prince's presence inside him, touching him in a way no other could, filled him with a warm and gentle comfort, making him feel safely secured and cared for and as though the outside world could not touch him, could not touch them. It had allowed his body time to properly rest and heal. Now as they touched, it was so much different. The white enegry flashed in a briliant explosion, pulsed hot and furious with a raging need. Suddenly he could see himself through the prince's eyes, strong and capable, filling him with such rippling pleasure that he quivered and ached from the need of fulfillment. He had never seen himself as beautiful, confident, passionate, yet so gentle. Yet that was how he appeared through the prince's eyes. So many conflicting thoughts and images poured into him, the prince sheilding nothing. Ry'al could feel everything from the passion of the moment to other more intangible feelings. He abruptly could sense the prince's desire to make his father proud, to serve those in his kindom with wisdom, along with his fears that he could never achieve what his father already had. He knew of the prince's longing to have known his mother more, the guilt and grief he felt for her death in childbirth with him. Absolutly nothing was withheld from the mercenary. Above all else, he could feel the overwhelming and frighteningly intense love the prince felt...for him. It was amazing, but the prince was as frightened of his own feelings as Ry'al was where the young Sularian was concerned. Ry'al focused on the love, grabbing at it as he would a lifeline, and opened himself up to the prince. He let his own thoughts and emotions flow like a stream back towards the prince, including the love he felt for the prince, embracing it and reflecting it back twofold, trying to drown out any fear the prince had, trying soothe past hurts until the prince could no longer remember them. He wanted his young lover to only know love, peace, and happiness, to erase any ugliness that might mar such a bright spirit. Their bodies continued to unite on physical, Ry'al driving his young lover closer and closer to the fringes of control with each thrusting movement. The combined weight of their bodies pushed Thalus deep into the matress, the prince's arms and legs gripping like a vice around the older Talogian's hips and shoulders. As they continued the mind-link, Ry'al could feel his younger lover's tension, knew that he was racing headlong towards the abyss and would tumble in moments. The mercenary changed the angle of his strokes and his speed in order to distract his lover as well as himself from the edge they were standing on, teasing Thalus back from it. Ry'al wrapped his arms around the prince and sat up until the younger man was spread across his thighs. Hands sliding down to take a hold of Thalus's rear, Ry'al moved him up and down on his rigid length, urging him on. Thalus took his weight on his knees and slowly began riding Ry'al, the mind-link allowing Ry'al to feel each thrust of their union. Impossibly dark eyes held Ry'al's captive. "Ki'yori,Ki'yori," Ry'al bemoaned against the prince's throat. Thalus's answering moan was swallowed up in a consuming kiss. Their bodies continued to join, Ry'al riding the waves of desire he felt flowing from the prince. The heat and and friction became almost unbearable as beads of sweat rolled down their bodies, glistening over each plane of hard muscle as they worked in concert to drive the other one even closer to the brink. "Ry'al, I-I don't think..." "Don't fight it, Little One, don't fight it," Ry'al urged, his face rubbing against the prince's cheek, their mouths so close that each was taking the other's breath. Lips trailed a line of fire in it's wake as the prince kissed the mercenary's neck hungrily. Ry'al could feel the surging need, the driving force that was demanding completion. He recognised that same force pouring from the prince. The prince cried out, fingers digging so hard into the mercenary that Ry'al knew he had to be drawing blood. The feeling of pain and pleasure mingled until one was unidentifiable from the other. One hand plunged through the prince's hair, holding the the dark head imobile while Ry'al's free hand seized the prince's rear, pulling him so tight against his chest that the prince's sex was trapped between their stomachs. The sensations were all too much to fight against as Ry'al felt the begining of the prince's defeat over the battle. His mouth clamped onto Thalus's and didn't let go as he felt the deep spasming ache breaking free from the younger man. The prince's muscles began to twitch and shudder, Ry'al hearing the Sularian calling out to him from deep within his mind. The mercenary clung to the mental link with as much force as he did the prince's physical body, reassuring his young lover on both levels that he was safe to let himself go over the brink. Thalus ripped his mouth free from the mercenary, arching his back as he cried