Worth Waiting For A sharp, shrill sound punctured a hole the blanket of silence that had wrapped Ryan Stiles in sleep. Blearily, he wiped at eyes that protested the rude awakening. Throwing his hand across his chest, he reached for the object the obnoxious noise was coming from...his telephone. "H'llo?" he groused into the receiver. Whoever it was better had a damn good reason for waking him out of a sound sleep. "Ryan, how are you, buddy?" It took more than a couple of seconds before Ryan could actually put a name with the voice. "Colin?" he asked with surprise. The surprise quickly turned to annoyance when he glanced at the digital clock at his bedside. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" There was a long pause. "Um...looks like three A.M to me," came Colin's slightly slurred response. Ryan shook his head. "What do you want at this hour, Col?" "I...I need a ride home, can you give me one?" Colin asked with hesitation. Ryan frowned in concern. "What happen to your car?" The comedian sat up straighter in bed and switched hands as a thought occurred to him. "You weren't in an accident were you?" Ryan could have sworn he heard a softly muttered 'I only wish'. "No, no accident," Colin Mochrie quickly assured his long-time friend. "I...well...it's kinda embarrassing actually." "What Col, just tell me," Ryan demanded into the phone. "I'm at O'Riley's and they took my keys away, said I had too much to drink. Can you believe that?" the Canadian asked indignantly. Now Ryan was even more concerned. Colin wasn't the type to go overboard on his drinking. Something was going on. "Stay there and I'll be there to pick you up in about twenty minutes, all right?" "Sure," Colin responded. "And Ryan...thanks," he said in a barely audible voice. As soon as Ryan hung up the phone, he rushed around the house. Picking up a pair of cotton pants he'd discarded earlier, he climbed into them and then found a shirt that would serve the purpose. Grabbing the keys to his car, he slammed the door behind him. The light early morning traffic made it easy for Ryan to maneuver the streets and get to the bar he wanted in more than a timely fashion, making it there in half the time he thought it would take him with the help of a heavy foot on the execrator. Parking quickly, he made his way inside the ill-lit, foul-smelling establishment. Most of the time this place wasn't such a dive, but considering the hour, only the unsavory and hard-core drinkers seemed to be left to sporadically fill the place. Even with the dim lighting, it wasn't hard for Ryan to spot Mochrie, as his friend was one of the few filling the stools at the bar. Walking up behind his friend, Ryan lightly laid his hands on Colin's shoulders and was surprised when Colin nearly jumped at the touch. "Ryan, I didn't see you come in," Colin explained after turning around. Though Ryan was greeted with a smile, he could tell it was only a pale imitation of the real thing. It didn't meet Colin's hazel eyes. He squeezed the shorter man's shoulders. "Well, I'm here, so let's go." With a quick glance, Ryan noticed more than a couple of shot glasses and several empty beer glasses resting in front of his friend. "Maybe we can stop somewhere and get some coffee." Ryan took out his wallet and laid a twenty next to the empties, certain it would be enough to cover the other comedian's tab. Colin got up and grabbed his coat without comment and stood up. Taking a couple of steps, he faltered and Ryan caught him. "Easy there, Col," Ryan murmured, slipping the leather jacket over Colin's shoulders. Colin shook off the hold. The taller man followed close behind the blond as he steered Colin towards the car. "I don't want to go home," Colin said, once settled into the passenger's side. Ryan's brow furrowed. "Why not?" "Look, can we just not talk about it right now, all right?" Colin asked, sinking into the leather bucket seat. "Hey, you're the one who called me, remember?" Ryan snapped, jamming his key into the ignition and throwing the car into gear. "Well I'm sorry, I didn't know who else to call. Drew wasn't home, so I tried you. Didn't mean to wake you up," Colin replied, his apology not sounding all that sincere. "Well...you know...for something like this, I don't mind that much," Ryan granted, giving the man next to him a sideways glance. "So...if you don't want to go home, where to then?" "I don't know, anywhere, I don't care. Just as long as it's not back home," Colin declared. Ryan noticed the moonlight casting a pale light over his friend's wan features. Obviously the other man needed