***** Gabriel Stuart left the meeting room in a rush. He was late for his supper with Daniel. Daniel had not been the same since returning from that ill-fated voyage. Her Majesty had been furious to lose her treasure and one of her finest officers to the dread pirate Greyridge. It was Daniel who took the brunt of her fury. Although the first mate had fought off the pirate, saving his ship and crew and only losing the captain in the process, the queen could not get past losing her precious treasure and therefore her own lover. Rounding the corner, past the queen's maids in waiting, Gabriel paused when he heard his name. Only a whisper, but sounding urgent. Looking about, he found the source when a young woman beckoned him with a quick nod of her head in the direction of the foyer. Glancing at the other young women to see if this were some sort of game, he noticed no outward signs of the usual snickering he and Daniel had endured within the castle walls. "My Lord," The woman greeted him with a short curtsy. "Yes, what is it?" Gabriel said hastily, still not entirely convinced this was as urgent as it appeared. Please, Sir, I have have some information that may be of use to you and my Queen," the pretty fair-haired young woman said, as her eyes quickly glanced about, making sure they were alone. "I'm listening." "My Lord, I have some information on where to find the pirate Greyridge," she spoke swiftly and quietly. Suspicious, Gabriel leaned closer. "And just where would you have found out such information. Speak now woman, or suffer the Queen's wraith." Dropping to her knees, the girl cried softly. "Tis my brother, Sir. He's been arrested by the Her Majesty's Royal Guard. He served under Greyridge, but has lost favor with the pirate. He was left off The Seawolf, without a farthing to his name. He worked his passage back home, only to be arrested when he arrived. Please Sir, if you can spare my brother, we will give you Greyridge." Her pleading tones reached the soft spot in the young man's heart. Here was his chance to have Daniel regain his place in the Queen's court. If they were both back in the Queen's favor, then there was a much better chance of their relationship being accepted, which would then further advance their careers. Helping the girl to her feet, Gabriel spoke softly. "We will go see this brother of yours, and pray his information is useful for both of your lives depend upon it." Together the two left both filled with their private hopes. ***** Once aboard the ship, things took on the normality it had before the mighty vessel had docked. The crew was working diligently at their various posts and Garak manned the helm with an easy grace that Julian found himself watching as he swobbed the deck. It had not taken Garak long to settle once again into his role as captain, the role he seemed to shed for a while when they had docked. The stern expression returned to his once relaxed features as he gave his orders. The only thing different, was that this time Julian knew that image was not all that composed of the pirate's character. He had seen past the superficial layer that created the title to a brief glimpse of the real man that laid underneath. The man that had shown compassion for those who were impoverished. Savior verses scoundrel, savage or saint, which one was the true facet of this pirate Greyridge? Julian suspected that the truth lied in a combination of both, for Garak could be either when he chose to be. 'No one is ever purely good or purely evil,' Julian told himself. He even recongnized that truth within himself. Again, he thought of all he had seen of the good Garak had tried to do. He had to grant Garak the fact that even though his methods and morals were slightly skewed, his intentions had been honorable. 'The fact is, he still stole that money,' Julian's inner voice reminded him. 'Yes, but no one was hurt, he kept none of the money, and the cause was worthy,' his smaller inner voice piped up. 'Are you making excuses for him Julian Bashir?' he asked himself, looking up from the deck to the long lean back of the pirate. Was he making excuses for the pirate's actions? To condone the pirate's methods? Julian was surprised at himself. When it came to ethics, he had always believed himself to be an upstanding man, but the more he thought about it, the more he came to realize that he was actually sympathizing with the pirate! 'Don't kid yourself Julian, had you lived the life he has, seen the same things he had, it could have as easily been you commanding this ship as it was him. If you were not a Naval officer, trained as Garak had said 'been conditioned' to have a certain attitude towards pirates, would you think it so terrible what he does? Especially knowing now what he does with the bounty he takes?' He had apologized for making assumptions about the pirate earlier, so why was he still having trouble rectifying all of his chaotic thoughts? Because prejudice views are hard to overcome, he reminded himself. That was true enough, and Julian was also aware that he had a tendency to typecast people because of his views, and this man, Greyridge, didn't fit nicely into any of the pigeonholes he could usually put people. That more than anything was what unnerved him about the pirate. He was always doing the very things Julian didn't expect him to. Why did it matter so much to Julian to figure this man out? Julian thought back to when Garak had first came into the room after his attempted escape. Those cool blue eyes had regarded him with anger and frustration and that hadn't bothered Julian - he had expected it. What had bothered Julian more than anything was that in that instance, when the anger had faded away, all that was left was sheer disappointment. Days later he suddenly realized that more than anything else he had wanted Garak's approval and he had been shamed because he had lost it. It hit him hard to think that this pirate's opinion of him mattered that much to him. How could that be? He realized that he had grown to possibly not accept the pirate, but that he 'did' respect him, was he looking for that respect to be returned? Could that be why Garak's opinion mattered to him? That had to be it! 'But does that explain the attraction?' his inner voice harped. Julian stopped his line of thought then and there. He knew that when it came to that particular question, he had yet to find a suitable answer and he didn't like to dwell on it much. Julian then tried to put his full concentration on his task of mopping the deck, his eyes occasionally straying to the form manning the helm. Before long the midmorning sun gave rise to late afternoon and Sister Rosie appeared from the galley with a plate in one hand and a goblet in another. "Here ye are Cap'n, ye hadn't come for yer lunch, so I decided to bring you some," his quartermaster replied. "Thank you, my dear," he said as he took the proffered plate and glass and turning the helm over to Beau who had been near by. Garak started to take a bite of his stew and Rosie sat down beside him. She noticed how the pirate's eyes casually followed the slim figure of the British officer around, though he tried to hide it. "So what have ye planned for 'im?" Rosie asked, taking a sip of the bitter coffee she had brought down for herself. "What do you mean? The only plans I have of him is to have him continue his servitude until I see fit otherwise," Garak answered cautiously. "Mmmhhmm," Rosie muttered, not sounding convinced in the least. "I don't think I like your implications," Garak responded, taking a bite of meat. "And what implications would those be?" Rosie asked innocently. "That my intentions with the young man are less than honorable," Garak responded. "Ye said it, not I," she replied with a half smile. "Why would you care what I decide for him anyhow?" Garak asked testilily. "'Cause, that young man has got a good heart inside 'im. I don't want to see 'im getting hurt if ye ain't serious with the game ye's been playin'," Rosie replied, swallowing another sip of the dark coffee. "What are you talking about?" Garak asked guardedly. "Oh, don't be givin' me that coy look Mate, remember, I know ye better than anyon' else on this ship. I know you've taken a fancy to the lad and if ye ain't serious about it, ya need to leave 'im alone," the woman replied. "Rosie, you and I have been friends for a long time now, but you're starting to meddle in things that don't concern you," Garak replied in a warning tone. "The way I see it, it is my business. One of my duties 'round here is to tend to the sick right?" she asked. "Yes it is, but what does that have to do with anything? Julian isn't sick," Garak responded. "Oh yes he is, he just don't know it yet. The lad's got a sick heart 'cause he's in love with ya." When Garak didn't say anything, she went on. "An' I suspect that aliment is one ye have too." "Now what makes you possibly think that?" Garak asked skeptically. "Don't think I haven't noticed the time ye have been spendin' with 'im, or how curious he's grown 'bout ya. It's obvious that you're both smitten, but I don't want to see 'im hurt. He's a good man mate, an' I think you already know that." "Yes, I do," Garak admitted softly. "Then answer my question Garak," the quartermaster said. "Which was?" "What do ye have planned for 'im?" she repeated her earlier question. Garak sighed, obviously growing perturbed that Rosie wasn't going to give up on this. "I don't know what I have planned as of yet, but I will assure you that if anything develops from it, I am not planning on hurting him. Are you satisfied?" "It'll do," Rosie replied with a half grin. "When did you take on the title of Mother around here anyway?" Garak grumbled. "I was elected. No one else wanted the job of watching over the likes of the lot of ye," Rosie replied easily, finishing her cup of coffee and leaving the captain alone. Could that possibly be true? Could the officer be falling for him? It had been what he had been hoping for all along, but had wondered if it was possible. What about Rosie's proclamation that he was in love with the officer? Yes, he desired the officer, had wanted him desperately, but to speak of love? It was quite disconserning for a man who had learned to depend on no other. Still though, he couldn't deny that the possibility intrigued him. The day faded into night and when both men were through with the day's activities, Julian found himself once again in the growingly familiar stateroom of the pirate's. The helm being manned by Beau. It had been a long day and both men were ready to get some sleep. Garak watched Julian change into the long nightshirt he had provided him. "Come here," he called, after Julian got dressed. Julian went to him willingly. Garak produced the key that fit the lock to his collar. Garak then surprised Julian by releasing him of it. "Julian, over the last several days you have won back some of my trust. Because of this, you shall no longer have to wear the collar, but you will continue to share my quarters for the time being. "Thank you," Julian replied solemnly, a hand going up to rub around his neck where the collar had been. "You are welcome, but don't forget if you think of defying me again, that collar can go back on as easily as it came off," Garak warned. Julian only nodded his understanding and laid down on his mat of blankets that had been serving as his bed. Garak undressed, washed and prepared for bed, fully feeling the officer's eyes following him about the room. Finally blowing out the last lantern light, Garak moved under the covers of his bed. Julian tried to shut his eyes and relax, but for some reason he couldn't seem to. The blankets were warm enough, but he couldn't stop moving about and turning over repeatedly. He couldn't seem to find a comfortable position that lasted any longer than a few minutes at most. Why was he having such a difficult time going to sleep when he was bone-weary tired? He flopped again and tried concentrating on the calm breathing of the older man in the bed near him. He didn't want to disturb the pirate and he knew his fidgeting would do so. He was still for several minutes before turning over, fluffing his pillow, and rustling his blankets yet again. Finally Garak let out an exasperated sigh. "Julian, what 'are' you doing?" "I'm sorry," Julian apologized, "I'm just trying to get comfortable." "What is the matter?" the pirate queried. "I...I'm not sure, I just can't seem to get any sleep on this floor any longer," Julian said quietly. "Fine, are you wanting to share the bed?" Garak asked in a neutral tone. "I wouldn't want to inconvenience you," Julian replied, thinking to himself that the bed would provide much more comfort than the floor. "And you don't think your constant fidgeting is 'inconveniencing' me?" Garak asked sharply. He then held his blanket up. "Well, come on now and hurry up." Julian got up and hesitantly climbed into bed beside the pirate. An arm went around him as soon as Julian's head hit the pillow and almost at once he was still, the officer's arm over the pirate's. Garak listened to Julian's breathing slowing down and becoming deep and regular. 'Julian, I can't help wondering if perhaps you're becoming accustomed to sharing my bed and perhaps that is the true reason you could not rest on the floor. I wonder what you would say if I were to tell you that I as well like the feel of your warm body next to mine in sleep and that this bed was beginning to feel very large and empty as well.' Garak thought to himself. He found himself wondering once again about Rosie's statement earlier and the implications of it as he floated off into a deep contented sleep. The next morning Garak woke with a smile on his face. The sun filtered in, causing a flattering halo effect around the dark head near his own. The British officer's face was relaxed and content as he rested in Garak's arms. The pirate didn't fight his urge to brush a stray strand of dark hair from his forehead. Once again he felt himself entranced by Julian's handsome features. Was Rosie right? Could he be indeed be in love with a man who's ideas and morals were so vastly different from his own? It was definitely something to make him pause in thought. Garak moved a little and smiled when Julian unconsciously moved to snuggle in closer to his warmth. Perhaps Rosie was right in the fact that Julian was developing feelings that he wasn't aware of yet, but again Garak wasn't going to count on assumptions. He was never one to gamble recklessly and with something like this, he wasn't willing to risk more than he could stand to lose. Julian moved in his arms again and a blurry eye opened. Once realizing what position he was in yet again, the young man's cheeks flamed up in embarrassment. He looked so utterly irresistible that Garak wanted to plant a kiss on those firm, pouty lips, but refrained himself. Self-consciously, Julian got up and dressed quickly, putting on a dark blue shirt of Garak's that had been set out for him with the same black pants he had been wearing. Garak made no moves himself. There was a rapping on the door. "Enter," Garak called out. Beau stuck his head in the door. "Sir, we've reached Garachico," the sailor said. "Thank you Beau, I'll be out soon, prepare the baskets and trunks to be unloaded," the captain ordered. "Aye sir," the pirate responded and was gone instantly. "It didn't take us long to get here," Julian commented. "No, it's part of the same chain of islands," Garak answered, getting up finally, to begin dressing himself. "Are there others here to help?" Julian asked curiously. "You shall see, come now," Garak said, opening the door as he spoke. Julian followed the crew as they disembarked carrying trunks and baskets with them. The black sanded beach seemed to spread out forever along the coast. The different trees dotted the shoreline creating canopies of green. Farther ahead, Julian noticed a huge waterfall that cascaded down a huge in the side of a massive cliff and it created a larger natural inland pool of fresh clear water. Julian could hear the island's wildlife calling him. Flocks of small, brightly colored birds flew out of the orchid grove as they passed. Julian continued to follow the group of men farther inland until they reached the edge of a town and continued even farther inward. Just as last time, Julian noticed the way the villagers smiled and greeted them as they passed. The men would stop and shake Garak's hand as he walked by and many women came out of doors and held their children and waved and smiled in greeting. Just as last time, Julian realized how much Garak was liked by these people. They continued through town until they came to a large, worn, wooden building. Garak opened the doors so the men could carry their armloads inside. As Julian entered, with Garak behind him, his eyes had to adjust to the lower level of light filtering into the place. Cries of babies and occasional moaning rang in his ears. Once his eyes adjusted to the lack of light, Julian realized that they were in a makeshift hospital...a shabbily supplied hospital from what he could tell. He could see none of the equipment that he had seen from his own stay in a hospital years ago. There were rows of cots set up against the walls and in the center creating two distinct walkways between the beds. It led to a small room in the back that was probably where the supplies were kept. The beds were two thirds filled up with men, women and children. In the corner there was several cribs that held infants. Several women were moving around, trying to tend to requests that the patients had and they moved as though very tired. Finally a man appeared out from the assumed supply room. "Garak, what a surprise!" the man exclaimed when he looked up and saw the crew. "Enrique, my friend, how have you been?" Garak asked, slapping the middle aged Spaniard on the back. "Well, I've been eagerly awaiting your visit if that doesn't tell you something," the man replied, his dark brown eyes looked grim. "The supplied from India never arrived?" Garak asked with unhappiness. "The Aramus was hit by a big squall enroute and was sunk," Enrique replied despondently. "No worries my friend, I think I have a few things to help you get by," Garak responded and handed over one of the baskets over to the man. He opened it to find it full of bottles of different medicines. "I know I was unable to get you all the medical supplies you need, but I hope that at least what I was able to procure will be sufficient to carry you through." The man went from truck to trunk. One of the women had come over to look as well and they discovered bandages made from cloth, bottles of various medicines, as well as blankets, and food. "Oh Garak, you don't realize just how desperately we needed all of this," the woman exclaimed. "We were nearly out of supplies like these. As for the food," The young, though tired, Spanish woman spread her hands out and fanned towards the room. "most of the people here are here because they