aloud, Ry'al's name on his lips. The soldier felt the sweet surrender ripping like a tidalwave through the prince's body, the younger man allowing every sensation to touch Ry'al's mind and senses. The blinding wave of pure bliss swept through Ry'al, and felt every bit as intense as if it were his own. He felt as though he were flying and falling at the same time, spiraling heedlessly over the chasm himself. From somewhere on this side of reality, Ry'al could feel the scalding seed of his lover coating their stomachs as his own liquid essence was released and accepted into his lover's body, his sex quivering as it emptied. As the cloak of satifaction lifted, Ry'al came back to hear himself murmering soft nonsense words in Thalus's ear as he held the young man in an iron grip against his chest. His hand brushed sweat soaked hair back and away from the prince's face as heaving breaths filled the younger man's chest. With tender care, he disentangled their arms and legs. Gather the prince to him, his growingly flacid sex still within his young lover, he laid both of the down on the bed. Looking down into a dazed, sated face, Ry'al peppered that face with soft kisses before reaching down and covering them with the silken coverlet. Outside the evening wind blew in around them, the final reminente of the night's celebration dwindled in the distance. Muscles spent, Ry'al could not do much more than hold the slender body of the man who had come to mean so much to him against his own, burrying his nose in the soft dark hair fanned across the pillow. Slowly he felt himself being expelled from the young Sularian's body, and as the prince drifted off to sleep he felt the last strands of the link that had held them so closely together pull away and retreated back to his young lover, severing the connection. The mercenary gulped and swallowed a sob building deep in his throat at the immense loss of that mental link. Settling around him like a heavy, cumbersome, cloak, lonliness found him and swallowed him into a dark void that had never seemed so deep as it did on this night. If he had been on his feet, the enormous solitude would have drove him to his knees. How would he ever be able to face the morning? He turned his face and burried it the soft pillow next to the prince's head. The hours passed restlessly for Ry'al, not even the sound of the Sularian's heart beating could lull him to sleep even though he felt so weary. He found himself tormented by images, images of happiness that could be had with the younger man in his arms, of the years of loving they could have, images of the lovemaking they had shared during the night being theirs to have every night. The images tormented and taunted him because the warrior knew them for what they were...wistful fantasies unable to become a reality. No matter how he played out various scenarios, he just couldn't fathom a way they could possibly be together. Eventually the moon gave up her reign, unthrowned by the ungiving morning sun. Knowing he had no other option, Ry'al knew he had to leave and knew he had to do so before the prince awoke. There was no way he was going to be able to bare the look of hurt and betrayal storming in those dark eyes when the prince was reminded that last night could be all they could ever share. Untangling the sleep-warm body pressed into his, Ry'al gingerly rose from bed and quietly washed off the last of the evidence of their night together. Dressed himself in the clothes he had worn the night previous. Holding them to his nose, he could smell the prince's scent in them from when he'd held the younger man. Ry'al quietly went to his own chambers and packed his satchel before being drawn back to the prince's. The Talogian gave a last lingering look at the large bed where the prince still rested. The younger man was sound asleep and snuggled deep within the blankets and pillows. He was softly snoring and looking so relaxed and peaceful. A long fingers reached out to the spot where Ry'al had been sleeping. Full lips turned down into a small pout when he didn't find anything next to him besides a pillow he pulled against him. Closing the distance between himself and the bed, Ry'al moved until he was standing beside the slumbering younger man. Bringing up a finger, he everso gently traced the full lips and brushed against the younger man's soft cheek before laying a gentle, tender, and lingering kiss against the Sularian's lips. "No matter how many moons come and go, I promise I won't forget last night, no matter what happens," Ry'al vowed in whispered voice, his tongue sticking to the roof of his mouth as he swallowed the opressive lump forming at the base of his throat. Hefting the bag over his shoulder, the mercenary turned away and refused to give a look back as he strode purposefully out of the room and down the corridor leading out of the castle. Then wandering into the stables, the soldier found Zandra, the same sable coated mare who had been