
November 26th, 1999; 2:21pm (central):

Thanks for dropping by, I didn't think anyone acutally came to the page. Earlier, if you stopped by, I had the note posted about my page and everything being deleted. Katie, the writer of Changing Events, It's So Hard To Say Goodbye, and one more which I can't remember, told me thereafter I posted that note, that SHE had been the one to delete my page. My stories, if any of you came to read mine, and everything else to this domain I had worked so hard on. (My Advice: Never share a webpage with anyone. Things may arise, and someone else in the world knows your password to get rid of everything you've worked so hard at.) I have read so many e-mails telling me not to give up, and asking if I can just send someone one story (be it mine or Katie's, it was split. If you would like to read one by Katie, she may still have them, you can e-mail her.. the link is above.) or not to give up. Even that I should have saved my stories. I did save my stories, I have them all collected on a few scattered disks... it's the stories I lost, it's the HTML codes, the pages on the net, and my desire for running a page. I do have the will to start one up again, to write some more, but I don't know how many people are up for reading my stories. I received many comments on Katie's stories, and I know she is a blessed writer, but I don't see the point in putting them back up, if mine were never read. (Get it? ;D) I will keep the possibility open to starting a new page. Hey, you could just be the one to motivate me. LOL I need to start all over, from scratch though, which doesn't sound too thrilling, a new name, a new page, new everything. Thanks to those of you who came to the page, sent both of us encouraging e-mail and to those who still e-mail me now. Although you may not receive a reply, I read each and every peice and try to reply to each if I'm not in a rush. So do feel free to e-mail me, after all, yours just may be the one to give me the 'kick in the butt'. Thanks again.

- Kris -
(The backbone behind 'Spotlight Dreamers')