have gotten sick from not having enough food to eat. The crops haven't been good this year at all." "I knew there had been some problems Carlota, but I wasn't aware that it was quite that bad," Garak responded. "I hope this helps somewhat," he said, tilting his head to the direction of the goods he had brought. "Oh, they will, they will," the woman assured him. Garak then turned to face his crew. "All right men, since I've been driving you pretty hard as of late, I will give you an option. If any of you wishes to go back to the ship and take the day off to rest, you may. Those of you who would like to stay and help may do that as well." Most of the men left quickly, leaving only a handful of the crew behind. "That goes for you too, Julian," Garak whispered to the younger man. "I'd like to stay and help if you don't mind," Julian answered, his heart going out to the faces of the ill. Their eyes seemed to call out to him and he couldn't seem to be able to refuse their pleas. "If that's what you want," Garak replied before turning to the rest of the crew. "All right men, you know what to do." The men scattered about and began helping with the patients, helping them to take their medicines, making sure they had enough fresh water and various other things that needed to be done. Julian went over to the bedside of an elderly man who looked weak and frail. After helping with the man get a drink of water, Julian glanced at the bandage wrapping the man's leg. The cloth was ragged, and caked with dirt and dried blood. "What happened to you?" Julian asked curiously. "Oh, I tripped inside my home and the fall caused a gash on my leg," the old man explained. "Mind if I change your bandage?" Julian asked. "This one is nice and tight, why do that?" the old man asked with confusion. "Well, it might help it heal better if the bandages were changed." Julian had seen many a man lose his leg if a wound wasn't properly cared for and he didn't want to see this happening to this elderly gentleman. Slowly he peeled the old bandage off with care and let out a sigh of relief when there was no foul looking or smelling discharge on the bandage. That was a good sign Julian knew. He took a jar of salve out of one of the baskets that had been brought in and gently applied it to the man's injury. He then took a fresh, clean strip of cloth and rewrapping the wound. "Thank you young man," the old man replied and smiled at his. "You're welcome," Julian replied and turned his head in time to see a woman around his age trying to get out of bed and began stumbling. Julian rushed over just before she collapsed on the ground. He gently assisted her back to her cot. "Oh, I'm sorry, it just seems I have no strength left anymore," the woman replied before she started coughing. Julian raised a hand to her forehead and noticed that she was hot to the touch. Julian smiled at her. "It's not everyday that a beautiful woman throws herself into my arms, but it seems like you've got a fever so I'd stay in bed if I were you." The woman couldn't help smiling back. "Sorry about that, but I was only wanting some food. I am just so hungry." Julian went to fetch a plate of the food that had been prepared from the supplies they had brought with them and carried it back to the woman's cot. The woman started eating very quickly. "Easy dear, you don't want to make yourself sick by eating too fast," Julian cautioned her and helped her until she was finished. He then took a large rag and dunked it in some cool water and placed it on her forehead. Julian looked over to where Garak was currently holding a squalling baby, and trying to get the child to swallow his medicine but wasn't having much luck. "Here," Julian said walking over to Garak and held his arms out. Garak placed the child in Julian's arm and the officer took the medicine in his free hand. Laying the child down on his back in the crib, Julian propped up the child's head and back high with a blanket. Julian gently squeezed the tiny nose shut as he held the medicine in his other hand. When the baby opened his mouth for a breath, Julian poured the medicine into the child's mouth and watched as it was swallowed down. "How did you know to do that?" Garak asked with surprise that it worked. "It was a trick my mother used on my younger brother when he wouldn't take his medicine. It works as long as the head is held up high," Julian answered. "You seem to have a knack for this," Garak commented and Julian felt the familiar rise of heat into his cheeks. Garak was about to say something else when he felt a tugging at his pant- legs. Looking down into a pair of large brown eyes of a little girl Garak asked, "Yes, what is it?" "Can I ask you something?" the girl asked shyly. "Anything, darling," Garak responded. "How did you get all the food and medicine?" she asked. Garak looked at the girl and then at Julian, "It was because of this man, he helped us get the medicine and food for you," Garak answered to the little girl. The little child stared up at Julian with impossibly huge eyes. "Thank you, mister," the girl said, and held her arms out to Julian who knelt down on one knee and gathered the girl into a hug. She then ran off to several other children to tell them the news of the kind man who brought them the medicine and food. Soon Julian had an entire ensemble of small tots around his feet, curious to see the man who was so generous. Garak smiled as the younger officer somehow managed to get talked into telling them stories. Drawing on memories of childhood stories he knew, he began the tale he had heard of long ago of a king during the time of knights who had to prove himself the king as a child by pulling out a long sword set in stone. Garak listened as he helped some of the patients and watched as both Julian and the children became absorbed in the tale. Garak couldn't help getting a vision of the handsome young man covered from head to toe in armor ready to charge on his steed. A smile played on his lips as the tale came to an end and Julian made all the children get back into their beds and made sure each received their lunch. The pirate captain, Julian, and the rest of the crew that had stayed behind had working in tending to the patients late into the day. Garak and Julian both had become so absorbed that they didn't realize that the rest of the crew had returned to the boat for their dinner. "Cap'n, Julian, are ye boys going to skip dinner?" they heard the familiar voice of Rosie ask. Each man looked up, but it was Garak who answered. "I hadn't realized it was so late," he responded, pausing to glance outside. As he did so, he notice the sun had set to create a scarlet sky that would soon be cloaked with the ebony blanket of night. "I figured as much, that's why I packed a basket for ye before those hooligans ate it all," Rosie replied with a smile and handed the basket along with a blanket that neither had noticed she carried to Garak. "You always watch out for me don't you?" Garak replied with an easy smile. "Someone has ta," Rosie replied and looked pointedly at Julian as she spoke. "Now I's got to get back to the ship. There's a gamblin' game goin' on and I don't want anyone getting killed cause I wasn't there ta keep an eye on um," she said, turning to leave. Garak, with basket in hand, turned to Julian. "Well, are you hungry?" Julian noticed for the first time that his stomach indeed was very empty and the smell coming from the basket was making his mouth water. "Yes, I am definitely hungry." Garak nodded towards the door and both men bid the patients, the two women helping, and Enrique a good evening. With the setting sun, the temperature had dropped several degrees to be quite comfortable to Julian. A gentle wind blew as nocturnal creatures were warming up for their nightly symphony and the sky was a beautiful tapestry of scarlet, violet, and dark orange. Garak led him down the black sanded coastline until they reached a small alcove so far away from the boat that it couldn't even be seen. Spreading the blanket out, Garak took a seat and began unpacking the food. Julian took a seat and began helping him. His mouth watered as they unpacked roasted chicken, bowls of cooked potatoes, and a large hunk of bread with a couple of gourds of wine. The men dug in heartily to the feast before them and in companionable silence soon had the chicken reduced to bones, the bread to crumbs, the bowels emptied, and the gourds drained. Each occasionally looked up when he thought the other wasn't watching, both aware of the silence surrounding them. It wasn't long before a full moon shone brightly overhead. Julian was feeling relaxed and warm from the wine and suspected the older man was feeling the same. "So," Garak said, breaking the silence. "It seems like you enjoyed helping today." Julian couldn't help but to let a contented smile form on his lips. "Yes, I did rather enjoy myself." "You seemed to have an incredible knack with those people today. Have you ever thought about doing something like that before?" Garak asked casually. "What, you mean become a physician?" Julian asked with a laugh. "No, never. I've never dreamed of being anything other than a Naval officer for the Queen," he answered. "I've told you how I had become a pirate, share with me how you became an officer," Garak suggested. He stared out into the vast sea that was now the color of ink to his eyes. The moon reflected off its surface. "I really had no choice in the matter," Julian said, drawing his legs up against his chest and resting his chin on his knees. "What do you mean?" Garak questioned. "I was pushed into it by my father," Julian stated and then turned his eyes on the pirate. "You see, a few years after Conner died, my mother became pregnant again. The pregnancy was a complicated one though and something had happened during delivery. I don't know exactly what happened, as my father made me and my brother and sister stay outside in the barn. Anyhow there must have been complications because she died giving birth and the baby followed within minutes. Father was never the same after that. He had turned cold and crueler to us." Julian's voice trailed off a bit as Garak could still here the infliction of pain still obvious in Julian's voice as he spoke. It obviously brought up bad memories for him. "Anyhow that's not relevant. My dad was also a captain to her Majesty and demanded that I follow in his footsteps after my brother ran away from home." Julian could still recall the severe beatings his brother had faced whenever he disobeyed their father. It was enough to make him cringe to this day. He didn't blame Michael at all for escaping from their father. He only wished he had been old enough to go with him at the time. "So it was your father that pressured you into serving your Queen?" Garak asked softly. "Yes, it was," Julian responded. "I bet you resent him a great deal do you not?" Garak asked him. "I use to. Now that I'm older and have gone my own way without fear of him, I actually pity him. He has pushed away anyone from his life that has ever cared for him. No, I don't resent him, I feel sorry for him," Julian answered. "Don't get me wrong though, I have actually enjoyed the time I was in the Navy, the sea became home to me." "Yes, but it doesn't come without a cost does it?" Garak asked. "What do you mean?" Julian wondered. "Well, with putting so much effort in advancing your ranking in the service, I am gathering that it didn't leave you much time for other pursuits," Garak responded. "Other pursuits?" Julian asked, his eyes drifted upwards to gaze at the brilliant stars that shone from above. "Like romantic pursuits," Garak clarified in an even tone. "True enough, especially if you mean anything of a serious nature," Julian responded, his eyes drifting back down to Garak. "So, you've never experienced love then," Garak replied, looking now into Julian's eyes. "No, there have been a few women in my past," Julian responded and gave a short laugh, "and even a man, a companion to someone I considered a friend of mine, that had shown an interest in me, but as for love? No, never," he answered and looked into the pirate's blue eyes.'Until now,' he amended silently but aloud asked, "What about you?" "I too have had my share of partners to warm my bed, but none has ever touched my heart," Garak replied. 'Until you entered my life,' he thought to himself. "Do you think you'd ever be able to tell when the right one did come into your life?" Julian asked. Just when had the conversation taken such a peculiar turn? Julian wondered, and started to regret the wine he had drunk. He often had a loose tongue when liquor became involved and he was wondering if this topic was indeed such a good idea. "I believe so," Garak answered softly. "How?" Julian pressed, even knowing he shouldn't. "How would you know you were truly in love?" Garak regarded the younger man in silence for a while, his eyes simply boring into the hazel depths of the officer's eyes, almost as though trying to peer into his very soul. Finally, when he spoke, it was in a hushed tone. "If I were really in love, I would want my lover by my side at all times, for without that person I would be incomplete. My lover would have my undying loyalty. I would want nothing more than to see my love's smile each day with the rising sun, to hear my love's laughter echoing in the wind, to smell my love's familiar scent and take comfort in the fragrance, to feel my love's silken hair as I run my fingers through the dark tresses, and to taste my love's lips as we kiss." The pirate captain had inched closer to the younger man with each word uttered until on a barest hint of a space separated them. When he finished speaking, he leaned over to capture the warm, moist mouth with his own. His arms wound around the officer, drawing him in towards his body as the kiss deepened and he tasted the sweetness that he knew to be solely unique to the younger man in his embrace. With great effort, he pulled himself free to look into Julian's handsome face once more. The hazel eyes that had fluttered shut during the kiss opened once more and focused on the pirate. "And you, Julian, how would you know when you are really in love?" Julian's heart raced in his chest, the pounding was deafening to his own ears and he wondered if the pirate was also able to hear it. A soft pinkish glow crept up his neck and colored his face. He wasn't sure if his voice would be steady or not, but he replied anyway. "If I were really in love, I would feel more comfort and safety with my lover than with anyone else before. I would not question my lover's motives any longer, for I truly understand now. I would desire to be with my love, side by side, to face together whatever the future may bring. I would smile more brightly because of my love's presence. I would laugh more freely just to see the smile it would bring to my love's face. I would take in the essence of my love and hold it dear to me. I would enjoy the feeling of being held in my lover's arms--the warmth and strength that they would bring to me, and I would indulge myself as often as I could just to have another taste of my love's kiss." Julian then wrapped his own arms around the pirate's sturdy back and drew him near again to reclaim the mouth he wanted so much. His tongue darted out to run across the soft gray ones underneath his own before nibbling at the delicate skin as if it were a delicacy. Garak's mouth opened under the gentle pressure Julian was exuding and soon found the recesses of his mouth to be pillaged by the capable tongue. Not about to be passive, Garak caught the agile tongue between his teeth and sucked on it causing the younger man to moan with delight. Finding the sound intoxicating, Garak continued doing so until the need for breathing could no longer be ignored. Pulling back, Garak looked once more into Julian's inviting hazel eyes as both men tried to read the other. Julian instinctively knew that this juncture was critical for whatever was about to happen between them. He knew Garak wouldn't force himself, just how he knew that for sure he didn't know, so that meant that he was leaving it up to Julian. Was this something Julian wanted? The telltale sign of firming in his pants was enough of an answer for what his body was wanting, but what about the rest? He had meant what he said, but to give of himself so trustingly? As Julian looked into the cool blue eyes that were watching him intently, he knew his answer. "Garak, make love to me," he whispered, wondering how his voice managed to sound so confident and sure. Garak reached up to caress the officer's jaw, his thumb stroking his pouty bottom lip. "I never dreamed I'd hear those words spoken from those lips. Hoped for yes, but never dreamed," he whispered. "I never dreamed of saying it," Julian confessed, his blush deepening. "Are you certain?" Garak had to know before it was too late for him to turn back. As an answer, Julian closed the scanty distance between them again, pulling Garak into his arms and covering his mouth for another long kiss. Not resisting, Garak deepened the kiss as he gently pushed the younger man onto his back on the blanket that they laid upon. Garak then covered the officer's body with his own. The feeling of the warmth and power of the body above his was dizzying to Julian as the pirate started to move his mouth down the column of exposed tender flesh of his throat. Garak's hands clasped Julian's and raised them above his head as he continued suckling and licking his throat. Julian's body instinctively began moving underneath the pirate and as he continued trailing kisses around Julian's neck, over his jaw-line, and behind his ear, Garak too began moving his body. His hips were pressed hard against the younger man's and Julian could feel the bulging swelling through the material. It pressed and rubbed insitantly against his own firming member causing a delicious ache to start blooming inside of him. Julian's hands went up to caress the older man's back, pulling him even more firmly down on top of him as the growing friction between their bodies caused Julian to moan lightly. Garak felt the vibrations deep in Julian's throat rather than heard it. Garak rolled off to the younger man's side and smiled when he heard a whimpered protest, but the protest soon died on Julian's lips when Garak's hand came up to unbutton the dark blue shirt he wore. Soon it was unbuttoned clear to his waist and Garak's hand slid under the material to the warm skin underneath. Garak's lips continued to mesh against Julian's, gently nibbling and teasing, as his fingers traveled over the now exposed chest. A finger brushed against the dark nubby flesh of Julian's nipple and the dark peak was teased into hardness with a maddeningly light touch. Garak bent down to draw his tongue against the hardened flesh and took it lightly between his teeth and suckled at it, first drawing a gasp and then a moan from the man beneath him. His hand slid down to gently rub against the