his other companion on his journey for the Dethmus gem. "Hello, my sweet girl," he greeted her, holding out an apple. The horse snorted, investigated the apple with her muzzle, then finally ate the offering. Saddling her up, Ry'al climbed onto the mare's back, only to find her reluctant to leave her sanctuary. "Come on, Girl, we've got plenty of miles to put under us while the sun is still shining," he insisted, digging his leather boots into her sides slightly to urge her on. Finally after a discontented whinny and a shake of her mane, she began moving for him. *** *** Thalus felt a deep, cold ache slowly creep into his conciousness. Frowning slightly, he reached out for the warmth of his lover next to him, longing to wrap up in the mercenary's embrace. When his hand landed on the empty imprint still in the mattress, the prince's frown deepened. Opening up sleep-bleary eyes, the Sularian looked around for his wayward lover. "Ry'al?" he called out. As he sat up and slipped on a short red robe of satin, Thalus tried not to let the cold chill that had awoken him settle around his heart. The stones making up the floor seemed frigid against the prince's bare feet as he made his way down the corridor to what had been the warrior's chambers. Briefly Thalus thought about how his tossled, well-loved appearence would look to any of care takers of the castle not to mention his father, but it didn't concern him more at the moment than trying to find Ry'al. Opening the chamber doors, it took only a moment of looking around to realize what he had feared had come to light. The last threads of hope seemed to snap as his heart fell. There was no sign of any of the warrior's clothing, weapons, or satchel. In fact the room seemed to be devoid of any evidence that the soldier had ever been there to begin with. Unable to bare looking at the emptiness, Thalus turned away and returned to his own chambers. "What had you thought would happen?" the prince chided himself aloud as he began to dress. He had known last night that the Talogian would only be willing to share a night with him. Had he thought he would be able to change the older man's mind just because he had professed his feelings? The monarch had known better than that, or so he had told himself. Yet the stark reality of finding his bed empty made him realize that he had indeed held some hope that somehow Ry'al would have changed his mind and found someway for them to remain together. The aching in his chest deepened unyeildingly. "There must be a solution," Thalus muttered to himself, pulling on his leather boots. But where could he turn? His father? No, not yet. He felt the timing wasn't right at the moment for that. But then who...? With sudden clairty, the young prince knew where he could seek the answers. With care to remain unseen, Thalus made his way to the lowest level of the castle where the catacombs were located. A torch led his way through the murky darkness of the twisting and winding passageways that branched off in all directions. Cobwebs caught in his hair and he shook his head to get it out. He remembered as a child how the catacombs had frightened him. The darkness, the narrow walkways, the fact he had been surrounded by his deceased had completely unnerved him. He would never have come down here if Tridal had not insisted upon it.Now, years later it had become a sanctuary to the prince. A place of peace and solitude he had come to find as soothing. Sliding the torch into the brace attached to the wall, Thalus stood back as wall in front of him gave way, revealing a wooden door from behind it. Opening it up, the prince stepped into a room that only one other besides himself knew existed. If any other knew of it's existence, Thalus was not aware of it. The room itself was anything but ornate. It was aproximately the same size of the prince's bedchambers. Along three walls were bookshelves linded with leatherbound novels so old and dusty the titles on the bindings could barely be made out - all except one bookshelve along the furthest wall. Those shelves held glass bottles and clay pots of various shapes, sizes, and colors. In the middle of the floor stood a poteum with large black leather book spread open on top of it with a bottle of ink and a quill next to it - the spellbook being the very same one Thalus had trained from. Along the last wall there was an oak table with a statue of the Divine One surrounded by candles burning brightly and an offering bowel that Thalus placed fresh orange slices in. The prince used the flame of one of the candles to light several sticks of incense. The sweet aroma of the incense and orange slices mixed with the more musty, stagant air of the catacombes. The scent reminded him so much of his beloved Master who had taught him so much throughout his boyhood. He still missed Tridal so much, especially at times like these. Facing the altar, Thalus knelt on a small dark velvet pillow, closed his eyes and laid his hands