some time to collect his thoughts and while he couldn't help Colin with that, at least he could offer his long-time friend a place of refuge. "All right, we're going to my place then." "Ryan, I don't want to put you out. Drop me off at a hotel or something," Colin insisted. Ryan glanced over at him. "You're not putting me out, you should know that by now. I want you to stay," he pressed, settling the issue for good. "What about Trisha and the kids?" Colin asked softly. "They're spending a week at my sister's," Ryan replied. "And you're not putting me out," he reaffirmed. The rest of the ride was in silence. Ryan wanted to give Colin his space, hoping it would bring him closer to sharing whatever had happened that had affected him so profoundly. Colin seemed content with the silence that was only broken by the sound of the radio playing a soft tune. When Ryan reached his home again, he still said nothing as he unlocked the door and let Colin enter. Ryan walked past the blond and into the kitchen to start making some coffee. When he came back with two steaming cups, he saw Colin slumped on his couch, head down and arms resting on his legs. Ryan held one of the cups out. "So what's going on?" When Colin looked up, his hazel eyes glistened when they met Ryan's. "She's left me, Ryan, she actually left me." Ryan blinked a couple of times and sunk onto the sofa next to the older man. "Deb?" he asked quietly. "Yeah," Colin choked out. "What happened?" Ryan asked, the disbelief evident in his voice. "It was that damn gym she was going to," Colin spat. "She ended up meeting this lawyer there. Daniel Witmire...that's what she said his name was." Colin's voice quavered, but he went on. "Said she'd been seeing him for four months now. Can you believe that? Four months and I didn't have a clue. God, I must have been stupid or blind or... something." Ryan stared into his friend's pain-filled eyes. He couldn't believe what he'd been told. Deb had always seemed like she loved Colin. They'd been through a lot together over the years and though times had been rocky, they'd always hung in there to make it work. "She said she loves him, wants a divorce so she can marry him," Colin said in a voice so hushed that Ryan had to strain to hear it. "Are you going to give it to her?" Ryan found himself asking. "Why try to fight it? If she doesn't want to be with me anymore, I certainly can't make her stay," Colin stated wearily. "In fact, she's already moved in with him." "What about Luke?" Ryan had to ask, knowing how much Colin loved his son. "I...I don't know yet," Colin whispered. "It's happened so fast, we haven't even really talked about that yet. Luke's staying with her right now and she said I'd have half custody and full visitation rights." Colin's hazel eyes sought out Ryan's. "What am I going to do?" Without taking conscious note of it, Ryan slid his arms around the other man's hunched shoulders and drew him near. "For starters, you're going to take a shower and get a decent night's sleep." Tomorrow he'd call a lawyer of his own that he knew well. He'd do everything in his power to make sure Deb's new lover didn't try something to screw Colin out of his rights with Luke. Ryan left only long enough to rummage around in his bedroom dresser and return with a pair of black silk pajamas over his arm. He tossed them over to Colin. "Here you go, they might be a little large on you, but they should work," Ryan said. "You know where the bathroom is." Colin grabbed the silks. "Thanks," Colin whispered. "For everything." Ryan just shrugged it off and mumbled, "No problem." After Colin disappeared into the bathroom, Ryan waited until he heard the sound of water running. He then changed back into his own dark blue silk pajamas and gathered up some blankets and a pillow for when he pulled his sofa out to make it into a bed. Noticing there was a slight chill in the air, Ryan decided to put his fireplace to use and lit a glowing fire after making sure the flue was cleared out. He was just putting the cast iron gating back in front of it when a thought occurred to him. "Hey, Colin? When was the last time you ate?" he called out loudly to be heard over the rushing water. The lengthy pause that came as his answer let Ryan know Colin probably hadn't thought of such rudimentary things like eating lately. "Never mind, I'll fix us something." Padding barefoot into the kitchen, Ryan opened the refrigerator to see what he could find. In amongst some old pizza, some cold fried chicken and something unidentifiable in foil, he managed to find some beef stew. Pulling