officer's firm member through the heavy fabric of his pants. Julian moved restlessly under his hand, his body arching up to meet the steady pleasure. Julian's own hands had managed to unbutton the pirate's shirt and it flapped open against the breeze. His own fingers were free to explore the rock hard muscles underneath, the pads of his thumbs playing with the black nubs of the pirate's nipples. His hands glided over the strong torso, across the well-defined thigh and slowly began rubbing against the aching member that was straining the pirate's trousers. Garak's mouth hungrily moved back steadily up the officer's chest, up the slender throat and sought out the pliable lips again. Garak loved the feel of Julian's agile fingers exploring his body, heightening his desire painfully, but it wasn't enough; the clothing was a hindersom barrier that he was quickly growing tired of. Without warning, Garak raised Julian up and divested him of the shirt that was hanging on him. Julian did the same with the pirate's shirt, eager to feel the warm bare skin next to his own. Julian's hands then went to his unfastened pants. "Let me," Garak whispered, shooing the fingers away as Julian laid back down. Garak then lifted one foot and pulled off the black leather boot and then took its partner off as well before his hands came to the band of the open trousers. Tugging them down the lean hips, Garak pulled them completely off as Julian helped by lifting himself up. Garak then loosened the drawstrings to Julian's underclothing. Garak's hands went inside the material to caress the bare skin of Julian's hips before slowly sliding the material down the lean hips. The pirate exposed the body beneath him bit by torturous bit until Julian's hard manhood was exposed, standing firm and proud in call for his touch. The blunt tip already glistened with desire. Pulling them the rest of the way down, he freed Julian's legs. Garak took the time to run his hands over those long legs, up over his hips, across the plane of his flat stomach and chest before the pirate's hands came to his own remaining clothing. The older man was not so slow at removing his trousers and underclothes as he has been with the officer. Julian watched as Garak disrobed and his breath was robbed from him as he was hit by the sheer masculine beauty of the man before him. He remembered the night where he had washed that powerful body, and now that same body was going to make love to his. Garak, still sitting up with his legs out in front of him, reached over and took hold of Julian and pulled him into his arms and into his bare lap. Julian wrapped his long, slender legs around Garak's waist so that they now were chest to chest and staring into one another's eyes. Garak noticed how the younger man trembled as his hands caressed the length of his back, and to the back of his head. Garak freed Julian's hair from the strip of leather to allow the dark chestnut hair to fall around his shoulders. Garak's hand came up to run through the dark strands and cup the back of his head as the pirate leaned in to make those lips his again. Their chests rubbed together; Julian's hot skin already made hypersensitive by the chilling of the cool night air. Slowly their bodies rocked together in time to the crashing of the waves as they each took and gave kisses, each kiss becoming more desperate as their needs built. Hands ravenously caressed the bare skin offered, both longing for more. Julian moaned into Garak's mouth when the older man's hands had slid down to claim the officer's taunt rear and pulled him even closer. Garak leaned back onto the blanket, taking Julian with him so that the younger man covered him like a blanket. Garak's fingers trailed over the smooth flesh of Julian's rear, fingertips gently teasing the warm crevice. Julian leaned down and began showering his chest with warm tender kisses, occasionally nipping along the corded muscle that led from his neck to his shoulder. His hair fell forward to tickle Garak's chest. Garak's body felt electrified, the tender kisses sending sparks of heat and desire through every nerve ending in his body, increasing the aching in the core of his being. No other's touch had ever had such a profound effect on him, he felt as if he could drown in the sensations that the younger man was causing. The pirate managed to control himself enough to roll over, pinning the younger man under him, for he had plans of his own for the erotic tempter. Once he had the bewitching body under his again, he began his own assault. He started once more with the younger man's chest and slowly started kissing his way down the fine trail of hair down the center of his sternum. Kissing and nibbling his way down the officer's ribs, he continued down the flat stomach. Once there, he took time to dip his tongue into the hollow of Julian's navel, causing the young man to moan and squirm. His hands stroking Julian's hips and thighs as his mouth continued lower. The lower he went, the more he could feel Julian trembling, quivering with unanswered need. His hands slid up Julian's inner legs, causing him to part them so that Garak could move in-between them. Julian's firm member arched up, jutting up to meet him as he slowly bowed his head to allow his tongue to draw across the heated flesh that was scarlet with want. The tip of his tongue took in the pearly viscid moisture that was weeping from the tip before traveling over each side and underside. Firmly it repeating its journey from tip to base and back again before it was taken into his hot, moist mouth. Julian moved his hips helplessly, seeking that warm tongue as it bathed him, pulling him into that warm sweet haven over and over again. His blood ran hot in his veins; the cool night air did nothing to tame the heated desire coursing through him. He felt like he was afloat on a wave of desire that continued to surmount him, consume him in an all encompassing flood of passion. His entire universe seemed to melt away to where the only thing in existence was him and the handsome lover that was reeking havoc with his body. The sucking grew more intense as Garak alternated with different strokes of his tongue over the flaming flesh, taking delight in the heady scent that filled his senses as he learned the unique taste of his lover. Gray hands came to gently cup and massage the weighty testicles as Julian's body moved in time to the pirate's mouth, raising and arching to meet the exsquized delight. Beads of sweat broke out over Julian's body, his panting breaths becoming more rapid as the pirate urged him onward spiraling faster and faster to the peak that awaited him. Julian groaned, calling out incoherently as he was drawn over and over again into that all ambient mouth. Julian's hands went to Garak's ebony hair, his fingers running through the strands, holding him close as his hips bucked to meet him. The pirate could tell the officer was getting nearer and nearer to the apex, slowly finding himself at the point of no return. He could feel the younger man's muscles stiffen as his testicles drew up tightly in his hand. Garak broke the contact with his mouth to take the younger man's hard need into his sure hand and began pumping steadily. "That's right, Tesoro, come for me, Love," Garak whispered in a sultry voice. "Show me how much you want me, want this.." His voice trailed off as his hand continued milking the hard, textured, throbbing member, showing no mercy as he drove Julian onward and upward. The sound of the pirate's voice urging him on, mixed with the sensation of the broad hand was all it took to send Julian over the edge. With a loud moan, Julian's pearly essence flowed thick and hot over the gray fingers that surrounded him and onto his stomach, his body spasming as it was racked with pleasure. Julian panted from the exertion as the captain leaned over to give him a long and sensual kiss. Julian's hands went up to capture the face and held it close as he let the kiss linger until they were both breathless. "Oh Garak, that was..." Julian couldn't find the word for it. He had never reached such heights in his life; none of his previous experiences had even come close to resembling the passion he had just experienced. The pirate was smiling down at him and Julian could feel the blush creeping into his skin again and looked down to avert his gaze. When he did, he noticed that the pirate's own need was glaringly obvious as the hard and moist erection still stood proudly from the captain's body. Julian reached a hand out to slowly start rubbing it as the pirate's eyes closed and a groan of pleasure escaped his lips. "What about you though?" He wanted to please the pirate as much as he had been pleasured. Garak caught his wrist with a hand and stopped the ministrations. What he wanted more than anything was to feel the pleasure of the officer's body wrapped around him, but he was unsure as to how to make his request without frightening the younger man. He didn't want to risk that at this critical point. Julian could see the waves of emotion running through the older man as they flashed through the cool blue eyes that pinned him, the desire and longing were evident. He was an innocent, but he wasn't naive. He knew what the pirate longed for but seemed to be unwilling to ask for. Again the older man was making it his choice. "Will you take me, please, I need you to," Julian replied and with the look that came into the pirate's eyes, he knew what had been offered to him. "Is that something you really want?" the pirate asked carefully, wanting there to be no question in the officer's mind. Julian's hand found it's way back to the pirate's aching need and he rubbed the palm of his hand hard against it. "Yes, I do, ...please.." Garak groaned aloud and took some of the seed that had coated his fingers and reached down to coat his throbbing erection. Garak then took his finger and started to massage some of the viscid moisture that had cascaded down to Julian's rear into the tight rosy bud of his opening. Slowly he moved the digit in and out, working the liquid into the warm body well. Julian's body started to move as a second well-coated finger joined in the effort as did a third. The pirate took special care to make sure he worked the muscular opening with tender care, making a tedious effort in an unhurried manor to make sure the officer was ready for him. When he looked up into Julian's face though, he saw concern in the hazel eyes. "What is wrong? Are you not sure of this?" Garak asked quietly. He didn't want to go through with this if the younger man had any misgivings. "It's just that...well, you see, I.." Julian stumbled over the words, not knowing how to voice his concerns. "You've not done this before," the pirate guessed. Julian shook his head negatively. Garak leaned down to claim the pliable mouth once more as his own. "Don't have any fear, Love, I won't make you do anything you don't want to," he assured him and Julian nodded his head, knowing that what the pirate said to be truth. "What can I do that might make this easier for you?" the pirate asked. "I have an idea, lie down," Julian requested and the pirate did so willingly. Julian then moved to straddle the older man's waist. Once, a long time ago, Daniel confided in him that in this position, he would have complete control over the situation. How he remembered that conversation he wasn't sure, but Julian hoped that he had been right. Garak took Julian's hips into his hands and helped to support him as Julian moved himself over the pirate's hard member until he could feel the blunt tip against his opening. Ever so slowly, Julian carefully lowered himself so that the head of the hard organ pasted the muscular ring. The younger man gasped as the pain was immediate, but he didn't pull away. Steady hands held him and caressed him, soothingly and relaxingly until Julian was ready to try again. Slowly, inch by inch he slid down, feeling himself becoming filled farther and farther. Julian's watched as Garak's eyes closed when he was finally immersed inside him. Garak couldn't believe how hot and tight the young man was as he was engulfed ever so slowly into the warm harbor of that delightly body. Feeling possessed by the welcoming heat that surrounded him until the entire length of him disappeared into the warm depths. Garak's swimming head just did manage to settle slightly until Julian began experimentally moving himself up and down. The movements were slow and cautious at first, Julian adjusting to the length of pirate inside of him. There was still a small amount of pain, but as soon as Julian became accustomed to it, it soon turned into pleasure. The little thrusts moving only scant inches slowly drew faster and faster. Garak's hands ran over Julian's stomach and back, over the legs and hips as he did his best to lie still and let Julian get use to the new sensations. It quickly became increasing difficult though, and Garak's hips started moving up and down in time to meet Julian's body as it descended on top of his. Harder and faster Julian's movements became, especially once he found the particular angle that brought him waves of pleasure strong enough to cause him to start to harden once more. Garak was pleased to see the desire spreading through the younger man, knowing that what he was doing to him felt good. He wanted to bring him pleasure. The younger man was a vision of beauty to him, with the sight of the dark flowing hair bouncing on Julian's shoulders, head tossed back, eyes dark and smoky from desire and want looking down on him as he was ridden harder and harder. Was there ever a creature created that could match this man's beauty? He seriously doubted it. Harder and faster Julian moved, riding the older man with an untamed ardor. Head tossing about as he filled himself completely with the pirate, joined with a searing heat that rushed through them. The golden body glistened with a thin layer of moister. Garak's hands slipped on the hips that held the younger man tight to his body, pulling him down hard even as he arched upward. Sweat mingled with sweat as their union grew more fevered, thrusting and pounding, harder and harder, taking both of them higher and higher. Garak felt as if he was flying and drowning at the same time as he felt himself coming closer and closer to the point of no return. Reaching out blindly, he grasped the other man's hard need, knowing he was close as well and pumped hard in time with the powerful thrusts. A moan was let out. Whether it was his or the officer's he wasn't sure, all he knew was the white hot need pounding through his veins as he urged the younger man on. His body tensed as he was sent spiraling helplessly over the edge and soared to the vertex. Pleasure exploded into a thousand points of light behind his closed eyes; he let out a strangled cry as his body flooded the officer's own with his seed. He heard Julian's own voice mingled with his in a helpless cry and felt the hot, pearly seed of the younger man pour forth to cover his fingers again. Garak's senses slowly descended back to Earth with reluctance. His breathing became steadier than the short pants from just a few moments ago as he waited for his body to stop shivering and spasming within the warmth that still surrounded him. When his breathing was regulated and his pulse had returned to normal, he looked up to see Julian, still joined to him. The look of pure pleasure still filled the younger man's features as he watched Julian slowly come down from the crest of passion to join him. Ever so slowly, Julian moved, releasing himself from their connection. Garak suddenly felt an acute sense of loss at the movement, but gathered the officer into his arms and pulled him tightly to him. Julian's own arms wound around him, holding him tight. They laid there in silence for quite some time, neither wanting to break the spell that had fallen over them. Both men were happy just feeling the other's warmth and the security that came from feeling the other's arms around them. When the pirate captain however began hearing the steady, relaxed breathing coming from the younger man, he knew they had to move or risk falling asleep on the beach without the benefits of clothing. It wouldn't be proper for one of his crew or the islanders to come upon them and find them in such a state. Slowly he roused the sleepy officer. At first Julian just murmured and snuggled in closer to the sturdy body, but Garak was insistent. "Mmm, what?" Julian asked, still not happy for being roused. "Come Julian, we need to get back to the boat before Rosie notices we're gone and sends a search party after us," Garak replied with a faint smile as he sat up and went to grab his clothing. Julian protested the movement, but finally started to gain enough energy to start getting dressed himself. "Yeah, you're right, Rosie would do something like that wouldn't she?" he asked with an answering smile. "Whether she claims to or not, I think she likes watching over all of us," Garak commented as he picked up the discarded picnic basket while Julian pulled on his boots. Reaching with his free hand, he helped the younger man to his feet. His arm went around the officer as he descended for a final kiss before leading him back to the boat, still with an arm comfortably around his waist. Several crew members were on deck as they boarded the vessel, but none said anything of the intimate appearance the men had as they walked back to the captain's quarters. Once they were back inside, Garak set the empty basket onto his desk and began disrobing again and crawled into the warmth of his bed quickly. The cool night air was nice, but he was sensitive to temperature and appreachiated the warmth of his blankets. Julian watched, and wasn't sure as to what was required of him, was he supposed to join the captain as he wanted to? Now that they had made love, Julian wasn't really sure where his relationship stood with the pirate. Seeing the confusion in his eyes, Garak halted it quickly. "This bed is yours too now, you are welcome into it anytime you wish. You never need to ask." A smile was on Julian's lips as he undressed himself and crawled under the covers that the pirate held up for him in welcome. Once again they were pressed skin to skin, able to feel the other's heartbeat as they held each other close. Garak's hand gently brushed through the mahogany colored hair, while Julian's fingers played with the curves and indentions of his chest. Gentle kisses were traded back and forth as both were relaxed and content. "Garak?" Julian asked hesitantly. "Yes?" "What did you call me earlier?" the officer asked. "What? When?" the pirate asked as he tried to remember different things that had been said. "You called me 'Tesoro', what does that mean?" Julian asked, his hand traveling over the pirate's smooth hip. Garak leaned over to kiss those swollen lips soundly. "Tesoro is Spanish for 'treasure' my love," he explained. "You really feel that way?" Julian asked with wonder. No