palm up on his thighs. Freeing his mind of all thought and concern, the young prince slowly slipped into a peaceful meditative state just as Tridal had shown him. In his mind, Thalus journeyed to a clearing in the woods near the castle grounds. It was a place the prince had played at often as a small boy and served as a sacred place in his mind where his spirit could be at rest and at one with everything around him. The bright sun filtered down through a canapy of trees all around the clearing. The air was crisp and smelled of jasmine that was in blooming season and blew gentely against his skin. Above him, Thalus could hear the sound of birds fluttering from branch to branch in the tree tops while behind him the sounds of the small brook he liked to fish in babbled gentely along it's course. Off to one side the woods led into a darker, thicker region of the forest and to his other side stood the mouth of a cave he often would take refuge in during sudden summer storms. There came a rustling from the denser part of the forest. Thalus knew it was neither the wind nor an animal disturbing the folliage. Turning, he peered into the darkness and waited until the rustling grew more pronounced. "Who is there?" he called out. Watching without breathing, Thalus didn't take his eyes off of the clearing in the trees as an old man appeared, penitraiting the darkness as he approached closer. Sunlight glinted off of hair the shade of fine silver which hung like a curtain around the old man's face. Fine lines of age etched a face of Sularian hertiage, but that and the shade of his hair was the only hint of the man's age. His body was as toned and honed as Thalus's own, of that the prince had little doubt from the times they had trained together. Disconcerning brown eyes peered into those of the prince's as the older man used an intricantly carved wooden staff to clear his path. "Tridal!" Thalus exclaimed with glee much like a child. When the older man smiled and held his arms open, it took only a moment of hesitation before the prince litterally flung himself at his Master. The older sorcerer simply chuckled and wrapped the prince up in a tight hug. "Such a greeting I have not known since you were but a lad," Tridal said, stroking a hand over the young man's back. Thalus burried his face in his Master's shoulder. "I have missed you so much, more than you know." The magician placed his palm against his student's cheek and brought the boy's face up. "As I have missed you, dear boy." "You have come to me in my dreams, but I didn't know if I could seek you out," Thalus explained, reluctant to break the comforting hug. Tridal smiled indulgently. "The ties that bind us are strong ones. It would take more than being in two different worlds to break them." "I should have known that," Thalus admitted sheepishly. Tridal looked deeply into the sovereign's eyes. "You always," he said quietly, placing one palm against the prince's heart. The prince felt his cheeks heat up. "I suppose I did, but I guess I needed to hear you say it." Tridal closed his eyes and thought how some things never changed. Ever since he knew the lad, Thalus had always been a boy that craved affection and approval, especially from the two men in his life...his father and Tridal himself. Tridal had hoped that as Thalus aged, the need for validation would deminish, but it had not. It was no hardship to bare though, as Tridal was quite contented to give the young man what he sought, even now when words seperated them. "My affection for you has never waivered, nor will it," Tridal assured the younger man. The prince's smile faltered and he cast his eyes downward. "I don't know if you'll feel the same way after what has happened, Master." Tridal took the younger Sularian's hand and led him to a fallen log where they could both sit. Obidently, Thalus took a seat next to him. A thumb lightly brushed over the boy's wrist was all it took for Tridal to feel just how nervous the prince was. "Does this have anything to do with the Talogian male you gave youself to?" Tridal asked calmly. Dark brown eyes grew wide. "How did you...?" The prince stopped and looked down towards the ground. "I never could hide anything from you before, why should now be any different?" Tridal took the prince's hand and tipped his chin up until their eyes met. "Your's has always been an easy heart to know. The light of your honest nature does not allow for shadows to dwell, thus all is there to be seen and shared with one who can read it." "Then you know that I love him," Thalus said so quietly that it was nearly lost in the wind. "I do," Tridal confirmed, keeping his voice as detached as he could. "Then what should I do?" Thalus asked. "There just doesn't seem like there's a way we can be together." "There is always another way," Tridal stated quietly. "Perhaps the intensity of your emotions are currently blinding you to the possibilites." "I can't help it," the prince stated. "He means so