out the container, he spooned some into a pan on the stove and began to heat it up. He also cut off a couple of hunks of Trisha's homemade bread on the counter. Topping off each of their coffee cups, Ryan also gave allowance of adding a shot of brandy in each one. He figured tonight it wouldn't hurt to take the edge off. Finally, he sliced a couple of apples and heated a small bowel of honey for them before pilling all the food onto a tray and carrying it into the living room. Colin was now seated in front of the sofa, knees drawn up to his chest, looking into the fire in front of him. He turned his head and lifted an eyebrow when he saw the food Ryan was baring. "You expecting Roseanne Bar or something?" Colin asked, no trace of a smile. Ryan didn't smile either. "You haven't eaten all day, have you?" He only got a guilty look in response. "I didn't think so. Eat up, then we can get some sleep." Sitting the tray on the floor near their feet, Ryan sat beside his friend. Closing his eyes for a moment, he let the heat from the fire warm his skin. When he opened them again, he found Colin, not having the energy to protest, sipping on a bowl of the stew. Each ate in silence. Ryan watched with satisfaction as the soup and bread both disappeared and Colin began on the apple slices. He couldn't help noticing the fine lines etched around his friend's eyes, the shadows flickering within the translucent glow of the flickering flames. The older man was starting to show his age, looking ashen and tired. God, how he longed to see that face lit up with that soft smile Colin could have. He couldn't even remember the blond comedian ever looking like this before. Even though he made a living out of making people laugh, he found himself at a loss at how to comfort his friend when it actually counted. "Maybe it's better off this way," Colin murmured, dunking a chunk of apple into the honey and bringing up to his mouth to bite into. "What? What are you talking about?" Ryan asked, sipping on the last of his coffee. Colin shrugged. "Maybe she just sensed what I didn't want to admit to." Ryan took a chance to slide his gaze over to the other man. The firelight cast crimson highlights woven through what was left of Colin's hair. "What do you mean? What didn't you want to admit to?" "Not being totally happy," Colin admitted, giving voice to his thoughts. Ryan's gaze was incredulous. "I thought you loved her." "I did...do," Colin reassured him. "But...." "But what?" Ryan prodded when Colin trailed off. "But sometimes loving someone just isn't enough when...you feel like something's missing," Colin explained in a hushed tone. Ryan wasn't sure he wanted to hear the answer, but he found the question pulled from his lips anyway. "What's missing?" Colin's hazel eyes focused fully into Ryan's. "What I thought I found ten years ago on New Year's Eve." Ryan inhaled sharply, his throat tightening up. Until now, they'd had a silent agreement that had never been breached... an agreement not to discuss that New Year's Eve ten years ago...the one night they had spent in each other's arms as lovers. The night had started out innocuous enough. They had started out at a party of a mutual friend of theirs. Rick, the same friend who had introduced them to each other many years ago, was holding the party. They had all had a good time drinking and having fun until time came for the midnight New Year's kiss. On a dare, Ryan pulled Colin into his arms and was laughing as he kissed the shorter man. The laughter didn't last long once the joking kiss somehow turned soft, tender, passionate, and all too very real. It had only been the first kiss of many that night. The year was birthed anew while they experienced a night of discovery and ecstasy together. Though it had rocked both of them to their centers, the following morning both were unwilling to acknowledge what had happened between them. Instead of talking about it, they simply fell into the pattern of friendship that was both familiar and much more easily dealt with. "Col, you don't know what you're saying," Ryan said, his voice betraying him as it came out thick and throaty. "Why not?" Colin whispered, his voice just as low and husky. "Ryan, when I think about it, there's only one person who's supported me, encouraged me from the very beginning of my career. There's only one person who's always been there for me nearly half of my life. One person who wouldn't let me give up on my dreams and even helped them come true by encouraging the powers that be to hire me, not caring it might have been a risk to his