We thought it might be nice if people new where and how we had gotten a lot of our syte. This page should help YOU out with your syte or to clear up any questions you might have about our syte. If you have any questions feel free to contact one of us!

In order to have a good web page you have to have good HTML! We both have a lot of HTML acctuatlly memorized but sometimes, if we're stuck or looking for something cute/new, then we'll go to this syte. Its is excellent nad easy-to-follow and you can almost find anything you are looking for here. It's highly recommended!

lissaexplains.com: Lissa Explains It All

We get all of my music at this great MIDI search engine! I guarantee that you can find almost ANY midi here! If not, then try searching under Excite.com or Infoseek.com and use MIDI and the title of your midi as your search keywords!
Anyway, here's the URL for the MIDI search engine:

http://www.aitech.ac.jp/~ckelly/midi/help/midi-search.html: Searching the Net for a Certain MIDI File

We make most of our graphics from Paint Shop Pro 7. It's really kool! You can make images into buttons, convert them to *.gif or *.jpg (and so much more!) format. There is so much to do! You can download a free trail of it at


Nora also uses The Photo Shop for some of the graphics. I'm not sure where you can download a free trial (if you even can) though you can try searching on Download.com and search for "The Photo Shop". But you can buy it in stores as a set of great software!

We had gotten our cursers at two sytes. They're both really great and have a LOT to offer! They provide you with easy access to millions of other cursers. You can get this free stuff at these sytes:


We both use the chat room from ICE (which is probably the most popular of all the Petz Luvers' chat rooms). Just put this HTML down if you want one...

<APPLET CODE="EmbryoClient.class"
<PARAM NAME="channel" VALUE="Petz 2 Chat">
<PARAM NAME="bgcolor" VALUE="ffffff">
<PARAM NAME="fgcolor" VALUE="003366">
<PARAM NAME="fontsize" VALUE="12">
You need to support Java Script!!
<A HREF="http://www.spin.de/ice/en/">Go to the ICE Homepage and get your own chat!</A>
...and that's it!

We had gotten our Dreambook from ŠThe New Dream Network. We really like becuase you can get an instant Dreambook and even change it! It's really kool and we both highly reccommand it!


We got the cat counter at Boing Dragon's Web Counters! They have a lot of great counters to pick from! You can even change the colors on the counters, how fast they move, and more!


We use Tripod, for us it's very easy! You can do a lot of things!! And you don't even need html, VERY easy!


These are probably THEE most IMPORTANT part of our page!! Without PFMagic's Babyz and Petz, where would this page be? NO WHERE! If you don't have babyz or petz...GET IT! Check out more info at the official Babyz and Petz Sites...



There! We think we covered EVERYTHING! Anyway, take advantage of this page! Please, if there's anything either of us missed, just ask one of us!