one else had ever said anything like that to him. From the time he had been a child, he had never thought himself anything special, especially when his father kept telling him how worthless he was. "You, Julian, are by far the most valuable treasure I've ever had the fortune to come across," Garak replied as he stroked the pliant body. "Your beauty is astounding, and more than that, your heart by far is the the richest I've ever seen. Your caring and compassion makes you more valuable then any precious jewel in existence," Garak then took those soft lips with his once more. Normally, he would not feel comfortable expressing his feelings, but for some reason being with this man made it easy. "No one has ever said anything like that to me," Julian confided, not looking at Garak in the eyes. Garak stroked the officer's soft cheeks. "I'm only speaking the truth, and it's something you should hear often. You are a very special man Julian Bashir." Julian smiled up at the older man. "You know, you could say the same of yourself. Not many men would risk their lives only to give their gains to those in need." "There is nothing special about me, I simply enjoy giving them a fighting chance," Garak replied. "It's still more than anyone else I know would do for them," Julian interjected, fighting a yawn that threatened to come forth. Garak pulled the blankets up around them and held the younger man closer. "You're getting tired Tesoro, let's sleep now." As Julian laid in the strong arms that wrapped around him, he thought about all that had happened in such a short time. He knew the truth within himself, that he had meant what he had said to the pirate. He had fallen in love with the man and he was surprised how that simple truth set something free within himself. He couldn't remember ever feeling such a sense of peace or contentment as he knew in the arms of this pirate. Slowly the cloud of sleep descended over the officer and he felt himself in the safe harbor of the older man's arms. The next morning Julian woke up to the feeling of a pair of warm, wet lips covering his own. Before that fact seeped into his sleep sodden brain, he realized that a heavy hand was pressed flat against his rapidly hardening groin. Opening his eyes, Julian was able to read the growing desire he saw playing in the clear blue eyes. Smiling, he cupped the pirate's face, holding him close as he kissed the older man with an easy slowness. His lithe body stretched out as he worked the kinks out of his muscles while the pirate lazily drew his fingers over Julian's sex playfully. Garak's lips then began roaming over the slender throat that was arched for him, nibbling the delicate Adam's apple, gently tonguing the indention a little further down. Julian's hands stroked the pirate's broad back. Julian hand slipped down to slowly start rubbing the older man's need, fondling the heavy sac of his testicles. Both men moaned softly into each other's mouths as their lips hungrily devoured the other's. Garak moved himself over the officer's body, aligning their bodies so that his firm erection teasingly rubbed against the younger man's counterpart. Julian's hands slid down the broad back to grasp the taunt rear, a finger sliding suggestively down the crevice before pulling the older man down more firmly on top of him. Garak moved his body over the officer's with strength, slowly grinding their groins against one another. Julian's long slender legs wound around the pirate's waist, and pulled him tightly against him as his nimble finger kept a tight hold of the well-formed globes of flesh. His body squirmed sensualy underneath the weight of the older man as he arched meeting each rubbing thrust with one of his own. The friction grew stronger and stronger as the heat rose between them. Beads of sweat broke out over their bodies as it mingled with the moisture that grew with the friction at their groins leaving their bodies covered in a fine sheen that glistened in the morning sun. Faster their bodies slid together; the fevered motions become more so with each touch. Their bodies fit perfectly together as they worked as one to drive each other higher and higher in perfect harmony. Garak's hips lifted and moved, twisted and turning as Julian moaned loudly in pleasure. Julian began to feel that drowning sensation. He closed his eyes and threw his head back against the soft pillow and arching up longing for the connection of his body with the older man's. The look of pleasure and rising passion on the officer's face was a delight to the pirate, who was unable to pull his eyes off the vulnerably sexy face as he drove on harder. "That's right my gorgeous treasure, let yourself go," Garak encouraged in a whisper, feeling himself growing closer to the vertex himself. "So beautiful...," he murmured. Julian groaned loudly, having slipped the point of coherent thought. All he was aware of was the body of his lover slowly leading him over the crest of pleasure. "Oh don't stop! Want you...so much," he panted, digging his fingernails into the soft flesh of the pirate's rear urging him on. In a cloud of lust, he raised up to bite hard on the older man's corded neck muscles. This was all it took to send the pirate spiralling over the edge into a shattering climax as he felt his hot seed spill out, trapped between their joined bodies. As he rode the endless waves of pleasure that flooded his body, his hand slipped in between them and wrapped around the hard need of Julian's organ and pumped hard and fast. The younger man thrashed under him lost in desire. It was only moments before the officer followed over the peak and with a loud cry of his name on the younger man's lips, the officer's seed spilled forth to join his between their bodies. They slowly cascaded down back to Earth wrapped in each other's arms, exchanging tender kisses back and forth. Garak's hand stroked the fine mahogany hair that framed Julian's face while Julian's hands gently roamed over the older man's back and rear. "You know Julian, if I keep finding your body such a temptation, I'm afraid I may never want to leave this bed," Garak murmured, kissing the officer's cheek and soft lips. "Mmm, can't have that now could we? I would think it would be rather difficult to command a ship from a bed," Julian teased, his arms drawing the pirate tightly against him. "True, though I'm tempted to find a way yet," Garak countered, continuing to nibbled the tender lips. "I suppose Beau could man the helm for awhile longer yet. He knows how to get where we're headed easily." "Where are we headed?" Julian asked, his long body stretching languidly against the pirate's. "How would you like to see where I live?" Garak asked him with a warm smile. "We're heading back to the island that I reside at while I'm not at sea." Julian's pleasured smile lit up his face. "I'd love to see where you live. Yes, I'd like that very much," he replied, then shyly averted his gaze from the pirate. "Will I be staying with you?" Garak stroked the other man's soft cheek, bringing the younger man's eyes to his. "I told you before that this bed was yours now and that you would never have to ask to share it with me. The same can be said for my Villa. What is mine is yours and if it's your desire to stay with me, nothing would bring me grater pleasure." As he finished speaking, he once more took the officer's mouth under his and gave him such a deep and thorough kiss that it left them gasping for air. ***** Gabriel Stuart waited outside of the Queen's meeting room waiting to be summoned. He was quite anxious to meet with her Majesty once he had received the information from the servant girl's brother...Riley. The man had provided him with everything he needed to know about the infamous Greyridge and his menacing crew. At first hearing the details, a plan had begun to form in his mind on how to make the pirate pay dearly for his Julian's death. His heart still ached as though it were the day that Daniel had first informed him about Julian's demise. He had been withdrawn and cold to Daniel for quite sometime afterwards, even though he knew deep down that there hadn't been anything that his lover could have done to protect Julian from the vial pirate. He couldn't help feeling angry at Julian's brutal death. Though he was with Daniel and did care for him a good deal, even loved him for the most part, there was still something special he felt for the dark haired naval captain. Julian's personality never failed to bring a smile to his lips. The captain's laughter was contagious, and he had such a caring, compassionate way about him that Gabriel would have had to have been dead not to feel something for the devastatingly handsome officer. He had never once cheated on his lover, but had the naval captain seemed interested in reciprocating the emotions that Gabriel had for him, he would have not know how he would have reacted. A forlorned sigh escaped his lips as he knew it was pointless to speculate on such matters now anyway. The man was dead and he was determined to bring justice to the one responsible for it. The door to the meeting room swung open and one of the Queen's ladies-in-waiting, a very charming redhead, stepped out to greet Gabriel. "Her Majesty will see you now," the woman said, with a short curtsy and opened the door farther to allow the man entrance. "Your Majesty, " he greeted the Queen with a deep bow at the waist. "I appreciate you taking the time to see me." Elizabeth waved her hand in an order to stand. "Well, Gabriel, when I was given the news that you had information to possibly bring to justice the man who stole treasure from me and whom killed one of my finest naval captains, to say I was...intrigued..would have been a gross understatement. Now tell me what you know, young man." Gabriel then went into tale explaining to his Queen how he had been approached by the servant woman and how a discussion with her brother had led Gabriel to know the best way to get into communication with the pirate. Several of the pirate captian's informants had been named when Gabriel had threatened not to help Greyridge's former crew member. "That is very interesting, Mister Stuart, but how to you propose we utilize this information?" the Queen asked. "Well," Gabriel started to speak hesitantly, "I have been thinking about that matter and I believe I have an idea that would bring Greyridge to justice." "Go on," Elizabeth encouraged. She would be willing to hear out anyone who might be capable of bringing in the man that had reeked such havoc against her men, not to mention interfering in the rescue of her companion, the Duke. "What I was thinking was that perhaps that now we know the name of one of Greyridge's contacts, I and a few of my men, could contact the pirate taking on the ruse of being a traitor to the throne." Gabriel's speaking became quicker as the Queen watched the enthusiasm growing in the young man's green eyes. While posing as a traitor, I could feed false information to the informant, telling him that I know that you are going to once again attempt to send ransom for the Duke. I will then tell the informant that in exchange for said information that all I will be wanting is a share of the bounty. When we arrange for a meeting to collect our share of the bounty, my men will be laying in waiting to trap them. What say you my Queen?" Elizabeth did not answer at first, merely regarded the young man before her. "Hmm, yes," she conceded slowly. "Yes, I do believe this plan suits me very well indeed. You, young man, may prove very valuable to my court." Gabriel allowed himself a small smile. "It is my pleasure to serve you, your Highness. I only hope to bring justice to Captain Bashir's needless death," he responded and bowed deeply once more. "Yes, Julian was a fine man," the Queen acknowledged with a fond smile at the younger man. "Go now and prepare your men. I'll have the treasure ready when the plan is to be put into action." "Thank you, Your Majesty," Gabriel replied appreciatively before turning to leave. "Oh and, Gabriel," Elizabeth called to him, causing him to turn. "Yes?" "If you're unable to bring the pirate captain in alive, it matters not to me," the Queen replied, making her intentions quite clear to the young man. Once more Gabriel bowed at the waist. "As you wish, my Queen," he answered. "I pray you luck on your quest, Gabriel, and that you're successful in your endeavor and able to return safely," the Queen said. "Tis not I that will be needing prayers your Highness," Gabriel replied solemnly before finally leaving. Once outside, Gabriel saw Daniel standing in the foyer, waiting for him. "You didn't approach the Queen with your plans did you?" Daniel asked his younger lover. "That I did, I told you I would be," Gabriel replied with determination. They had argued the matter the previous night. Daniel looked angrily at his mate. "What did she say?" "She gave me her blessing," Gabriel replied. "Bloody hell, Gabriel, I specifically requested that you forget this notion," Daniel replied bitterly. "Daniel, if there is a chance that I can avenge Julian's death, then I have to try. Why can't you understand that?" Gabriel questioned. "Don't you want to see Greyridge finally brought to justice for all of his crimes against the kingdom?" Daniel eyed his lover dubiously. "Of course I do, no one wants to see him pay for Julian's life more than I, he was my friend as well," he answered and looking around to make sure they were alone, pulled Gabriel into his arms and kissed him soundly. "It would literally kill me though if anything were to happen to you. This plan of yours is far too risky to play out. If I lost you to that pirate as well, I don't know what I would do." Gabriel smiled up at him. "Don't worry about me, Daniel, I won't be attempting this alone and I will take care not to let anything happen to me." He was touched that Daniel was so concerned over his well-being. Daniel frowned inwardly. He had tried every tactic he knew to divert Gabriel from this mission. He had appealed to Gabriel's logic, and had tried to make him forget through lovemaking. Nothing seemed to work. He couldn't risk his lover finding out the truth of what happened to Julian- that he had not died, and that Daniel in fact had turned Julian over to the pirate. If this got out, he would be ruined as a Naval officer, possibly even being branded a traitor. There was no way he was going to risk that, he had fought too hard for the gains he'd attained to watch it slip through his fingers without doing anything about it. Finally he came to the only decision he could. "Gabriel, if you insist on going through with this, I won't be satisfied of your safety unless I go with you." If he could keep an eye on his lover, perhaps he could avoid being found out. Gabriel, oblivious to the older man's thoughts, smiled broadly up at his lover. "I would enjoy having you come along with me. I was hoping you would anyhow." Gabriel then kissed his lover with enthusiasm, not aware of the plans of his own that Daniel was contriving. ***** When the Seawolf pulled into the shores of Cape Verida, Julian was filled with a sense of excitement as he stood by Garak's side at the helm. In the week that he and Garak had become lovers, Julian was never far from the pirate captain's side, nor was Garak far from him. He knew that the crew wasn't completely satisfied with their relationship, as he had heard the whisperings and snide remarks made behind their backs, and was certain the captain had also. Julian didn't let it bother him though because he couldn't remember a time when he was any happier than when he was in the captian's company. He still did chores around the boat, helping Rosie with the cooking and other similar activities but Garak never requested it of him anymore. He did it because he chose to, wanting to help out and to show the crew that things weren't that much different just because of his new relationship. For Garak's part, he was never any harder on his men. Not wanting them to get the impression that a relationship was going to distract him from his command, he made it known that his expectations from the men were just as high as they ever had been. Though, when night fell, Beau was put in charge more and more frequently while Garak enjoyed the company of his younger lover, waiting for the day that he could show Julian his home-the day that had finally come. Garak had his arm wrapped securely around Julian's waist, making a silent statement, as they followed the rest of the crew off of the boat and down the rocky shore. The white sand glistened and sparkled under the bright sun that hung high in the cloudless sky. The white sands spread around the little cove like sparking sarape, naturally dividing the sapphire blue sea from the copious jagged, twisting dark green of the shore. Colorful and lively birds darted from the lush treetops to bushes, squawking blatantly over the richest of the tropical fruit. In the distance, dark men stood up to their waists in the water, casting their nets out in hopes of securing the various forms of fish as naked children ran about to chase the gulls away from their potential feast. Upon a high bluff stood a sprawling house made of stone. The design was simple enough, but it looked majestic sitting above and looking down at the coast. Beyond the house rich churned soil gave way to lush fields that curved around. Tall rows of sugarcane stretched out as far as Julian's eyes could see, and waved in the gentle breeze. Over a hundred stone steps, carved into the bluff, led down to the sea. Halfway down a fair haired adolescent stood waving in greeting. "Master Garak!" the boy called, running down to them. "Hello Jacob," Garak greeted the boy with a fond smile. "I trust everything has been well handled in my absence." "Aye Sir," the boy answered. "Good, good," Garak replied happily as he placed his free arm around the boy's slender shoulders as the all climbed the steps. "Did Lilly and Thomas give you any trouble?" "No Sir, they behaved themselves," the boy answered, his blue eyes then landed on Julian's unfamiliar face. "Master Garak, who is he?" Garak looked to Julian and then back to the blue eyes of the young man. "This is Julian, he will be staying with me while I am here," he answered as his grip tightened around the officer's waist. "Nice to meet you sir," the boy replied before looking back to the older man. "Will arrangements need to be made in the guest quarters?" "No, he will be sharing my room instead of the guest quarters, but if Rosie's room is in need of cleaning please see that it's done," Garak replied. "Aye sir," Jacob replied and took off at a sprint the rest of the way up the steps, taking two of them at a time until he reached the door. "Who are Lilly and Thomas?" Julian asked curiously when they reached the doors. "You'll meet them soon enough," Garak answered and opened the doors. He took Julian's hand and led him inside. The house was large in comparison to the others that Julian had