much to me, yet I can't ask him to change his life's path to suit mine..." "But your paths have already crossed," Tridal reminded him gentely. He studied the boy's face intesenly for a moment and seen something unspoken within the prince's eyes and frowned. "He does not know you are bondmates now, does he?" The prince's face paled and he hung his head shamefully. "I could not bare to tell him." "And why not? Why would you keep something so important from someone you care so much for?" Tridal knew the answer, but wanted to hear it from the prince himself. Thalus spoke in a whispered voice. "I would rather have the one night we were granted and live the rest of my life alone than never to have shared that with him." Tridal nodded his head knowingly. "You still must let him know, you realize that, don't you?" Thalus snorted. "And what would that accomplish besides more pain?" The prince ran a hand through his disheveled hair. "He's a mercenary, a soldier for hire. It's what he is. He's not going to be willing to give that part of himself up to be with me. Telling him we're bonded would only create more suffering." "And do you not think he is suffering now? Do you truly believe he does not feel the bond as keenly as you do? Yet he does not have the advantage of knowing the pain for what it is," Tridal explained to him. The sorcerer let the back of his fingers graze against the young prince's cheek. "I will tell you no further of what needs to be done. Your heart already knows what path it must choose. It will be up to you to find the strength to follow it." "Master..." Tridal stopped the boy with a finger laid to his lips. "I will tell you however you must make haste if you wish your bondmate to survive. He is in much danger." "Danger? Ry'al is in trouble?" Tridal nodded. "It has not arrived yet, but is on the horizon. There is still time if you act quickly." Both men rose and Thalus clasped Tridal to him once more in a firm embrace. "I love you, Master," Thalus whispered fiercely into the older man's hair. "And I love you," Tridal whispered back to his pupil. The body Thalus clutched to him slowly began to turn into a fine mist that disappeared into the air around him. He wanted to call out to his master, but knew he didn't need to. The older sorcerer would always be but a whisper away if needed. Instead, Thalus decided to focus his attentions on the danger Ry'al would be facing. He only hoped he could get to his bondmate in time. *** *** The warrior led the horse on for most of the morning, wanting to put as much distance between himself and Sularian kingdom as he could before nightfall. Finally though, an empty stomach and a tiring steed demanded that he stop and rest awhile before journeying on. He had been following the course of a river for several hours and decided to stop along it's banks, the nearby trees offering suitble shade. Hitching the horse, who munched happily on the oats in her feedbag, to one of the tree, Ry'al dug into his satchel to produce half a loaf of bread, some dried venison strips, and a gord of wine. He decided it'd do to fill his protesting stomach. When he and Zandra both had their bellies full, Ry'al removed the feedsack from the horse and cleaned up the reminants of his own dinner. Stripping off his jerkin, the mercenary decided he'd cool off by taking a swim. Though the water was cool and refreshing, it didn't bring Ry'al any pleasure. As he dove and did laps, letting the late day sun warm his chilled skin, Ry'al couldn't help but remember the last time he had went swimming, though then he'd shared the lake with Thalus. They had swam like two boys, with complete abandonment and lost in the moment. The mercenary closed his eyes and floated on his back and sighed. By the Saints, was it always going to be like this? Was he forever going to be tormented by the memories of the prince who still held his heart? Maybe that was going to be his punishment, he thought to himself. For all of his past sins, perhaps his purgatory was to lose his heart for the rest of his days. Images from the previous night skipped though his mind, the feel the prince in his arms, the sweet taste of his kisses, the moment their minds touched. Ry'al wondered that instead of purgatory he maybe not have been given a taste of heaven itself. A reward instead of a punishment. He just wished for the aching in his chest would subside, for it was constant and unrelenting. Maybe it would abade in sleep, he decided and climbed out and onto the lake's banks. Folding his shirt under his head, he let sleep claim him. A sound teased at Ry'al's consciousness, nagging at him annoyingly like a horsefly around his ears or a spider running across his skin. Opening an eye, he realized what the sound was...his horse was whinning and thrashing her head about, hooves stomping at the ground. Ry'al thought to call out to the horse, but then instinct made him think better of it. Without making a noise, Ry'al reached across his