Part 17

In the food court, Jenny sister Meg said she was going to go meet her friend and she'd meet them back there in 2 hours.

Jenny and Lindsay sat down at a table. Lindsay picked at her orange chicken she had gotten from Panda Express, and sighed.

"Lindsay? Are you OK?" Jenny asked. "You looked really depressed. I know I would be if I had to do what you did...but you seem alot worse than depressed."

"No. I'm not OK at all...." Lindsay said softly, still staring at her food.

"Is there anything I can do?"

Lindsay looked up. She burst into tears. "Jenny I don't know what to do!" She cried. "I miss him so much...I can't live with out him." She said, hot tears streaming out of her eyes and down her cheeks. "Gosh..."

Jenny leaned over and hugged her. "Lindsay....It'll be OK....It will....if you love him so much then it will be ok...I promise.."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Now come on lets go get those black flares from Nordstrom, OK?"

Lindsay nodded and wiped away her tears.

Back in Tulsa...

Taylor walked into his room. He lied down on his bed, holding his stomach that felt like it was going to hurl out every little tiny thing that was in it, which wasn't very much.

"Lindsay...." He whispered."Lindsay!" He said. He turned over and sobbed into his pillow. 'God how am I supposed to do this? This is the second day with out her and I want to die. How am I supposed to do this for at least 3 months?' he thought.

He got up and took out a sheet of paper from his desk, and wrote Lindsay a letter.

Beverly Hills, 2 days later

The mailman pulled up in front of Lindsay's house. She waited by the door, then made sure he was gone before she swung open the door and grabbed the mail, frantically trying to find anything from Taylor.

She came to the last letter. It was in a white envelope. It had her name and address on it, with Taylor's in the corner. She went over to the desk in the study and found the letter opener. She got it open and frantically took the paper out.

Lindsay started reading the letter that had tear-stained marks on it.

Dear Lindsay,

I miss you so much. You have no idea. Lindsay I want you to take me completely serious on this now. I love you. You have to come back. I found my dad's gun in the attic. If you don't come back Lindsay, I will shoot my self. I miss you so much and you are my one and only. I'd die for you. If you said you wanted to marry me I'd do it in an instant. You have to believe me Lindsay, I love you........................Please call me or write me or something with in a month...I can't survive with out you. I can't live with out you. There's no reason TO live if you're not here. Please Lindsay......I love you......

Eternal Love from me even in death,


"Oh my gosh..." Lindsay cried histerically. "TAYLOR! Taylor taylor!" her voice echoed. "No...."