recently seen. The high wooden crossbeams held up the huge wooden roof and added to the spaciousness Julian felt stepping into the place. Handmade wicker baskets held green plants that added color, as did the various tapestries and paintings that Julian recognized to have come from all over the globe. An oriental rug beautiful in design carpeted the floor, Japanese artwork hung on the walls, Indonesian and Spanish pottery filling the corners. Julian recongnized bits and pieces of furniture, artwork, and pottery, that all blended perfectly to a complex design that seemed to represent the man by his side well. The furniture of tables and chairs where made of the sturdiest of oak. Garak watched as the younger man took in his establishment. "Welcome to my home Julian." Julian was about to lean in and give the pirate a kiss when he heard someone cry out and heard scampering coming towards them. Suddenly a little dark haired girl, looking to be about five years old, came running from around the corner of another room. She skidded to a halt when she saw the pirate. "Papa!" she cried out and ran to Garak, her arms grabbing the captain around the legs. Within seconds, a dark haired boy, looking very similar to the girl, only a few years older though, came running around the same corner. "Lilly, I 'told' you to stay out of my room!!" the boy announced and tried to grab at his little sister, whom had her face buried in the back of Garak's legs. Garak quickly swept the boy into his arms. "Nice to see you again too, Thomas." "Papa, Lilly got into my room and took all my toys out," the boy explained. "What have I told you before?" Garak asked patiently. "That Lilly is littler than me and I have to be patient with her," the boy replied with a sigh, sounding as though he had recited it often. "That's right, now go put your toys away," Garak replied and set the boy back down on his feet. "But..." The boy started to protest, but one look from Garak told him he wouldn't get far. Mumbling something under his breath, the boy headed back in the direction he came from. Garak then reached behind him and picked up the girl and kissed her forehead. "I've missed you, princess," Garak said. "I've missed you too, Papa," the girl replied and hugged the captain's neck tightly. "Now go help your brother pick up his toys," Garak replied and set her back on her feet. "But I don't want to," she cried and stuck her bottom lip out in a pout. "If you don't you're not getting any dessert tonight," Garak responded. "Or the present I brought you." The girl looked at Garak, then at Julian, and finally back at Garak once more before taking off after her brother. Garak then turned to Julian. "You've just met Lilly and Thomas," Garak replied, a warm smile playing on his lips. "They called you Papa?" Julian asked with confusion. "I had adopted them several years ago after both of their parents, whom I had known well, had been killed. They had been young enough that they started calling me Papa," Garak explained. It suddenly seemed to make sense to Julian now why Garak had been so good with Alita's children...he was skilled at dealing with them for a very good reason. "Do you have any more surprises in store for me?" Julian asked, not knowing whether he was teasing or serious. "You'll have to find that out for yourself, now won't you?" Garak answered mischievously, a touch of a challenge in his tone. "Come on, I'll show you around." Garak showed him around the house, through the study area off the main room filled with shelves of aged books, led him into the kitchen where several servants greeted Garak's return with enthusiasm. Julian had asked Garak if there were any other servants, and Garak commented that there was a couple of them taking care of the grounds outside. Garak then took him up a spiral staircase that led to the bedrooms. He showed Julian the children's bedroom and then finally his own. The master bedroom was beautifully decorated with oak furniture. The roll-top desk in the corner was intricately carved with scrolling lines throughout. The wood of the bureau had the same designs carved in it and matched the beautiful oak of the desk. Sparse in way of decorations, the one item that called attention was the four-post bed in the middle of the room. The bed itself was huge and looked to be very soft and push. A colorful hand-woven quilt that brushed the hardwood floor was draped over it. "One luxury that I allow myself," Garak explained as he saw Julian's eyes taking in the ornate size with admiration. "It looks to be comfortable," the officer replied mildly. "Perhaps you shall find out for yourself soon enough," the pirate suggested with a hint of a smirk. Before the younger man could respond, the pirate secured his arm around the officer's waist and led him back out into the hallway and down the stairs. The pirate then led Julian into a beautiful flower garden outside behind the Villa. The colors of the various flowing plants ranged the full spectrum and the perfumed smell was pleasant without being overpowering. Julian could still hear the pounding surf breaking against the cliffs on the other side. Silently he continued to follow Garak, who still had ahold of his hand until they came to a large wooden and wrought iron bench. The pirate captain took a seat and pulled Julian down to sit with him as well. The British officer landed in his lap and didn't seem to mind. Steely arms criss crossed securely around the younger man's chest and Julian leaned his head back against the pirate's shoulder. "I enjoy coming out here at night sometimes. With the breeze coming in off the ocean, it makes it rather nice," Garak replied, in a wistful tone. "It seems like it would be," Julian conceded. "In fact, I could easily see myself quite relaxed here." The comment was meant to come off as nonchalant, but there was an unasked question masked underneath that the pirate captain picked up on. Garak turned the officer in his arms so that he could look at him. "Tesoro, there has been something I have been wanting to discuss with you." Garak's voice took on a serious intonation and his face became unreadable. "What is it?" Julian asked, becoming serious himself. Garak looked around the garden before his eyes came to rest on the man in his arms. "I know we've never discussed the future beyond the return to my Vila yet, " The pirate paused as though seemingly steeling himself, or so that was the impression Julian got. "but just because I haven't mentioned it, it doesn't mean that it hasn't been on my mind." "Nor has it escaped my thoughts either," Julian said, wondering where this was headed. Garak looked pleased that it had crossed the younger man's mind as well. "In truth, it's weighed on my mind a great deal. Which is why I need to know what you want from your future." "What do you mean?" Julian asked in confusion. "I mean, do you feel your future is back in Britain?" At Julian's questioning gaze, Garak continued. "Because if it is, if that's what you truly desire, then it can be granted." "What are you saying?" Julian asked, still shrouded in confusion. Garak sighed sadly. "What I'm saying is that if you think your future awaits for you in Britain, then you will be returned." Julian's breath caught in his throat. The pirate captain was offering to return him to his former life - it was there for the taking if he just asked for it. "Why are you offering this to me now?" Julian finally asked with curiousness. The pirate brushed the back of his hand along Julian's jaw. "Because, as much as I would like for you to stay, I don't want you to unless it is your choice," he explained. Julian captured the hand in his own and held onto it tightly. "Do you know what I've been considering for this last week?" Garak nodded negatively and Julian continued. "I've thought a lot about Britain. I've thought on my family, my friends, my position in the navy and though it offered me a good deal," Julian's soft hazel eyes locked onto the uncertain azure eyes of the pirate. Garak felt as if his heart would stop at any moment. "the fact is it pales in comparison to what staying with you would offer. What I have found with you in these last few weeks has held more meaning to me than anything I had previously. When I think of my future, I don't seem to be capable of imagining it without you in it." "You don't have to if that's not what you wish," Garak stated, his heart pounded hard against his ribs. "What are you asking Garak?" Julian asked, and felt the pirate's arms tightening around him. "What I'm asking..." Garak swallowed and looked at Julian with steady eyes. "...is if you would chose to stay with me...permanently." "Permanently?" Julian repeated, more for the sake of his own ears than gaining an answer. "Yes, remain with me and be a part of my life for good," Garak said, his eyes searching Julian as he awaited the younger man's answer. He had to remind himself how to breathe. Julian was silent for several painstakingly long moments, seeming to think it all over and it caused the older man to grow more than a little anxious. He hadn't realized just how important Julian's answer to this question was to him till now. Finally, Julian spoke. "I can't begin to explain what's happened between us, but what I do know is that I don't want it to end." Julian squeezed the older man tightly around the broad chest. "I think I would be very happy spending the rest of my days with you." The British officer didn't fool himself in thinking that things were going to be perfect for them. They would have many rough times ahead and many problems would arise that neither of them had even considered yet, but that wasn't important to him at the moment. As long as they were together, Julian felt certain that they could work through all the problems. All that mattered for him was the happiness that claimed the pirate's eyes. Garak leaned over and covered the younger man's mouth with his own, slowly and leisurely kissing him thoroughly. Julian's hands came up to cup the back of Garak's head and held it steady as his lips caressed the older man's. Julian's tongue traced the gray bottom lip, nipping and teasing it until the mouth opened up and allowed him to slip his tongue inside the warmth. There was no blinding, consuming fire in the kiss this time; it instead was a slow, relentless expression of their feelings for the other. When Julian pulled back, he saw that there were no masks upon the pirate's face that would occasionally still sneak up, only a look of contentment. The younger officer moved for another round of kisses as his hands traveled over the pirate's broad back and shoulders. His mouth was invaded by the warm tongue and they had an unhurried duel, each stroking, tasting and teasing the other in a lazy assault. Garak's hand snaked up and massaged the back of Julian's neck. The younger man's mouth started moving down the captain's jaw to lick, suckle, and nibble the soft gray scales running down the length of his neck. Garak sighed as his fingers tangled in the dark curls at the nape of Julian's neck. Pulling back slightly on the younger officer's head, the pirate brushed his lips firmly against Julian's again while the officer's hands roamed over his chest. "EWWwww!! Yucky!!!" they heard a small voice interrupt. Both men looked over to see their audience. Lilly had her hands on her hips and her little face was scrunched up as if she just smelled something spoiled. Garak shifted Julian off of his lap and rested his arms on his legs. "And just what is so 'yucky' young lady?" he asked in a serious tone, but the smile on his mouth and the twinkling in his eyes did little to service his serious tone. "You were kissing him," Lilly said as she climbed onto her Papa's lap and pointed at Julian. "And what's wrong with that?" Garak asked, securing the girl on his leg. "Kissing is yucky! Boys are yucky!" the little girl proclaimed in all seriousness. "But Papa is a boy and you don't mind when I kiss you," Garak reminded her and kissed her on the cheek and sent her into a fit of giggles while tickling her. "That's different, your not yucky," the girl said when she caught her breath. "Neither is Julian," Garak stated, his eyes still sparking as Julian watched this discussion with a small smile. "Papa, why do grown ups like to kiss?" Lilly asked. Garak thought about how to answer the five year old's question. Finally he spoke. "Grown ups like to kiss because that's how they show each other that they really like them." Brown eyes flashed from the pirate to the officer and back again. "Papa, you like Julian?" Garak's smile broadened. "Yes, I do like Julian. That's why he's going to stay with us." Lilly's eyes grew into large brown orbs. "He is??" Garak nodded affirmatively and she looked from one man to the other and was silent for a moment. "I don't care, I am still never letting any boy kiss me when I'm a grown up," she declared finally. It was Julian who spoke. "Oh, I don't know, when you get older, you may find out that you like kissing boys." The officer and Garak both laughed as she gave them a horrified look and bounded off her papa's lap and scurried back towards the house. "Ye shouldn't tease th' poor dear," the familiar voice of Sister Rosie said from behind them, a knowing smile dancing in her eyes. "Can I help it if she doesn't know what she's missing?" the pirate asked, pulling Julian to his for another soft kiss. Rosie smiled wickedly at them. "Well yeh two better tame it 'cause Father Frank is waiting for ye inside. I's went a head and invited 'im for supper since it's nearly done." "Thanks, Rosie," Garak replied and took Julian's hand in his own as he led him back to the Villa. Once inside the sitting room, they saw the priest waiting for them. Julian was surprised when Garak didn't drop his hand. "Father Frank, it's a pleasure to see you," Garak greeted him with a warm and friendly smile. "As it is you too Garak, and hello to you too Mr," the priest extended his hand towards Julian. "Bashir, Julian Bashir," the officer introduced himself and shook the other man's hand with his free one. The priest was more or less his age. They were built similarly as well- Father Frank being thinly built like himself with a couple of added inches in height. Instead of dark hair and eyes though, a crop of bright blonde hair sat on top of his head bringing attention to a piercing set of dark blue eyes. "Nice to meet you Julian," the priest replied before turning his attention back to the pirate. "I trust your trip went well?" "Very well, we met with absolutely no trouble," the pirate answered. He didn't consider the incident with Riley to be worthy of mention. The priest gave them a smile of satisfaction. "I am so very pleased to hear that! I worry for you and your crew when you are sailing," All three men took seats in various chairs in the sitting room. "Tell me, how is Father Lorenso these days?" "He is doing very well. He appreachiated the items we were able to give to the church," Garak answered. "Oh, I am sure," the Father replied. "Were you able to deliver my letter?" "Yes, yes I was. He was pleased to hear from you," Garak answered and then turned to Julian. "They enjoy sending letters back and forth," he explained. "Yes, it's nice to remain in touch with someone with the same position within the church. He's also even been teaching me some Spanish as well," the priest replied in further explanation. "In fact, Father Lorenso was able to reply to the letter while we were there and asked that I deliver this to you," Garak replied, getting up from his seat and walking over to a small table where he returned with a piece of parchment folded up. He handed it over to the other man who pocked it inside his coat. "Thank you," the young priest responded. "Think nothing of it," Garak returned. He was about to say something else when Rosie wandered in. "Supper is ready mates," she called. The men stood and she led the way into the dining area where the children were already seated. The table was filled with a baked ham, broasted potatoes, fresh bread and cooked carrots. Each man took their seats and Garak graciously allowed Father Frank to sit at the head of the table while he contentedly seated himself next to Julian. Rosie served the food and all began eating. "Rosie, you will never lose your touch for good food!" the priest exclaimed. Julian never would have thought it was possible, but as he sat there, he saw Rosie turn absolutely crimson. "Why thank ye," the quartermaster replied with a beaming smile. "You're very welcome," Father Frank replied before turning his focus to Julian. "Julian, how did you come to know my friend Garak here?" he asked while taking a bite of ham. The pirate and officer looked at each other and Garak opened his mouth to speak, but Julian beat him to it. "He saved my life actually." The surprised expression was on both of their faces. "Did he now?" the priest asked. Julian nodded. "That's right. I use to be a captain aboard a British naval vessel, but when my crew decided to mutiny, Garak managed to intervene in time to keep me alive." "Is that so?" the priest asked with undisguised interest. Garak smiled enigmatically. "I don't know about actually saving his life, but I will venture to say that it would not have good for Julian had he stayed aboard." "I suppose not," the Father concluded. "I have heard many stories of captains being keel hauled when their crews have mutinied against them." "Papa, what's keel hauled?" Lilly asked, taking a drink of her milk. "Nothin' for ye to concern yourself with, Missy," Rosie answered instead. "It's where sailors take someone and run them underneath the hull of the ship," Thomas piped in. "Thomas, that's enough!" Garak interrupted. "But it is!" the boy laminated. Innocent brown eyes looked at Garak. "Papa, is that true?" Lilly asked. Garak shifted uncomfortably. He didn't like the children knowing the more sordid details of sailing but he couldn't lie to them either. "Yes, darling it does happen in a way like your brother described," he finally answered. "Have you ever did that to anyone, Papa?" she asked with a small frown. "No darling, I haven't," Garak answered honestly. He'd had a distaste for the practice himself and preferred other measures for handling disorderly crewmen. The little girl smiled happily, apparently satisfied without further comment. The discussion then turned to different topics of the trip as they finished their meal and Rosie passed around the apple pie that was for dessert. ***** The tavern was a dismal, dark hole in the wall. The few lanterns hung in the place hardly gave off any light at all. What light there was available was diminished by the perpetual cloud of smoke that clung to the alcohol saturated air. The bar stank, the serving wenches were homely, and the drinks were watered down - Beau loved this place. To him, this place let him know he was home. It was one of the first stops he made when coming back to shore after the Seawolf made a lengthy voyage. He was not the only member of the crew that liked to come here to relax either - though at the moment, he wished were. "I think it be pathetic if ye ask me, mate," Carlos said, taking a swig of ale. "Cie, ye's right, he's loco if he thinks he can trust that British pig," Raoul added before flashing a smile at a passing wench who carried an armful of drinks. "Yeah," another member of the crew, Jamie piped in. "and did ya see how they were fawning all over each other? Worse than watchin' a couple of kids." Beau was a little surprised to hear a comment like this from Jamie. He wasn't much more than a kid himself, and new to the crew, but had thought highly of the captain - more than thought highly of him actually. Beau would have gone far enough to say that the kid had a healthy case hero worship for their captain, Garak seemed to be capable of no wrong in the kid's eyes. Perhaps it was a little jealousy rearing it's head? "Tell me 'bout it," Raoul snorted. "I wouldn't be a bit surprised if that pig is slippin' in between the Cap'n's sheets just waiting to stab 'im in the back." "The Cap'n's a fool if he don't see what's going on," Carlos replied, emptying his glass. "Are ye kiddin'? The Cap'n's not been seeing much of anything besides the Brit since he's come aboard. If the cap'n doesn't want to get himself hung he needs to find somethin' else better to warm his bed with. 