went into my room and shut the door. I picked up the phone and dialed Jenny's number.
"Hello?" It was her.
"Hey Jenny, it's Lindsay."
"Hey Lindsay! Whats up? How are you?"
I explained everything to her, and she was in tears by the time I had finished. She was like that, she cried alot.
"Oh Linds I'm happy for you, but I am so sorry too! Is there anything I can do?"
"No, it helped just talking to you. Thanks for listening to me complain."
"Don't worry about it. If you need to talk to me again you can call."
I hung up the phone. It didn't really help much. The person I really needed to talk to was Taylor. He was always the easiest to talk to, even when we weren't going out.
I got up from my bed. I was about to open the door when some one knocked on it. I opened it up.
"Hi Zac, whats up?"
"Linds, can I talk to you?" he said, looking at the floor, kind of embarressed.
"Sure. What about?"
"Um....you know....stuff"
"What kind of stuff?"
"Oh I get it. That kind of stuff. Sure come on in."
"So is there anything in piticular you want to talk about? I have to remind you I've never done it before so I cant tell you what its like."
"Ok. well I am asking you because Ike will laugh at me and Tay is in a bad mood, my mom and dad will give me the sex lecture, and I cant ask Jessie Avie or Mac, so after what happened today I decided I'd come to you. But you have promise not to tell anybody."
"I promise."
"Well.....there's this girl down the street, her name is Meredith, and whenever I skateboard or rollerblade past her house and she's outside, I feel really weird. I feel like I wanna go kiss her or somthing. My stomach gets all tingily. We're not like good friends or anything, but I'm friends with her brother so we've talked before."
he paused.
"Why was your shirt off when you were kissing Taylor on the bed.?
Oh God, I thought. What am I supposed to say?
"Um..." I said. "I wanna tell you Zac, but I don't want you to get the wrong impression and think that your supossed to do that to every girl you see."
"I wont think that.....just tell me why."
"Well, Zac, when your my age, some times you feel the need to expiriment, to see whats right and whats wrong."
"But....why did Taylor wanna take off your shirt?"
"Because you know how you felt when you wanted to go kiss Merideth whenever you saw her? Well it's kinda like that, and thats really the only way I can explain it."
"But I've never kissed a girl before. How does it feel?" He asked.
"Um, well good I guess, at least with Taylor it is, but he's the only guy I've ever kissed so.....I guess it's something you decide when it happens."
"Well, can I just kiss you on the lips to see how it feels? Really quick?"
I listened to make sure that Taylor wasn't anywhere around.
"Ok, well, I guess, but really quick."
Slowly, Zac moved towards me, shaking. He slowly placed his lips against mine. His eyes were wide open. You could tell it was his first time since his aim wasn't exactly perfect. As I was about to pull away, Taylor walked in to my room and was about to start talking, when he saw us.
"Oh my God!" The expression on his face was beyond belief. I could see his eyes fogging up. He ran out of the room down the hall, I jumped off the bed and followed him. Zac was still sitting there amazed that he had just kissed some one.
I finally caught with him.
"Taylor you don't understand-Zac just wanted-"
"You said you loved me." said Taylor as the tears fell down his cheeks.