chest and was going to try and lunge for his sword when he felt the cool tip of a sharp blade pressed against his throat. "Ah, ah, ah, I don't think so," came a low pitched voice. Turning his head, mindful of the blade, Ry'al looked to see who held the sword above his neck. The man looked to be a Tallogian by skin coloring. The blond hair the man had was much longer than Ry'al's own and his face was scarred across one cheek, obviously from a battle long ago. "May I ask who it is that holds my life in their hands?" Ry'al asked quietly, eyes still on his own weapon. The Tallogian laughed at that. "You will know the name well before you die, Lamar, that you can be sure of." Pulling the sword back, the Tallogian looked to Ry'al's sword. "Pick up your weapon, Heathen, I will not slay an unarmed man." His eyes not leaving the other man's, Ry'al reached for his sword and slowly got to his feet. That was when he noticed that behind the other Tallogian, there stood five more men. There was little doubt these were Highwaymen. In fact, Ry'al could even recognise a couple of them from the attack over a week ago. "I have nothing of value, nothing worth taking," Ry'al assured them, not wanting to get into a confortation unless there was no other recourse. "On the contrary," the Tallogian said, a sneer crossing his face. "You have your life and that is what I wish to take from you." Stepping closer, the Tallogian let the tip of his blade skim down Ry'al's chest. "You see, my name is Jas Bram and you, you killed my brother, Taz." Bram stepped even closer yet. "And you will repay a life for a life." Planting his feet, the sword's handle heavy in his hand, Ry'al spoke, "Do you think six against one is fair odds?" Bram smiled menevolently. "No, but it will have to surfice." From behind him, Ry'al heard a clear, strong voice. "How about making that two?" Ry'al smiled broadly and swiveled around to see Thalus imerging from the treeline, sword unsheathed and ready to fight. Bram merely shrugged at the intruder. "Have it your way, even though this fight isn't with you. The blood of two spills as easily as that of one." "Thalus, what are you doing here?" Ry'al demanded. "You shouldn't have come." The prince smiled wickedly and winked. "I thought you could use the help." "Enough talk!" Bram growled out. "You still have time to reconsider," Thalus commented, hand sliding along the metal of his sword for a tight grip. "No, I am anxious to bring this pig's head to my brother's family," Bram spoke, raising a hand in guesture to his men. Ry'al found himself with his back against Thalus's as the group began to move in and surround them. Ry'al's eyes were focused on Bram's, determined to fight to the death if need be before he'd see Thalus harmed in any way. 'Don't worry, my love, I can protect myself,' Thalus's voice came in as clearly as the mercenary's own thoughts. 'I know you can, but you seem determined to test Fate's hand,' Ry'al thought back. 'I'll always be ready to stand by your side,' came the whispered response. Ry'al watched the twitching in Bram's muscles just seconds before the first blow was attempted. Both arms hefting the sword up, Ry'al blocked the first assult and with a sharp kick directly to Bram's sternum, sent the other Tallogian sprawling back. A second man with a scraggly beard and dark eyes came at Ry'al with a sword aimed sideways at his waist. Thrusting the sword down towards the ground blocked that shot and the momentem of the bearded man's rush sent him over Ry'al's back when the mercenary bent forward and rammed the bearded man in the stomach. Metal whizzed and clashed with thunderous force. Ry'al heard the slicing in the air right past his ear before he saw the tip of Thalus's sword ram itself home into the shoulder of a third man with a braid...a man who was stopped mid-motion from bringing his sword down on Ry'al's vulnerable neck. The soldier watched Thalus drop to the ground and roll out of the way as a blade came down a mere inch away where it found only dirt. Feet up in the air, Thalus tossed another of the bandits up and over to land with a thud on his back. Two more men, one with black hair and one with red, came towards Ry'al who was trying to keep one eye on his lover. Blades were locked as Ry'al blocked both swords as they came at him with downward swipes. The two highwaymen tried to throw Ry'al off balance, but the mercenary stood his ground. Spinning backwards, Ry'al managed to thrust his sword up to knock the other weapon out of the dark headed man's hand, then rammed the handle against the dark haired man's temple to knock him out. Catching the dropped sword of the unconcious bandit, Ry'al crossed it with his own in time to catch the downfall of the red haired theif's sword along with blocking Bram's thrust as he lunged foward with an enraged cry. Without looking, Ry'al could sense his lover's movements. Out of the corner of an eye, he could see Thalus dancing from foot to foot as he blocked blow after blow from the two men who still surrounded him. Ry'al knew that the prince would not draw blood unless it was the only option, but he feared that might be the only course they could take at this point. 