'Ell, he didn't even think of what could have have been done to us had they come lookin' for the Brit," Raoul responded "Think he's thinkn' 'bout us any when he can have himself a piece of..." Jamie didn't finish his comment, as a slammed empty mug brought the table's attention to Beau. "I think that's quite enough mates." Beau's voice was soft spoken, but there was a definite no-nonsense edge to it. "What's yer problem?" Jamie asked. "Yeah, yer 'is first mate. Ye knows better than anyone else what he's been up to and the way 'e's been actin' and yer the one who should be concerned the most," Raoul added. "You're right," Beau responded. "I am his first mate. That's how I know that Greyridge is a damn fine captain..the best I've ever sailed with. That's why I don't care what 'e does with the Brit..that's his business none of mine. As long as 'e does what's expected of 'im as a captain, then the rest don't matter none. And in my book he's been doin' 'is job just fine." He then took a long look around the table and met each man's eyes individually. "An' if any of ye have different thoughts on the matter, I'd be happy to discuss 'em with ye outside." His meaning was not lost on any of the men at the table. The men clambered, coughed, and bristled a bit, but settled down into silence before long. When Beau was satisfied that the discussion was dropped, he sat back and ordered another mug of ale. ***** "Aw, Papa, do I have to?" Thomas asked with a pleading look in his eyes. "Yes, you do young man. It's time for you to go to bed," Garak replied as Rosie gathered up the dirty dessert plates. "I still wanted to play," the boy said, hopefully wishing for reconsideration. "Not tonight son, go on now and I'll be to tuck you in in a moment," Garak answered. The little boy pushed his chair away from the table and stompted off in a huff. "Papa, you promised to read me a story your first back," Lilly reminded as she climbed down from her chair too. "So I did," Garak responded, picking the girl up in his arms. "Why don't you say goodnight and I'll take you up to get ready for bed." The little doe eyed girl looked from the priest and then to Julian. "Night," she said with a toothy grin and was carried out of the room. Julian and Father Frank was left alone. They took their cups of coffee and moved to the sitting room. "You know, I've not recalled a time when I've noticed Garak looking so relaxed and happy," Father Frank commented casually, taking a sip of the hot brew. "Something tells me a lot of that is owed to you." "What makes you say that?" Julian asked, taking a sip of his own coffee. "You two are a couple, are you not?" the priest asked nonchalantly. Julian tried hard to keep from choking on his coffee. "Excuse me??" "You and Garak, you are together right?" the Father asked. Julian shifted uncomfortably in his seat and knew his face was flaming up in guilt. He seriously thought about lying, but his conscience wouldn't permit him being untruthful to a man of the cloth. "Actually, yes, we are." After a pause he asked, "How could you tell?" The Father merely smiled at him. "It's rather obvious when you know what to look for. I must say, I am happy for the both of you." "You are?" Julian asked with surprise. "Yes, I am. You sound like you find that hard to believe." "Well, it's just that..with you being a..." Julian floundered, not wanting to insult the Father. Father Frank softly laughed. "A Father? Julian, just because I'm a man of God, that doesn't mean I'm going to belittle something that has brought a such a dear friend obvious happiness. I believe the All Mighty appreciates love in all it's forms son." Julian didn't know what to say in response, so he settled for a softly spoken, "Thank you." The Father finished his coffee and stood. "You're quite welcome. I'd love to talk more with you, but I'm afraid I must return to the church so I'll bid you a good night. Please thank Garak for his hospitality." Julian shook his outstretched hand, said good-bye, and showed the man to the door. As he watched the priest walk away, he was so lost in his own thoughts that when the pirate came up behind him, Julian startled. "Are you all right Julian?" Garak asked with concern. "Yes, I'm fine. I was just thinking about Father Frank," Julian replied. "A rather interesting person, isn't he?" Garak commented. "You could say that," Julian replied, resting back against Garak's chest as the pirate wrapped his arms around him. "Come, Tesoro, it's not only the children's bedtime," Garak whispered huskily into the rounded shell of Julian's ear before placing a gentle kiss behind it. The younger man shivered slightly with anticipation and followed the pirate captain who led him without further word to the master bedroom. As soon as they entered the room, Julian found himself surrounded with strapping arms that showed no signs of letting him go. Julian raised his face expectantly and looked deeply into the cerulean blue eyes before their lips met. Firm lips dance over soft ones, probing tongues searched and sought as hands stroked skin through the silky barriers of their shirts. The pirate's fingers drifted down over the lean back and over trim hips and around to take the officer's pert buttocks into his cupped hands. Pulling the young man close to rub their bodies together, Garak could tell that Julian was longing for his touch as much as he was the officer's. Hardness matched hardness and anticipation hung heavily in the air. Soft kisses turned more passionate as the two moved as one unconsciously to the bed. They broke apart and hungry eyes devoured one another. Garak reached up to start unbuttoning his forest green silk shirt when Julian captured his wrists. Shaking his head negatively, Julian moved to unbutton the shirt himself. When all of the small buttons were released, he slid the cloth off the broad shoulders and let it fall to the floor. The officer then gracefully lowered himself to the floor upon his knees. Strong hands roamed up Garak's shins, muscled calves, and over his rear before coming up to the button on his trousers. It was soon unfastened and the pants slid down to his knees where Julian pushed them down all the way. The younger man then turned his attention to the underdrawers the pirate wore. Loosening the drawstring, the cloth fell in a heap around the pirate's ankles while his rapidly thickening erection was freed to Julian's view. Julian took his hands and placing them squarely on the pirate's chest, forced him to lie down on the bed where he then discarded the leather boots. The pirate moved to settle himself on the pillows and reached for the still fully clothed officer, but Julian evaded the grip. "No, not tonight," Julian said softly. Julian reached down and ran his hands over the pirate's arms down to the wrists, where he then lifted the muscular arms up over Garak's head. "Tonight, if you move before I say you can, I quit." The warning was clear to the pirate, whose eyes were burning with yearning. He started to say something without moving his arms, but a slender finger kept him quiet while the officer brandished him a kiss. When the kiss was broke, Garak watched the younger man as he moved to the foot of the bed. Slowly climbing onto the bed, Julian took his place at Garak's feet. Sitting on his knees, Julian slowly began unbuttoning his dark red silk shirt, tarrying over each one before unfastening it. Little by little, smooth golden skin was unveiled to the pirate. Garak licked at his dry lips, unable to pry his eyes off Julian. With a deliberate shrug of slender shoulders, the shirt fell off around him. Svelte arms wove around his body and up for his hand to caress his face and neck. Julian's head arched back to give his fingers better access as they trailed over his Adam's apple and kept going lower to his chest. Garak watched as Julian's eyes drifted shut as lithe fingers played over the toned pectoral muscles etching his chest. The pirate's hips shifted uncomfortably as the ache at his groin continued to grow and stiffen. He ached to reach out and grab the younger man, but he didn't want to interrupt him either. Golden fingers strayed to his nipples. Everso gently, fingertip caressed the soft, dark areola before flicking back and forth gently over the tips, turning them into erect peaks. This elicated a soft whimper that was mimicked by the pirate. Dark umber eyes snapped open to see the normally serene blue eyes of the pirate were now a flaming sapphire that grew in intensity the lower his hands drifted. Julian smiled in satisfaction to himself at the pirate's powerful reaction; for he was only starting. Down the fingers traveled, over the hard planes of his abdomen, playing idly at the small curls of hair that led down in a fine trail to the band of his trousers. With fastidious care, Julian moved his hand to the button of his black trousers. As the button was released, Garak let out a low groan as it was painfully obvious the young man was not wearing any undergarments. Slowly, he inched them down over his lissome hips, taking delight in the intense gaze radiating from his lover. The tip of Garak's member already had a drop of moisture from the longing. With maddening slowness, he drew the trousers down, revealing his own hard, throbbing sex that stood out immodestly announcing it's owner's arousal. Heavy veins ornamenting the firm member pulsated in need. Caramel colored hands drifted down over slim, dusky, muscular legs. He tenderly stroked over his thighs, around behind to caress his own firm buttock. Back around he traveled to tease the area around his pubis, tangling his fingers in the curled, dark hair, but not allowing himself to touch his erection yet. The officer's hazel eyes locked onto the pirate's and were drawn to the raw hunger he saw displayed there. Garak's eyes drifted down and fixated in the motions of Julian's hand as graceful fingers lightly teased the length. A thumb rubbed against the head as his other hand gently squeezed his testicles. A moan escaped Julian's throat and he heard a soft growling coming from the pirate. Julian noticed that the older man's fingers were making a twisted wad of the linens under his dark head. Julian knew the pirate was fighting his temptation and was close to loosing his control. When Julian finally relented and leaned his long body over the pirate's to brush his lips again gray ones, the touch was electrifying. Julian was able to feel a shudder run through length of the pirate's body. Garak made a move to capture his tease, but strong golden hands held him in place. "Uh uh, remember, no moving until I say so," Julian whispered into the older man's ear. "You don't want me to quit do you?" Julian warned. A tongue darted out to wet dry lips and the pirate's head shook no. They both knew it was a ploy - Julian had no more plans on quitting than Garak did but it pleased Julian to have him respond. He found the thought of having the pirate at his mercy to ravish as quickly or slowly as he wished incredibly intoxicating. Warm, moist lips nibbled at gray corded neck muscles as a pink tongue flitted out to taste the gray skin. As the younger man's tongue trailed over the smooth skin, his hands busily roamed over the supine form, feeling every dip and bump adorning the pirate's body. The hot mouth found a black nub and circled and lapped at it before sucking on it so hard that the pirate gasped loudly and his back bucked up to meet it. Julian tore himself away from the sweet flesh only to torment its partner. Garak's hips were now writhing against the blankets of the bed, seeking the stimulation he craved, but Julian kept him from. Julian set back again on his legs and took his hands and spread his palms wide open as he caressed the entire length of the older man's body. They roamed over his strong arms, chiseled chest, and tight stomach. As he drew nearer to the aching in between Garak's legs, Julian let his hands drift over the powerful legs and thighs until he tickled the inner-folds there. By this point Garak was moaning lightly in a nonstop pattern and had to use every resource in reserve to keep himself from wrapping his arms around the younger man. Julian then moved to where his lips hovered over the tip of the smoky, dark organ. A small smile played on his lips as he gently blew against the moist head. "Oh God Julian!! Please, I need you to..need you so much.." Whatever protests and exclamations that were going to leave the pirate's throat died there as he was suddenly engulfed inside the warm, sweet mouth. Tongue, cheeks, and lips worked in harmony to drive all coherent thought from the older man as he was absorbed over and over again into the fervid oasis. Relentlessly he was tormented with the gentlest of pressure. He was driven to edge, only to be held at bay and drawn back each time. He was so close to the elusive release and his body shook with need. Just when he thought Julian would yield, the younger man broke the connection. "God, don't stop, not now..." the pirate begged, his body still seeking stimulation. Julian moved his way back up the older man's body until he could his warms lips on the pirate's. "No," he whispered huskily. Startled eyes gauged the younger man. Julian couldn't be serious could he? He wouldn't be cruel enough to leave Garak in this trembling, incomplete, suffering state...would he? At seeing the look in the pirate's eyes, Julian chuckled. "I'm not having you come in my mouth, and you know why?" Garak swallowed hard. "No," he whispered and wondered when he had found his voice. Julian moved to his ear and gently tongued the rim. "Because you're going to come against me when I take you." Garak uttered a guteral moan and forgetting the earlier warning, reached up and grabbed the officer. Julian was pulled hard against the broad chest as a gray hand snaked up to the back of his head and pulled him down for a crushing kiss while the other hand roamed low to cup his rear. Julian allowed himself the pleasure of the kiss before breaking free and stretching to reach a small bedside table with a flask sitting on it. Julian knew that the flask contained a fine mixture of oriental spices combined to create a silky oil. Garak watched as the officer poured a healthy amount into his hand and rubbed his palms together before coating his straining, flushed erection. Garak watched as the oil mingled with the white moisture that had already provided a natural coating. The pirate then felt an oily finger probing the entrance to his body. The digit gently worked past the muscular ring and started a slow, steady assault to stretch him. The older man forced his body to relax as a second and third finger breached the ring. The pirate whimpered when the fingers were removed and gasped in anticipation when he felt the tip of Julian's hard need nestled against him. Garak moaned and opened his legs, tantalizingly offering his body up to the younger man to do with what he pleased. Julian pressed forward slowly until the head was summerged in the older man's body and then forced himself to halt until Garak relaxed under the hands that were stroking his body in a ceaseless pattern. He felt the man muscles slacken and edged himself in further a little at a time. Garak's legs locked around his waist and pulled him in further until Julian's entire length had entered the pirate. They were both breathing in pants as Julian slowly started moving inside the pirate. Beads of sweat broke out over Julian's body, droplets forming on his brow and pooling on his upper lip as he started thrusting into the body underneath his. What started out slow and gentle turned quicker and more ardent and rabid as his passion was driven higher by the sounds of Garak's moaning and constant writhing underneath him. Strong fingers dug into the tender skin of his back, urging him and encouraging him to give all he had and more. Julian willingly obliged. He felt encased by searing heat as he steadily pumped into the pirate's depths. Long, deep thrusts drove the pirate insane as he rose to meet each one, the hungry desire threatening to consume him in a raging flood of endless sensations. On and on Julian drove him, the officer's body becoming so sweat slick that it was hard to maintain his unwavering grasp. Onslaught after onslaught, Julian drove on persistently without pause. The pirate's body felt like a heaven's delight as Julian sank into him time after time, drawing on every resource he had to bring the pirate to the height of desire and beyond. Voices mingled into a chorus of groans and disjointed murmuring and Julian wasn't able to tell where his voice stopped and Garak's picked up. Harder and deeper the officer pumped into the yielding body and he could recognize the familiar tingling that was building deep within his gut, letting him know that release was near. Julian could feel the tremoring within the older man and was resolved to having the pirate reach the peak with him. Garak's ragingly hard member pressed into Julian's stomach like a bar and Julian reached in between them to clasp the organ with his fingers and began pumping madly in time to his thrusts. Gray hands grabbed a hold of his slender hips, and Julian found himself held firm against the pirate's body. Both thrusting so hard that Julian felt like he was slamming into the older man. He continued the manipulation of Garak's erection, driving him harder and harder until he felt the older man's body quake uncontrollably. Garak cried out Julian's name as his body erurpted, covering the younger man's fingers in his warm, musky, viscid, seed. Within an instant Julian was sent hurling over the peak, waves of pleasure roared through him. Explosions of delight electrified every nerve fiber and synapse as he was swallowed whole and carried up on the waves of pleasure. He felt his life essences surging forth and filling the older man as he was held and surrounded by that hot body. Spiralling back down to reality, Julian let himself collapse against the sturdy chest as the pirate's arms held him firmly. Warm lips brushed against his own as a broad hand soothingly traveled over his back and stroked his hair. "Yo nac¡ para amarte," the pirate whispered in such a hushed tone that the officer nearly missed it. "What did you just say?" Julian murmured. Garak coughed slightly. "That I was born to love you," the pirate confided, slightly embarrassed at the sentiment. Julian raised his eyes to the pirate's. ""Mi vida," he whispered and placed a kiss on the pirate's lips before settling his head onto Garak's chest. 