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Highway To Hell
Route 666

WARNING: You are about to enter a world of freaks and psycoholics. Some people may find the lyrics posted
inapropriate. Since I am totally against censorship I am not going to clean up any lyrics. So if you are offended by harsh words please do not continue.
Rob Zombie & Alice Cooper Interview White Zombie was named after a 1933 movie called you guessed it, White Zombie. Click on the link to find out a little more about the movie.
I just got ICQ, my number is 17711150 or you can catch me on aol instant messager at Spyder635. I'm everywhere on the net so if you wanna chat just look 4 me.
Here's the new stuff:
Rob Zombie's solo album poster. Click here to see it.
I also got my own CD store from CD Now isn't that cool? Check it out just click here.
The new page is done!!! Kinda. Anyway it'll be really cool when it's finally finished but most of it is up and running. But for now you can check it out just click here.
CHAT If You Use A Java Browser Check Out My White Zombie Chat Site To Talk With Other Psychoholics.

Created: 1/28/98
Last updated: 8/29/98
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