own career...." "Colin, I...." Ryan floundered, at a complete loss for words and suddenly acutely aware of how close the older man was to him. He felt warm and flushed and somehow knew it wasn't from the close proximity of the fireplace. Suddenly Colin chuckled mirthlessly. "Hell, I must have had more to drink than I thought I did. Especially since I know you don't feel that way about me." "Now wait a minute," Ryan protested, trying to collect his scattered thoughts. "Where do you get that idea?" "What? That you don't feel that way about me?" Colin asked. "When you didn't want to talk about what happened that night, it made it pretty obvious to me. After that, I just kept telling myself we weren't anything but friends. I figured if I kept saying it enough, I'd start to believe it...and I did after awhile." Ryan's hand stole out, fingers sliding down Colin's smooth hand and entwining their fingers. "Colin, I didn't realize you felt this way. The only reason I didn't say anything about it is because I didn't want to ruin what we had...our friendship. Nothing was worth risking that, but don't for one second think that night didn't matter to me." Ryan's voice dropped in tone. "It meant more to me than you know and I wanted every moment of it as much as you did." "And what about now?" Colin whispered. "Still feel the same way?" The inches that separated them evaporated in the space of a breath. Not knowing who made the first move, the only awareness Ryan had was the feel of Colin's soft lips brushing against his own. Breath, hot and sweet, mingled with his own as Ryan teased the tender, plaint skin. The faintest feeling of a tip of a tongue tracing along his lips sent a shiver down the center of his spine. "Yeah," Ryan whispered hoarsely, his hand coming up to cup and caress Colin's cheek. God help him, but he couldn't deny the answer. "Yeah, I still feel the same way." Ryan watched Colin move to straddle his lap, felt heat and silk settle against him as his hands ran up the length of Colin's back. He felt the twisting of muscles moving under the soft material as Colin wrapped his arms around his neck. Ryan's eyes were drawn to Colin's lips as they each moved towards the other to once more bring their mouths together. Their lips were crushed against each other, meeting in a hard, demanding kiss that bespoke of need too long ignored. Colin's fingers wound in the curls in the back of Ryan's head, holding him immobile he licked and nibbled at the tender flesh. Colin's tongue probed against his and Ryan felt his own mouth opening up to allow him access. Ryan moaned softly as his mouth was explored by the other man, his own sliding against Colin's, engaging in a slow battle... thrusting, dueling as the taste of the Canadian was intoxicating. It was a taste he'd nearly forgotten, but the memory of it came flooding back full force and he could feel body eagerly responding on it's own accord. As Colin's tongue teased against his inner-cheek, danced across the enamel of his teeth, flitted against the roof of his mouth, Ryan's hands slid down Colin's back and cupped the slick clad rear with both hands. He pulled Colin hard against him, catching his breath when he felt the firmness of Colin's length nestle against his own. Ryan felt agile fingers going to work to unbutton the silk top he was wearing. Cool air tinged with the warmth of the fire hit his bare skin when Colin pushed the material off his shoulders. Colin's soft lips gently kissed and nipped their way down Ryan's throat, not enough to hurt, but hard enough to leave faint marks on the exposed skin while broad hands caressed Ryan's chest. Ryan buried his face in Colin's neck as the older man's fingertips flicked against his nipples, teasing the stiff peaks until they ached. Ryan's own hands restlessly kneaded Colin's rear, pressing himself tightly against Colin's groin. Colin pressed back against him insistently, grinding his body into Ryan's. The double layer of silk provided no barrier to the growing heat and only added to their frustration. Ryan shoved his hands down the elastic band of the pajamas and filled his palms with warm flesh, fingers digging into the taunt muscles. "You feel so good, want you so much," Ryan whispered against Colin's mouth. "I want you too, need you," Colin murmured, nuzzling against Ryan's throat his fingers wrapped around Ryan's shoulders. Slowly, Ryan leaned Colin back until he was lying on the soft, gray carpeting. He took a moment to let his eyes run appreciatively over his lover's body before meeting warm, wanton, soft eyes. Resting on his