'No Tesoro, you are becoming 'my' life,' he thought to himself. That single thought scared him to no end, but all the fear was no match to the contentment the thought also brought. This man was becoming to mean everything to him and though it was a distinctly unfamiliar feeling, Garak didn't find it as distressing as he thought he might - his only concern was that of Julian's safety because being with him put the officer in jeopardy. Garak's eyes drifted out the window to the stars that shone bright in the ebony sky and made a silent vow that he wouldn't let anyone ever bring harm to his officer. He placed a kiss on top of the dark mop of brown hair. 'Sleep well Tesoro,' he thought, 'I'm here and no harm will touch you as long as I have any say over it.' With that silent promise made, the pirate drifted off into a deep and sound sleep as well. ***** Beau was happy to see that Jamie, Raoul, and Carols were leaving for the evening - well, Raoul and Carols were leaving, Jamie was being practically carried by the two others after having one too many. Actually, most of the patrons had left by this late hour, only leaving those devoted few that wouldn't leave until the owner finally kicked them out. The din had died down allowing for individual voices to be carried through the room. Beau's ears instantly perked up when he heard one voice paricularly clear. "What do ya mean Maspalomas was attacked last week?" This voice came from a young man around Jamie's age with thick dark hair, and eyes that were so deeply brown they were almost black. A short, trimmed beard hid the man's mouth and he wore a simple white cotton shirt and plain britches. There was nothing remotely remarkable about the man, but his gaze was still engrossingly trained on the man he holding the conversation with. The lanky blond man looked sorrowfully at his associate and took a swig of his ale. "That's what I heard. Appearently the band of pirates came to shore and ransacked the village there. They looted what they could, burned crops, stole supplies,destroyed houses, and didn't spare those who got in their way." Beau couldn't stand by any longer. He got up from his seat and approached the pair of men. "Pardon me, I couldn't help o'er hearin'ye, did ye say Mespalomas was attacked?" "Yes, that right. Did you know anyone from there...um...Mr.?" the blond asked. "People call me Beau and yes, I did know a couple of people," Beau supplied. "Sorry to hear that, Beau," the dark haired man responded. "What do ye know 'bout it?" Beau asked the blond, taking a seat that wasn't offered him. "Well, have you heard of Captain Morgan?" the blond asked. Beau visibly blanched. He was indeed eerily familiar with the name. Captain Morgan and his crew had the unchallenged reputation of being one of the brutalistic band in these parts. The unnecessary savagery that the man resorted to; killing the innocent, stealing whatever struck their fancy, and victimizing the weak had made him and his crew mortal enemies of Greyridge's crew - Beau included. "Yeah, I know of 'im." he answered finally. "Well, he was the one who waged the attack," the blond replied. "I see," was all Beau could say. "And you were sure it was Mespalomas that was struck?" "Quite sure, I have a friend who runs a trade-route close to there," the blond responded. Beau was going to have to make this information available to Greyridge. Not tonight though, for the hour was too late, but tomorrow most definitely. He knew the captain would 'not' take this news well. The pirate rose from his seat. "Thanks for tellin' me mate, I'm goin' to have ta check on those friends of mine." "No problem mate, I just hope they are well," the blond replied. "So do I," Beau responded before moving his way to the door of the bar and out into the still, dark night. When they were finally certain that the redheaded man was no longer in earshot, the bearded man turned to the blond. "Are ya sure that was 'im?" The blond smiled maliciously at his partner. "Oh, I'd bet my last shilling that was Greyridge's first mate. Gabriel gave me a description of him and told me that his name was indeed Beau." "How'd 'e know that anyway?" the dark haired man asked curiously. "That turncoat of theirs, Riley, told him everything to save his own worthless hide. When he was told to help set the plan up, the traitor made sure to have us mention Mespalomas. Appearently Greyridge has ties to the place," the blond explained. The bearded man looked at the empty chair that Beau had occupied. "Do you think it worked?" "We'll find out soon enough won't we?" the blond replied wicked grin. "And if it does, we both will become very rich men for our part in his capture." "Ta future gains," the dark haired man and held his mug up in salute. "To future gain," the blond responded and clinked his own mug to his friend's before draining it empty. ***** Sunlight filtered through the windows as dawn brightened the villa. Comforted by the warmth on his body from the heat of the light, Julian stretched and moved closer to the heat of his mate. Still partially asleep, the young man absently brushed away the slight ticklish feeling he felt on his face. Snuggling down further into the soft bed, he repeated his actions as the tingling sensation persisted. Hearing the muffled giggles, Julian sluglishly opened his eyes. Seated on the bed next to him was his tormentor. Lilly leaned forward, her loose hair once again tickling Julian's face. "Are you going to sleep all day?" she asked innocently. "Papa said we could have a picnic today, but we have to do our chores first. Thomas says that if everyone helps we can get done faster. I think he's right." She sat for a moment lost in thought, before continuing. "Come on, let's get up. Thomas has already asked everyone to help him. I want you to help me." Lilly spoke hurriedly, with determination in her voice. Pausing as she tried to pull her hand-picked partner out of bed, she leaned forward, lips pouting. "Please," she begged. "Lilly!" Garak moved to sit up in bed. "You should not be bothering Julian." Lips quivering into a pout, the little girl whined "But Papa, the picnic." "The picnic is for later. Lilly, it is much too early to be worrying about a picnic," Garak's voice was gentle yet stern. "Yes Papa." Lilly slid off the bed and with head hung low padded softly out of the room, closing the door behind her. Julian leaned over and placed a kiss on his love's lips. "Good morning, my love," he whispered. Garak's arms enfolded the young man, pulling him in closer for a hug and another more substantial kiss. The Englishman moaned his approval, then he produced a loud drawn-out sigh. Pulling away from the older man's embrace, Julian began to get out of bed. "Where are you going?" demanded a slightly frustrated voice. Flashing his brilliant smile at his mate, Julian responded with a chuckle "There's chores to be done. I'm to help Lilly today!" He then poured some water into the porcelain basin and began to wash. Groaning, Garak laid back onto the bed, pulling Julian's still warm pillow up over his head. Freshly washed and partially dressed, Julian sat on the edge of the bed next to the pirate. Gently removing the pillow, he planted several butterfly kisses across the other man's face. "Come on sleepyhead, there's work to be done," he coaxed. Growling, Garak seized the young man's shoulders, pulling him down for a longer more satisfying kiss. Julian once again pulled away first. "As much as I would love to spend the day here in bed with you, we do have other responsibilities, my love." "You are forgetting, I am the one who assigns those responsibilities. What I say, goes around here, this is my villa," Greyridge spoke firmly, with the smile on his lips contradicting any force of power. Running his hands up and down his lover's arms, he attempted to pull the smaller man back down. With graceful agility, Bashir stood up, effectively avoiding the ploy. Kissed bruised lips formed a wide grin as he looked down on the obvious discomfiture of the older man. As Julian then reached out to pull Garak from the bed, he added a subtle pleading tone to his voice as he whined "But Papa, the picnic!" Recognizing a momentary defeat, Garak groaned as he rose from the comfort of his bed. Soon he was also washed and dressed. Together, both men made their way down the stairs to help with the chores. Pausing at the bottom of the stairwell for another kiss, Garak pulled his lover in for a hug. Brushing his lips alongside of the young man's jawline and up to the rounded ear, he whispered "You will pay dearly for this...later." Sucking lightly on the earlobe, he then released Julian. Breathing deeply to control his body's automatic response, Julian smiled shyly and with downcast eyes he spoke softly. "But Sir, I have no money. Although, I'm sure...that we can...work out some sort of...er...some sort of payment." Garak responded with a loud laugh, ready to cuff the other man's head, when they were interrupted by Thomas and Lilly as the children came running in. Several hours later, all chores having been completed for the day, The family headed out to enjoy the rest of the beautiful sunny day with a picnic. Settling them on a grassy spot in the garden overlooking the beach below, Garak spread out the blanket. As Lilly and Thomas ran off to play, the two men began to unpack the basket Rosie had prepared. Once again, she had outdone herself. Garak removed the plates of delicious food one by one from the huge basket, as Julian carefully laid the roasted chicken, potatoes, fruits, and vegetables out. By silent agreement, neither man took out the scrumptious looking cake Rosie had provided for dessert. The children would never be able to eat lunch if they laid their eyes on that delectable item. With the sounds of the children laughing and playing in the background, the two men settled in close together on the blanket. Garak put an arm around Julian's shoulder as the younger man laid his head on the Garak's chest. A shiver ran down Julian's spine as he recalled the last time he and Garak had a picnic together. Of course, with the children present, it was not to end up the same way, but the memory brought a well-satisfied smile to his lips. "It is so beautiful here," Julian stated quietly. "All the more so, since you have arrived," Garak responded with a kiss to the top of his lover's head. They sat together in silence watching the white-foamed waves lapping at the sandy beach below. The sun overhead provided a warmth against the cool ocean breeze. "Look what I have for you!" Lilly's voice interrupted the moment. She handed Julian a small bouquet of flowers she had picked from the garden. "Thank you, they are very beautiful," Julian responded with a smile and a hug as the little girl settled herself on his lap. "Where is Thomas?" Garak asked as he watched his daughter play with the tie in Julian's hair. "He went to find Rosie, we want her to have a picnic too," Lilly answered. With a slight tug, she pulled the leather tie out of Julian's hair. The resulting cascade of silken dark brown curls made her giggle with delight. Reaching up, Lilly grabbed a few curls in her tiny hands. "Your hair is so soft! I like it this way, why don't you wear it like this all the time?" "Yes," Garak agreed, "why don't you wear it like this all the time?" He smiled at the growing reddish glow of Julian's face. Trying to retrieve the tie from Lilly, Julian found himself in the middle of a game as Lilly deftly tossed the leather strip to her father. Laughing Garak held the strip in one hand while with the other reached over and mussed Julian's hair. Lilly quickly picked up on the train of thought and pounced on the younger man. Soon all three were rolling on the blanket, laughter and giggles filling the air. Panting, trying to catch his breath with the weight of the little girl on him, Julian surrendered. "All right, you win! I'll wear it down, but now that it's all messed up, who is going to brush it for me?" He plucked several flower petals from his disarrayed hair. Lilly gleefully accepted this responsibility as she bounced on the supine form of the man beneath her. "Papa," she began, "I like Julian, is he going to stay?" Garak smiled down at both of the tousled figures, "Oh yes, Lilly, he's going to stay. This is his home now." Julian smiled back at his lover with a mist in his eyes. Sitting up, carefully maneuvering Lilly back into his lap, he hugged the little girl close. "Yes, Lilly, I am staying. Now, what are you going to do about this mess you've made in my hair?" Lilly quickly slipped off Julian's lap. "Let me go get my hairbrush. I'll be right back" Still smiling, Garak reached over to gently push back the errant locks of curly hair from Julian's face. Tucking the hair safely behind the younger man's ears, he leaned in closer. "Papa! Papa!" the cries of Thomas rang loudly in the open air. The pirate rose quickly and ran to meet his out of breath son. Julian was close behind, worry etched across his face. "Papa, Rosie says come quick, come quick, Papa!" The boy then turned and led the way as the three of them made their way back to the villa. Once back inside the villa, Thomas led the two men into the sitting room where Rosie and Beau were already waiting for them. Julian was able to take one look at Rosie's stricken, pale face and the grim, dark look in Beau's eyes and instinctively knew something was amiss. Apparently Garak did as well; for he asked the two children to go to their rooms to play for a while before turning his attention back on the members of his crew. "What's happened?" Garak simply asked when the kids were out of earshot. Beau ran a hand through his disheveled hair. His eyes darted to Rosie momentarily for support before he spoke. "Cap'n, there's been a problem. Last night when me an' a couple of the boys were at Skully's on th' pier, I overheard a couple of men talkin'an'...," Beau paused as though considering his words carefully. He saw no easy way to give the bitter truth other than being to the point. "Well Sir, it seems that Morgan an' his men attacked Mespalomas soon after we's left." Julian watched as undisguised hatred filled Garak's eyes. He had never recalled seeing such open hostility and animosity in his lover's gaze before. Whoever this Morgan was, Julian truly feared for him. "Are you certain?" Garak asked a smooth voice that didn't match the torrent of emotions in his eyes. "Aye, seems that th' source I got it from has a friend with trade-routes in th' area," Beau responded flatly. Garak was quite as he considered the information just given to him. Julian watched as the pirate captain began pacing back and forth in front of them, all but lost in thought. When the captain finally did speak, it was with determination. "All right, here's what I want you to do. First, Rosie, I want you to go contact Edward. Tell him I need to speak with him immediately. The damage is bound to be costly so we're going to have to find a ripe ship with a bountiful haul. Nothing meager is going to be worth our troubles. Also, we will need to be ready to sail immediately. We need get there as soon as possible if we're going to be able to give sufficient help." "Aye Sir, I'll get 'um, " Rosie responded and was about to move before Beau stopped her. "Sir, I already figured you'd wanna talk with 'im, so I saw him last night," Beau explained. Garak nodded his head approvingly. He was pleased when his crew anticipated his movements; it proved how well they worked as a team. "What did he say?" "After givin' 'im what money I had and promisin' that you'd pay the rest, he told me he heard that there was a ship we might be interested in," Beau responded. "Which was?" Garak prodded. "The British ship HMS Apocalypse," Beau responded. Julian gasped as he heard the familiar name. That had been a ship he had served time on when he was new to the navy. It ranked near the top of being one of the best ships the British navy had to offer. "What did he tell you about this ship?" Garak questioned, ignoring the startled expression of his lover. "Looks like the Queen is attemptin' another try at delivering ransom to Portugal," Beau responded. "Either she's determined or bloody stupid," Rosie interrupted. Julian looked her in the eyes. "Lord Collins is someone the Queen cares for deeply. She'd not care about the cost if Miles was finally returned to her safely." Garak began to give his orders. "Rosie, send word to the men that we will be sailing at dawn. Beau, begin gathering the necessary supplies for the hold. We need to leave as soon as possible." "Sir, we may not have ta prepare ta overtake 'um," Beau butted in. "What do you mean?" the captain asked with confusion. Beau shifted nervously on his feet. "Seems that Edward believes we could 'persuade' the Apocalypse's cap'n to help us out. The Cap'n apparently heard of our reputation an' brought 'is crew here lookin' for us! By the sounds of it, the Cap'n ain't too pleased with his career, if ya know what I mean and he and 'is crew is wantin' to work with against the Queen. Edward said he could get word to the Cap'n quick if ye want to set up a meetin' to talk this over." Garak silently looked at Julian and was pensive for a moment. Finally he spoke. "All right, tell Edward to send word to this Captain that I will be willing to meet with him. Tell him if he wants to meet with me, to be at Skully's at noon." "Aye sir," Beau answered and was off without further word. "Sir, I'm going to in with the crew. I wanna make sure they's going to be ready if we does end up meetin' with that cap'n," Rosie replied. With a nod of Garak's head, she too left. The pirate captain then looked over for his companion, who at the moment was staring out a bay window at the garden where their picnic was still spread upon the emerald green grass. Garak was easily able to pick up on his lover's troubled expression. Wordlessly he stepped up behind the former British captain and secured his grip around the younger man's waist. "What is it Tesoro?" Garak asked, breaking the silence between them. Julian turned around in the other man's embrace. "I don't want you going to