'What do you say, my love? Time to even this fight up a little, shall we?' Thalus's voice penitrating Ry'al's thoughts. 'What do you have in mind?' Ry'al asked back, ducking in time to avoid a blade aimed at taking his head. 'Watch and see,' Thalus thought back. Ry'al then heard Thalus's voice aloud reciting an incantation in an acient tongue he had only heard Thalus use once before. One assalaint's eyes grew huge as suddenly with a flash, a grand wall of bright yellow orange flames swelled up from the ground to completely surround him. The inferno swallowed his screams as he could find no way to escape. Another invocation was softly uttered from Thalus's lips as his eyes closed and he waved his hand. A gust of wind blew up and thrust the second theif backwards and toppling into the nearby lake. The sputtering man, red faced and enraged, uttered curses a Thalus but his cries fell silent when he realized the water he was in started to move. Slowly the water started swirling around him. The ebbing and surging grew faster and faster, gaining speed with every heartbeat. In the center of the lake, an emmense spout of water grew to a funnel with the startled theif stranded at the spout's top. Eyes turned to a third highwayman, the prince chanted yet a third spell. The man with the braided hair looked fearfully around him, wondering what would happen to him. When a moment passed and nothing happened though, the theif regained his courage began to lunge forward towards the prince with his sword held high. He advanced several steps before he was suddenly jarred to a halt. Ry'al watched as the very earth itself rose to encase first the theif's feet, then legs, then waist, helplessly rooting him to the spot until it reached his throat. Thalus whirled around towards the two brigands standing behind Bram. The two men looked at each other for half of a heartbeat before dropping their swords and taking off at a run towards the saftey of the forest. Smiling to himself, the prince spoke another few phrases. The wind blew and the trees russled and the prince watched as the forest trees began to sway, then reach down to ensnare the two men in their brances. Vines whipped down like snakes around the two theives, hanging them upside down. They struggled futily, the vines only tightening with each fighting effort. Ry'al watched, unable to do anything, as his lover turned very pale. The thin body shook for a moment, obviously fatigued, as the prince's knees gave out and he crumpled into a heap on the ground. Dark eyes rolled back into Thalus's head before eyelids fell shut. Ry'al shook his head in amazment before turning to face his sole advesary. "Shall we finish this?" he asked cooly. "With pleasure," Bram growled, eyes glinting with unabated anger and hatred. The two men crossed swords, as they danced around each other's slices, parrying the other's maneuvers. Ry'al's muscles ached and cried out with each clashing blow, swords hitting with such force that it rattled his teeth. Bram was relentless, seeming charged with a new engery born from vengence as Ry'al had to block a vollying storm of blows. Ry'al felt himself loosing ground, his footing moving back with each heavy strike. To his credit, the theif was proving to be a worthy advesary, seemingly even matched with the mercenary in skill. Sweat dripped down off of Ry'al's forehead and into his eyes, blearing his vision. He blocked a downward blow only to have to block it once more as Bram moved to thrust upwards. The mercenary felt his feet sliding in the loose dirt. Without warning, Ry'al felt himself lose his balance and falling backwards. His head bounced off the unforgiving ground, shaking his skull and blurring his vision even more. The fall had also caused him to lose the grip he'd had on his sword. It fell just out of his reach by his side. Above him, Bram held the point of his broadsword over his chest. Lifting it high with the intentions on peircing the mercenary's chest, Jas Bram's eyes held Ry'al's as he prepared to diliver the fatal blow. With a deep breath, Ry'al managed to roll toward the outlaw's feet as the blade was brought down then rolled back. In one movement, Ry'al lifted the sword and swept his foot out, knocking the theif off balance. A loud, wounded cry peeled from the theif's throat as he fell forward and onto the blade. Blood bubbled up from the brigand's mouth as the weight of his body ran the blade completely through him until he fell atop Ry'al in a boneless heap. With effort, Ry'al pushed the other Tallogian off of him. Pulling himself up to his feet, Ry'al looked apon his fallen countryman pensively. He had not meant to kill the other man, had no desire to spill blood, but the theif had forced his hand. With a jerk, he