
This page is dedicated to Lilith, the first woman, who God most charmingly refuses to acknowledge the existence of... *giggle* sorry just got a little carried away (: Lilith according to some, is said to have created, through Cain, the first vampire. After Cain fell from grace after killing his brother Abel, Lilith sought him out and they became lovers for a while. It's been a while since i read up so please excuse me if i get some facts wrong. After a while, Cain was corrupted into the first vampire, and the angel um.... Michael i think it was, put a curse on him, saying that he would not be able to bear the touch of sunlight ever again. He leaves Lilith afterward, i can't recall why, i know i wouldn't, she is very pretty *L* and you don't hear much of Lilith after that. According to some cultures Lilith was some sort of demon, and if a child was conceived in some sort of sin she had a hold on it. Thus many childhood deaths were attributed to Lilith *shrugs* she is still gorgeous *L* the main reason i have tried to find out about all this is due to the picture below *smile* most alamakians will have seen this picture before, it is my most favourite artwork ever, and is titled 'Lilith : In the Darkness East of Eden'. After finding that picture while browsing through gothic art pages i began searching for more artworks of her, and what i have on this page are merely a few samples of what i like... anyways, i doubt anyone will read this anyways, so i'll shut my mouth now (: enjoy...

Back to the main page: run while you still can!!! noooooooooooooooooo!
Lilith Page: This is the page where i find of most of the artwork, it also has lots of information of Lilith, one of my favourite webpages
Dark Art at Dark Side of the Web: Bizillions of links to great art pages, if you have time check it out, but it will take me forever to get through them all...

people have now witnessed the immortal beauty of Lilith, our Queen