
Type: Oceanic
Temperature: Moderate Climate
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
Hydrosphere: Extremely humid
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Oceanic, Several large
         rocky islands dot the ocean's
Sapient Species: Human (Panasian)
Starport: T'uthaca Islands, Arrena
          Island & Siine Isles
Population: 6 Million
Government: Planetary government
Tech level: Medium Tech
Major Imports: Foodstuffs, Technology
Major Exports:Medicinal goods
Creatures: Whales, sharks, various
           marine animals, razorbacks.

   There is little to say about Arrel other than to note it's rather
secretive inhabitants.  Arrelians are inherently distrustful of most
off-worlders.  Many surmise this distrust to be a remnant of the 
Mandalorian war during which Arrel was occupied for it's vast water
resources.  Another interesting point of note is Arrel's major export
of medicinal goods which thrives on several naturally occuring healing
remedies taken from Arrel's vast marine vegetative and animal life.
   Arrel is a marine planet.  Easily 4/5's of it's lifeforms are marine
based ranging from the enormous Khemeny whales, to it's sharks and razorback
fish.  Arrel's oceans are teeming with life.  Interestingly, Arrel has
almost no land or air based creatures.
   Arrel is an ocean.  Only the presense of several hundred Islands betray
any evidence that Arrel is anything other than a large sphere of water.
   There are several hundred sparsely spaced islands which are home to most
of Arrel's 6 million inhabitants and numerous submarine cities which house
the rest of the population.
   The climate on Arrel is understandably humid.  Without air filters it is
difficult to draw breath since the air is almost saturated with water.
Those who walk out on the surface of Arrel's islands often return home
as wet as they would be if they had fallen in the oceans, even after a short
walk.  Spacecraft require several weeks of work to adapt them to the massive
amounts of moisture in the air.