forearms, Ryan blanketed Colin's body with his own. The taller man felt Colin shiver against him as he purposefully rubbed their groins together, his knee working between Colin's to open them to fit against him even more snuggly. Ryan worked his hips, grinding against the man under while his lips hovered above Colin's, barely touching but letting his tongue tease the inside of Colin's bottom lip. Colin groaned in response. Fingers grasping and twisting against Ryan's pajama bottoms, Colin yanked down hard on the silk, heedful of the thick erection, and pulled them down Ryan's thighs, baring his firm sex. Ryan hissed as Colin's hand slid between them, knowing fingers wrapped around his manhood and stroked him in a sure rhythm. Sensations, mini-explosions of pleasure, cascaded through Ryan causing white light to burst behind closed eyelids. He moaned deep in his throat and it took every effort to clamp his fingers around Colin's wrist and still the tormenting hand. "Not yet," Ryan pleaded in a broken, thick voice. "We've got all night, let's make the most of it. Dragging in a deep, shaky breath, Colin nodded his head and let Ryan bring his hand up to caress Ryan's cheek. Ryan turned his head and laid a kiss in the center of palm and pulled himself back to rest on his knees. Ryan felt Colin's keen gaze resting on him, watching his every movement, as he slid the silk pants the rest of the way down his thighs and off before reaching for the other man. Button by button, Ryan revealed the pale skin of Colin's torso that looked almost golden under the flames from the hearth. Tawny flames licked at the planes and valleys, chasing the tenebrous shadows and begging Ryan to taste and touch it everywhere. He let his fingers spread wide over Colin's chest in a light, exploratory touch, letting his fingertips tracing sporadic patterns across the muscles and dips. He lingered over a nipple, brushing it with the pad of his thumb while watching the expression on Colin's face. Ryan had to smile to himself. Maybe Colin wasn't exactly what most people would consider exceptionally good-looking by most standards, but with the look in the older man's eyes...the intensity of passion mixed with affection...Ryan couldn't imagine anyone looking any sexier to him. Bending his head, Ryan tentatively licked at a nipple and was rewarded with a staggering groan before moving to the other, holding Colin as he squirmed when Ryan latched onto it. Hands and mouth worked in concert as Ryan let his fingers travel up and down Colin's thighs, stroking and caressing the lithe limbs under the cumbersome cloth. Slowly, his fingers worked closer and close to the hard column of flesh that was zealously pressing against it's fabric confinement. The fingers in Ryan's hair were definitely encouraging Ryan's head down further, closer to the growing ache that matched Ryan's own. "Ryan...please," Colin implored with urgency. With a mischievous gleam in his eyes, Ryan thought of prolonging Colin's torture, but the honest need radiating from dazed hazel eyes tugged at his conscience and he knew he couldn't do that. Working his way down Colin's stomach, twirling his tongue inside the navel, Ryan moved until he hovered Colin's groin. The black fabric clung to the evident arousal damply. Ryan took a moment to nuzzle against the inside of Colin's thigh before turning his face to wetly lick at the still-clothed manhood. One hand moved to cup Colin's testicles, cradling them and fondling them in his large palm, while his mouth kissed at the length striving to meet him. The hand on the back of his head pressed Ryan down hard as Colin arched up to the mouth as the younger man teased the tip through the fabric, able to smell and taste the leaking arousal even through the barrier. Colin was murmuring inarticulate endearments that Ryan could barely make out, amazed at how quickly he'd been able to reduce Colin to incoherence. Gently he hooked his fingers into the band and pulled down the fabric and pulled them down, letting the flushed, solid erection bob forth against his lips before drawing it into his mouth. Ryan closed his eyes, allowing himself to concentrate fully on the taste and feel inside of his mouth. The slick heat, the salty unique flavor he'd only sampled once before, filled his mouth as he steadily, rhythmically took Colin over and over again. His hands anchored Colin's hips, not letting him thrust up too hard as he savored and sampled every inch, learning all over again the patterns of veins and teasing the leaking crown, feeling it pulse and throb in time to ache at