We believe that all religions have a similar core foundation: to enable people to be the best they can be and to give meaning to life.
Our goal at S.P.I.R.I.T. is a lofty one, but it is an endeavor that we are commited to: Comprehension, Acceptance and Tolerance of all religions.
*MEETINGS* The next Spirit Club meeting will be Tuesday September 29,1998 @ 2:30.. And will be held every other tuesday at @ 2:30. Location to be announced.
*DISCUSSION GROUPS* Discussions will be held after each SPIRIT meeting. Sept 29th's topic: How religous views effect the abortion issue?? Moderated By: Jennifer Nogle. Contact Jennifer at E-mail address below. (ATTN:Jenn) Suggestions for topics accepted.
*COMMUNTIY SERVICE* Any one interested in participating in this committee or have ideas please notify: Chairhead Jessica Marier at E-mail address below ATTN:Jessica.
*CLUB FUND-RAISING* dates or fall 1998: Oct 5-9 , Nov 2-6, December 11-30 to 12-4.
*CHARTER THIS CLUB* Any one interested in starting a S.P.I.R.I.T. Charter club at your school please contact us for information.(ATTN:Renee')
*LINKS* Is their something we forgot? Do you have a religious or spiritual link? Please let us know, we want to have as much resource material as we can for are link section.(ATTN:Tede)
*NEW* S.P.I.R.I.T. Forum, Message board and Chat!!! Just click on the links below to join are forum!
Preident: Rev. Renee' Chartier
Vice President: Ted'e Mastropietro
Secretary: Jessica Marier
Treasurer: Jennifer Nogle
We at S.P.I.R.I.T. are not responsible for the contents of any page listed here, Nor should it be contrued that we agree with all the views in listed pages.
Thank you,
Glendale Community College
Glendale, AZ
United States
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