this meeting," he said, linking his arms around the pirate's neck and holding him tightly. "I've got a bad feeling about this." "Julian, this is something I must do, I hope you understand that," Garak said. A hand slid up Julian's back in a caress. "Why must you?" Julian asked, and Garak could see real fear in his hazel eyes. "Because, I have to find a way to get more supplies and materials to Alita, Cappi and the rest of the village before Morgan strikes again leaving nothing in his wake," Garak tried to explain. Julian could see that familiar glowing hatred returning to Garak's crystal blue eyes. "You've got something personal against him don't you?" "Remember how I told you that Thomas and Lilly's parents were killed?" Garak asked. A sickening lump formed in Julian's throat as he nodded his head. "It was by his hand that they died...with Lilly and Thomas in the next room," Garak told him. Julian laid his head on the pirate's shoulder and pulled him in tightly to his own body. "I'm so sorry," he whispered. "Don't be, one day he will pay for all of his atrocities...I'll make certain of it," Garak vowed in such a voice Julian believed it. "But in the meantime though, I must help his most recent victims. Without me, they will have no help." Julian's body couldn't keep from trembling slightly. "But what about you? If anything should happen to you..." Julian couldn't even finish the sentence as it was too painful to even speak. Garak bent his head and covered Julian's lips hard as he held the lithesome body close to his own. The kiss was enough to cause Julian to take deep breathes once it was broken. "Tesoro, it's part of the risk. You know that being a captain requires you to make decisions, to take chances. This has the potential to help so many. I made a vow to Cappi and every other member of that island that I would do whatever I could for them. I won't go back on my word," Garak spoke softly. "Don't I fit into your decision?" Julian asked the pirate. "What do you mean?" the pirate asked. "What I mean is that you're ready to risk yourself at the drop of a hat without even giving consideration to me. What about the promise you made to me about being together permanently?" Julian countered. "I still plan on carrying out that promise," Garak said as his thumb rubbed back and forth over Julian's bottom lip. "Don't you realize that you are everything to me now?" Garak leaned over and brushed his lips once more against Julian's. "I don't know, perhaps I was wrong to have you stay with me." Julian was startled. "What do you mean?" Garak heaved a weary sigh. "I had no right to bring you into my life. Living on the run, always looking over your shoulder, always a step away from the hangman's noose...you don't need that." Julian looked determinedly into Garak's steady gaze. "Look, I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to be a part of your life. I love you and accept the changes that this has made to my life." Julian sighed himself. "Look, I still don't like the thought of you going to this meeting, but I like the thought of Cappi, Alita, and the children suffering even less. If you insist on this meeting, then I'm going with you. At least that will be one way to make sure your back will be covered if anything does go wrong." "No," Garak responded softly. "Just because I allow myself to be put in danger, there is no way I'm going to have you do the same." Suddenly a defiant head was held high. Julian's jaw was set firmly and there was an obstreperous mask that had settled over his features. The rebellious gleam was back in his dark hazel eyes and suddenly Greyridge was faced with the man he had first met so many days past. "This is not something open for discussion. I told you that first night we came together that I would desire to be with my love, side by side, to face together whatever the future brought. That was not some promise made in the throws of passion either; I meant every word of it. Where you go, I go, no matter what." Garak gazed down into challenging eyes and knew he had no choice. When it came to this brash, enthusiastic, wonderfully compassionate soul, there was no resistance to be found. Julian could never make a request that the pirate wouldn't concede to. "All right, if you wish it to be so, it will. But hear this, I want you close by my side the entire time," Garak relented. A devastatingly handsome smile lit the former British captain's face. "Always." The promise hidden within that single word warmed Garak to the core. The pirate and officer waited in each other's arms until Beau returned with the news. The meeting indeed was to be set. ***** The next day Julian accompanied Garak and several other of the crewmen into town. As they walked down the dirt path, each step taking them closer and closer to the tavern, Julian's stomach filled with a sense of dread. He and Garak had made love the previous night with such an unbridled passion that left both men with a gentle aching reminder that still warmed Julian, but the depth of passion Garak had shown had nearly frightened Julian. There was a new vulnerability to it that hadn't been present prior, and Julian knew that even though Garak had said nothing, he was as unsure about today's meeting as he was. Still, on an unspoken agreement, neither man mentioned it. Now, the closer they drew to their destination, the harder it was to ignore. The cold lump of dread was threatening to climb up into Julian's throat any moment, but he looked over to the pirate captain and swallowed it. It seemed only moments before they reached their final desination. A dilapidated looking structure with the simple wooden shingle that announced "Skully's" was was the only indication that the building was even inhabitated. Greyridge stepped up to the door; he would be the first to enter followed by Julian and the rest. The inside of the tavern was a stark contrast to the brightly lit surrounding outside. It took several minutes for Julian's eyes to focus. The stagnant smell of stale alcohol offended his nose and he tried not sneeze. When Julian's eyes fully focused on the dismal surroundings, he swung his gaze around to see numerous faces of British officers that he didn't know. Finally his eyes landed on a dark, oily haired middle aged man that Garak spoke to. "Edward, thank you for arranging this meeting," the pirate captain said. "I hope this endeavor proves to be profitable for us both, old friend," the beady eyed man stated with a grin. "We shall see," Garak replied non-committedly. "Now, let me speak with this captain of yours. That is after all why we are all here." "But of course," Edward concurred and turned his attention to a group of men standing in the shadows of the ill-lit tavern. "May I introduce Captain Stuart? Please come forth and meet Captain Greyridge." From the shadowed corner, a blond head appeared and Julian's heart dropped to the pit of his bowels. He watched as his lover approached Gabriel Stuart being followed closely by Julian's former first mate - Daniel Holmes. "My God, Garak! It's a trap." Julian's words filled the air. For a moment, that appeared to stretch out into eternity, time in the tavern moved in slow motion. Opposite sides facing each other, hearts pounding, hands slowly moving for weapons. Gabriel's eyes widened in disbelief, as he turned to face the man who dared to revel their carefully planned deception. "Julian?" the word spoken in a whisper sounded as loud as a shout in the deathly quiet room. Grasping his sword firmly in his hand, Daniel swung forward. Others responding to the leadership of one, drew weapons and the two sides clashed. Swiftly, pushing Julian behind him, Garak turned to face the former first mate of the young captain. The Englishman's green eyes briefly flashed with fear, but the man quickly resigned himself to the heat of the battle. Metal upon metal, the two broke away from the near brawling fight. Daniel's youthful exuberance proving to be a match for Garak's well-practiced hand. The two moved about the room ignoring the occasional brush with furniture, each determined to outdo the other. Julian was caught in the maelstrom of blades against blades. Sharpened points met their mark as the onetime captain faced former comrades. Caught in a gridlock of sharp edges, Julian tried to push his current opponent aside. The other man's strength was gradually forcing the younger man back up against a wall. Pressed against the sturdy panel, Julian felt the tip of the sword press against his neck. "Traitor," the stronger man whispered, as he began to push forward with the blade. Julian's thoughts were turned to his beloved, remembering the happiness he had finally found, if only for a brief time. With a jerk, his would be killer's eyes flew open, as did his mouth releasing a surprised grunt. Julian felt the pressure disengaged from his throat as the other man slid down to fall in a heap at Julian's feet. Gasping for breath, Bashir looked up to face his savior. Gabriel stood before him, sword in hand, fresh blood dripping from its blade. "I thought you were dead...Daniel told us...told me..." Hesitant words flowed from the older man's mouth. His blond hair disheveled, blue eyes staring in absolute shock at the sight of his heart's longing. With a trembling hand, Gabriel reached out to Julian. Grasping Julian's solid shoulder, Gabriel attempted to pull the younger man in towards him. Swiftly bringing his sword up between them, Julian spoke in a surprisingly steady voice. "You have no right to touch me. The Julian Bashir you knew is dead, his soul has been freed, and he now lives within the surety of his true love's acceptance." Stunned by the words, the older man stared in silence. The crashing of furniture, breaking of glass, and shouts of victory and defeat echoed about them. The tide was turning in favor of Her Majesty's trained swordsmen. Both men were startled into action by the victorious cries of Daniel. Moving quickly to the far side of the room, near the open terrace, they spotted Daniel leaning over the fallen Greyridge. Garak's arms stretching in his attempt to retrieve his lost sword. Daniel's eyes glanced upward towards the arrival of his lover and former best friend. Seeing the two together, his face contorted with animosity and then with a primeval roar, he raised his sword to strike the pirate. "N-o-o-o!" screamed Julian as he lunged forward, the edge of his sword grazing the shoulder of his lover's tormentor. Daniel clutched at his bleeding wound, as Julian reached down to help his mate to his feet. Garak retrieved his sword and approached the naval officer. Gabriel bravely stepped forward shielding the injured man, brandishing his sword before him. Garak's eyes narrowed as he prepared for yet another fight. Before he could react, Julian stepped in front of him. "Gabriel, stop this now. It is pure foolishness, nothing can be gained by killing all of these men." His voice then turned softer, "If you ever truly loved me, you will put an end to this. Take care of Daniel, he needs you now." The pirate's hands came up to rest on his younger lover's shoulders. Stern icy blue eyes glaring into the cold stone blue eyes of the British naval officer. Having somewhat recovered, Daniel couldn't believe what he was hearing or seeing. Gabriel was lowering his sword. 'My God, he does love Julian. I cannot let this happen!' "Kill them now!" he shouted as he grasped his sword once again. Ignoring the pain in his shoulder, he pushed his taller lover to the side, and then plunged the iron blade of his sword into Julian. Julian Bashir fell to his knees, blood seeping from the wound in his side. Gently, lowering his wounded mate's body to the floor, Garak then raised his sword. As blind animalistic rage filled every fiber of his body, he struck with a fearsome blow, casting a fatal wound upon Daniel. Turning to face Gabriel, the pirate raised his blade once again, stopping only when he heard the soft pleading from Julian. "No, no more killing...please." Julian's painful gasping brought the pirate back to his side. Bending, he carefully positioned his arms under the younger man's body and then very cautiously raised himself upward. Gabriel's eyes landed on the crumpled form of his lover. Daniel's shirt was stained with crimson blood that flowed freely throw the fingers that were placed over the gaping wound. His body was pale and motionless and his eyes were closed. Gabriel closed the distance between them. Dropping to his knees, Gabriel softly called out. "Daniel?" His hand reached out to stroke the other man's forehead, brushing the sweat dampened auburn hair back. Green eyes fluttered open and tried to focus on him. "Gabriel?" Daniel's voice was nothing more than a croak. "Hush, I'm here," Gabriel said soothingly, continuing to stroke the younger man's hair. His hand was clutched by blood soaked fingers and held tightly. "Gabriel...I'm sorry...so sorry. Please forgive me," Daniel pleaded before a bout of coughing racked his injured body. A small trail of blood dribbled from the corner of his mouth. Dark green eyes beseeched Gabriel. The fear and anguish were evident in his ashen features. "I forgive you everything, Love," Gabriel assured him as he spoke around the lump forming in his throat. "Loved you...always," Daniel whispered hoarsely as his eyes began to sag. "Did you...love me?" The question was murmured so softly that Gabriel nearly missed it. For a brief instant Gabriel's eyes darted up to see the image of the former British naval officer clinging valiantly to the pirate captain and Gabriel's heart was lodged in his throat as he saw the look in Julian's eyes as they remained locked unwavering to Greyridge's face. Oh why had Julian never looked at him like that??? Gabriel's eyes moved once again to land on Daniel. "I've always loved you, always," Gabriel whispered back and leaned down to brush his lips across the other man's. The smallest of smiles formed on Daniel's lips before his dark green eyes glazed over and his eyelids fluttered shut for the final time. Soft mewing sounds escaped Gabriel's lips as he mourned the loss of his loved one. Sobs wrenching in his throat, he looked up to see his men herding the defeated surviving pirates into a corner. Heart pounding he turned once again to face the sight of the pirate and his beautiful consort. He has lost Daniel, lost him forever, yet he could harbor no ill will against the man who had killed his mate. Daniel was going to kill Julian, and that would have been an unbearable loss. In the midst of his lamentation, Gabriel knew in his heart what Daniel had done to the younger naval officer. Worse yet, he knew why Daniel had done such a thing. If he could turn back time to prevent the mistakes made, he would gladly do so. As it was, he could only do what he could to make it up to the true victim of this entire folly. Voice strained from deep throated sobs, Gabriel spoke to Greyridge. "Go now, take him, keep him safe." Garak stared in disbelief at the crushed man before him. "You have won, we are your prisoners," he stated with a conviction not entirely felt. Gabriel sadly shook his head. "There are no victors here, we all have lost. I loved them both, and I have lost them both. It was my own greedy lust that caused these ill-fated events to happen. Now go before I change my mind." Without any further delay, the pirate turned and left quickly, carrying his beloved through the terrace doorway and beyond to the waiting sea. Once aboard the Seawolf, Garak barked orders to his crew to set sail while he carried his precious cargo to his cabin. Gently, he laid the injured young man upon his small bed, paying no mind to the blood that flowed freely on the blankets. A gentle gray hand stroked dark, sweat soaked hair from Julian's brow while the other hand applied pressure to the wound at the young man's side. Mere moments went by before Sister Rosie appeared in the doorway and shooed the pirate captain off while she dressed the Englishman's wound. He waited impatiently until his quartermaster gave him the okay to return to his lover's side. "Oh Julian, I'm sorry, I never meant for this to happen," Garak moaned as knelt by the officer's bed and pressed a kiss to a cool, golden cheek. Slender fingers reached up to cover Garak's hand. "It's all right, the important thing is it's over now and you're safe...I didn't lose you." Garak's eyes became moist. "Julian, I was nothing more than a fool, I should have listened to you. If I lost you today, I don't know what I would have done." Julian brought Garak's hand down to his lips where he pressed a kiss to it. "You didn't lose me though, Rosie said I was going to be fine in a few weeks." Julian managed a weak smile. "Besides that, think of it this way, since this was a trap that means that Alita and the rest are safe." Garak shook his head. "I don't care, you will be all right this time, but what about the next? No, I couldn't bare to have anything take you away from me." Hazel eyes grew concerned. "What are you telling me, Garak?" Garak cast his eyes down to the wooden floor before leveling it back at Julian. "Julian, Rosie once made me an offer. She told me that she knows someone who lives in South America. Rosie said if I ever wanted to give up pirating, that I would have a secure place to live out my days." Julian's eyes grew large in surprise. "Are you actually offering to quit sailing? What would you do? What about Alita and those you help?" Garak smiled down at the Englishman. "I have some savings put aside over the years and it's enough to keep me very comfortable for a long time to come. As for Alita and the rest, I've been thinking that Beau would make a worthy Captain, don't you think?" Julian's eyes lit up as a warm smile spread across his face. "I think he'd make a wonderful captain for the Seawolf." The offer's smile then faded slightly. "What about Lilly and Thomas?" Garak stroked Julian's smooth face. "When I first adopted them, I made arrangements with Father Frank. I gave him strict orders to follow if I was ever to get into trouble that couldn't be handled. Jacob, Lilly and Thomas will be brought to us." "You've thought this all through haven't you?" Julian asked. "It pays to be prepared, Tesoro," Garak replied and leaned in to cover the younger man's mouth with his own again. Steady blue eyes held fast to hazel ones. "So what do you say? Do you think you would be satisfied being with retired pirate?" "Always, mi vida, always," Julian whispered and reached up to pull warm, gray lips back down to him. Outside the wind gently blown against the bow of the mighty vessel. The waves of the pounding sea crashed and slapped against the hull. Inside, Julian Bashir filled with glowing contentment as he knew that the ship was taking him closer and closer to his new life; A life filled with uncertainty yes, but also a life now to be filled with unwavering love. He embraced it with enthusiasm and hope - much the same way he embraced the man in his arms who carried his heart. ***Fini!***