his own groin. "Oh God, Ryan, so hot...so good," Colin groaned out. Ryan made full use of his cheeks, tongue, and teeth to bring Colin to the breaking point several times, holding him on the edge and then pulling the older man back. The Canadian writhed and bucked against him with growing ardor. When it seemed to be too much, Colin grabbed the sides of Ryan's head and pulled him up and away to kiss him long and hard, their shafts bumping and rubbing against each other. "In me...now," Colin whispered in between panting breaths. "Are you sure you want this?" Ryan asked, hit by a wave of sudden uncertainty. His body ached, knew what it wanted, but he wasn't going to do a thing unless he was sure Colin wanted it to. The invasion of Colin's tongue inside his mouth hit him hard and fast as he felt his own shaft being stroked once more in a rhythm similar to the one he'd taken Colin with. "Jesus, yes, I want this," Colin whispered fiercely. With a lingering kiss to Colin's lips, Ryan pulled himself away and out of Colin's arms. "Gonna need some help," he murmured, waiting until Colin nodded his understanding. Ryan didn't waste time in slipping off to the bathroom and searching the cabinet for something...anything...that could be used. His fingers found and clutched a small bottle of baby oil. Shutting the cabinet, he took a second to focus on the mirror. His face was flushed while his eyes were hazed and dilated. Small red marks led his eyes down to his heaving chest and further down to even more evidence of his quickly rising passion. He looked like he was damn near out of control. Ryan closed his eyes and took a deep breath into his lungs, held it and let it escape through parted, swollen lips. He knew he had to find some way to balance the onslaught of emotions and sensations that threatened to consume him, or else there'd be a chance that in his uncurbed eagerness to please Colin, he might just end up hurting him. That simply wasn't an option. He wanted it to be good...no...better than good. He didn't want to leave Colin with any doubts about what this meant to him. Ryan waited until the waves of longing ebbed a little and he could think more clearly. Only then did he trust himself to return to Colin again. In his absence, Ryan had discovered that Colin had pulled out the sofa bed and had thrown some sheets onto it. The older man was waiting for him with a look of adoring anticipation on his face. Ryan climbed into the bed and into Colin's arms, greeted with soft, sensual kisses. Both pairs of hands caressed and soothed, excited and pacified. Like tinder to a fire, they let the passion flair and smolder, enjoying the easy loving touches, but both longing for more. "Ready for this?" Ryan asked, his fingers teasing the cleft between Colin's cheeks. "No," Colin said with a mischievous smile. "Wasn't ready for it ten years ago either, but that sure didn't stop me then. Isn't going to stop me now either." His hand stroked up and down Ryan's chest. "I need this." Ryan moved in between Colin's spread knees, resting back on his own knees as he let some of the oil coat his fingers. His eyes locked onto Colin's as he slowly slid the finger past the muscular opening and into the depths of the older man. Colin caught his breath, Ryan feeling the immediate clamping down against his gently probing finger. "Relax, Col, trust me." "You know I do," Colin responded in a strained voice. To deflect Colin's attentions, Ryan concentrated on laying soft kisses on every piece of skin he could reach. Butterfly kisses rained down on Colin's stomach, light licks against his thigh, all while Ryan's free hand caressed his chest, and over his hip and leg. Slowly Ryan could feel the easing of the tension in Colin's muscles and used that knowledge to not only massage and relax the incredibly tight passage, but to add a second and then a third finger. Patiently he worked the muscle until it was supple and pliant. By this time, Colin was moaning, body shaking, and covered in a fine sheen of perspiration. "God, Ryan...don't make me wait...need it now," Colin encouraged. Ryan pulled his fingers free, forcing himself to ignore Colin's moan of frustration. Taking the oil in hand, he quickly coated his own erection, anticipation tightening in his stomach like a hard knot. Slowly he moved to position himself against Colin's body, the knot threatening to move up into his throat as he pulled Colin's legs over his own. His heart pounded, thudding loudly in his ears, as he forced himself to remember to breath. A barrage of doubts flew through his mind. Was this