pulled his sword from the other man's stomach and sheathed it once more before turning towards the limp heap of his lover. Falling to his knees, Ry'al pulled Thalus with care until the prince's head rested on his lap. Gentely he pushed the hair away from the younger man's pale face. "Wake up, Ki'yori, it's safe now," Ry'al whispered soothingly. "I want to see those beautiful eyes looking at me again." Pulling the prince's body more fully onto his lap and rocking the quiet form, Ry'al contented himself with just feeling Thalus's warm presence. After a few moments hazel eyes blinked and opened. "Do you mean it when you call me that?" Thalus's voice was graveled and weak, but it sounded beautiful to Ry'al's ears. "When I call you what?" Ry'al asked. "Ki'yori," Thalus replied quietly. Ry'al swallowed hard. "Yes, I do," he admitted softly. Thalus tried to set up but was still weak, so the mercenary had to help him until they were seated and facing each other. "Then why did you leave this morning?" Thalus demanded, accusation flaring in his eyes. "If I'm your Beloved, then why did you not try to stay, to work something out?" Ry'al closed his eyes, unable to bare the hurt in Thalus's eyes. "And just what can I offer you?" "How about your heart?" Thalus threw back. Ry'al opened his eyes and stared deeply into endlessly dark eyes. "You already have that, you did before last night even happened." Thalus took the mercenary's hand. "If that's true, then you'd be willing to take a chance on me...on us." Ry'al's voice was course. "If I thought we had one, then yes, I'd take a chance." A smile lit the prince's face. "What if I told you we might just have one?" The soldier looked skeptically at the Sularian. "What do you mean?" The prince turned serious. "I have talked with my father," he began. "It seems the Tallogian High Counsel has sent word to my father that they wish to appoint you as the Cheif Embassidor and laision officer between the Sularian and Tallogian people," Thalus explained. "And on a personal note, my father would like you to also stay on as my personal guardian." The prince's smile waned at Ry'al's unreadable expression. "That is, if that is something you would want." The mercenary was quiet for a moment before finally he was no longer able to hide the smile teasing his lips. "Let me just say I do not think your body is one I could ever tire guarding." The prince's face glowed with hope. "Does that mean you'll stay?" "On one condition," Ry'al stated. "Name it." "That your father will understand that in order to fully fulfill my duty to guard you, we must share the same bedchamber," Ry'al ordered, his eyes gleaming as he gazed at his lover. Thalus blushed hotly. "I believe he is already aware of that condition." "Then tell your father to send a messanger to the High Counsel and let them know they've got a new embassidor," Ry'al said happily, standing up and pulling the prince against him, sealing the deal with a long, hard kiss. Thalus pressed his body against the mercenary, kissing him deeply as happiness washed through him. He felt himself picked up off the ground and swung around. "I love you, Ki'yori!" Ry'al called out with exhuberance. Thalus hugged him tight and kissed him again. "I love you, too," he declared. Setting the prince back down, Ry'al secured an arm around the younger man's shoulders. Together they started to walk towards Zandra, who was contentedly munching on some grass under the tree she was teathered to. "So what do we do about them?" Ry'al asked motioning towards the men still caught up in Thalus's spells as he mounted the dark steed and held his hand out to the prince. Thalus smiled wickedly. "Do not worry about them, the spells end another couple of hours." Ry'al laughed and hefted the prince up into the saddle in front of him. Digging his heels into the mare's sides, the horse took off at a steady clip as Ry'al headed in the direction of King Prim's castle. A thought suddenly occured to him as he wrapped one large arm around the prince's waist. "Thalus?" "Yes?" "How would your father already know we would need to share a bedchamber?" Thalus swallowed and felt himself grow warm again. Nervously he cleared his throat. "Well, it's often expected that bondmates will share the same bed." Ry'al cocked an eyebrow. "Bondmates?" Thalus swallowed again. It seemed like it was going to be now or never. "Yes, bondmates. You see, something happened when we mind-merged last night. That is the reason we were able to hear the other's thoughts and..." As the sun dipped low in the sky, Ry'al listened as his lover and ruler of his heart explained the new connection that had come to bind them together. He realized that he and Thalus's lives would from that day on be irrefutably linked. He also realized he would not want it any other way. Together they would live and love until only Fate decided to seperate them, and Ry'al was not so certain that even Fate's hand could ever part them. The End