right? How would it affect their friendship? Was this the right time or was Colin's pain over Deb still too deep? His eyes sought out Colin's and found so much love reflected right back at him that it was like finding the eye of a storm. How could it be wrong when it felt so right? With that one simple truth calming his mind, Ryan leaned in to kiss Colin's swollen lips firmly and let his body join with Colin's. Ryan swallowed the moan torn from Colin as the older man's body protested against the intrusion. Ryan held himself there, just a few inches inside, until he felt the gradual relaxing and acceptance from the tight passage, Colin's hands on his hips pulling him forward. Slowly, he sunk into the channel, feeling lightheaded from the sensations. 'Damn, I almost forgot how hot and tight he was,' Ryan thought, surprised he had even that much coherency left. Ryan slowly merged with him, only to pull back once more and sink in again shallowly. Memories of a night long ago began to mingle and coalesce with the present as Ryan's body began to move in concert with Colin's. The pace Ryan set at first was slow and easy, wanting Colin to become accustomed, but when Colin started responding with fervor, Ryan felt it a struggle to hold back. Colin sensed this and tried to show him with his body that Ryan didn't have cause to hold back. Muscles clamped down on Ryan, squeezing him within the constricting confines of Colin's body while strong hands tugged and pulled at him, urging him to go faster and harder while Colin's hips rocked up into his with force. Ryan knew his own control was like a loose thread, meticulously being picked and threatened to unravel at any moment. He picked up speed, his thrusting pushing Colin deep into the mattress under them as the springs creaked and groaned under their combined weight in harmony. Colin's fingers dug into his hipbones painfully, though the sensation was washed under all the others. Faster and faster he drove into Colin, feeling the edge rushing towards them full force and not knowing how to evade it, not even knowing if he wanted to. He wanted to take time, to love slowly and tenderly, but every emotion, every touch only served to hamper that resolve, pushing him closer and closer to the abyss. Ryan felt the tautness coming over Colin as well, knowing they were both on the losing side of the battle, as the older man's ruddy length that was being abraded against his abdomen was firm and scorching. Forcing a hand between them, Ryan captured the hard length and squeezed it, pumped it as he thrust into Colin. "Oh, Ryan, I'm going to...." Ryan seized Colin's mouth, capturing the explosive cry for his own as he felt Colin's entire body shudder and the searing liquid release flooded across his hand and their abdomens. The sound, the feel...it was too much and sent Ryan into a tailspin over the edge himself. Waves of pleasure towed Ryan under, sight and sound blotted out by the magnitude of the massive assault. It crashed in around him, threatening to break him into slivers, cutting into him to the core and leaving him raw and exposed as he filled Colin's body with his own completion. When Ryan drifted lazily back to full awareness, he didn't know how much time had passed. It could have been minutes or hours, he didn't know. All he was really aware of was Colin's arms holding him tightly to him, as they were now on their sides, the feel of sure hands stroking his sweat-slicked body, of soft lips against his own. Ryan held Colin close, just content to look into his eyes and stroke the body in his hands. A sense of warmth, contentment, washed over him bone deep. "What are you thinking about now?" Ryan asked as a shadow fell across his lover's face. Colin pulled his eyes away from Ryan's. "Just wondering why it took us ten years to get things figured out between us," he admitted softly. Ryan kissed his lover's broad forehead. "Who knows, maybe we weren't ready for it then. At least we know now." "Yeah, we do," Colin sighed. There was a pause. "Ryan?" "Yeah?" "I love you." The words were spoken softly, reverently. "I love you too," Ryan whispered back. As the glowing flames in the hearth started to dim, the logs turning into embers, Ryan found himself unable to keep his mind still. He couldn't help wondering where this night with Colin was going to lead, or what it'd mean for him and Trisha if she found out about it. Glancing down at the older man who had fallen asleep in his embrace, he knew one thing was certain. His life was bound to get a lot more interesting with this funny, loving, man in it.