I lay awake in my bed that night. I stared up at the ceiling endlessly and tried tomake the glow-in-the dark stars reappear.
I sighed. I got up and turned on the light. I looked out my window in to the boys room, where I could see Taylor's faint sillowhette in the distance. He was at his desk. Only the desk lamp was on.
I processed a clearer picture of him when I got adjusted to the light. Apparently he noticed my light on and smiled at me. "Can't sleep?" He mouthed.
I nodded. I felt sort of special that he looked up and did that. he put a finger up, signalling the "one minute" sign. I nodded and watched him get up. All of a sudden the door opened.
"Whoa, Tay, you scared me."
"Sorry babe." he kissed my forehead and sat down on the bed. I turned my swivel chair around to face him.
"Long day, huh?" I said, reffering to the incidents with Zac and Meredith prior.
I walked over to my bed and sat down next to him.
"God, I am so tired but I can't sleep no matter what." I swung my feet around and lied on the bed. Heleaned down and kissed my lips.
"You know what, whenever you're around me I feel like I just want to kiss you so much."
Touched, a smile appeared on my face. "Well, I always say do whatever you feel."
"That, Lindsay, is right."
He pressed his lips against mine. He slid his tounge into my mouth and before I knew it he was up my shirt.
Me and Taylor, being as close physically and emotionally as we are, of course fell asleep together in my bed. We didn't do it or anything, just got tired and I layed my head on his chest and enveloped in his arms, fell asleep. It's amazing what Taylor Hanson can do to help you get to sleep. Ha. It just reminded me of the nights where I was desperate for sleep so I would set Middle of Nowhere on continuous play and fall asleep to a breathless round of Madeline. Now, here I was, laying with him in the same bed. Man, things have definitly changed-- for the better.
When we woke up, around 9, we marched down hand-in-hand to the kitchen. Diana had a fresh batch of pancakes waiting for the family on the table. Mackie was the only one down there, who apparently looked lke he was going to jump the minute Diana said he could eat. Hanson house rules, don't eat until everyone's there...unless they sleep really late.
"Good morning, how did you 2 sleep?" She asked.
"Great." We both replied in unison, then turned to smile at each other at coincidence.
"Really." She said supiciously, then went back to her pancakes. I eyed Taylor as I sat down, but he just shrugged and rolled his eyes so I thought nothing of it.
"Taylor, have you ever kissed Lindsay?" Mackie squaked from accross the table.
I laughed a little at the naive-ness of his question.
"Yes, I have Mac."
Diana looked over at us. "Mackie has just learned from a school friend that boys and girls your age have cooties."
I laughed with Taylor. Before we knew it, Ike appeared carrying Jessie and Avie, one on each shoulder.
"Isaac," Avie said in a omplaining voice as he set her down on the ground. "Will you carry us some more after breakfast?"
"Nope, you girls are getting too big for me!" he retorted.
I smiled. Little kids sure were cute.
Zac appeared a few seconds later. "Hi." He yawned.
'Taylor, Lindsay, would you mind clearing the table?"
"Sure." We got all the plates and put them into the sink.
Mr. Hanson stopped us before we walked up the stairs.
"Taylor, where were you last night?"
"What do you mean where was I?"
Diana joined walker by his side and gave us an evil glare.
"You weren't in your bed last night. Where were you?!" Walker demanded.
"Gosh, Dad, I was with Lindsay!"
"In her bed?"
He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. Since we have been going out, squeezing my hand is his way of telling me things are ok.
"Uh, yeah, why?"
"Look, Taylor, one time was enough, before she left for L.A. But I don't want this to be a normal thing! It is inappropriate to be this close at your age."
"Oh, Gosh. Do we have to go through this whole you're-too-young thing again?"
"We're going to go through it as many times as it takes for you to get it through your head!"
"Taylor, what we want you to know is that we're concerned about you." Unlike Walkers' voice which was angry and demanding, Diana's calm and soothing tone put me more at ease.
"You guys shouldn't be, we--"
"Taylor. You listen to me. Would you ever lie to your parents? Ever?"
"No, I would never lie to you."
"On anything?"
Diana's eyes traveled to the floor. She looked weak in the knees and embarrased at what Walker was going to say.
"Jordan Taylor Hanson---" Walker got ready for his next line. Uh oh. Whenever they used his first name thats when we knew it was trouble. "Lindsay Marie Goldberg-" Now my middle name. This was going to be terrrible, I could feel it coming. I knew what he was going to ask. "Are you two having sex together?"
The silence was so cold, I could almost feel Taylor blink. We stood blankly staring at his parents. No expression could have been made out from the look on our faces.
"Dad, Mom---" Taylor said quietly. "I'm not going to lie to you."
They stood waiting for an answer.
Seconds passed.
"Look, Mr. And Mrs. Hanson.." I interupted. "What he's trying to say is ---is---" I couldn't finish my sentence.
"Mom, Dad, when did you get married?"
"It's not about us, Taylor---"
"WHEN did you get married?!" Taylor demanded.
Diana sighed. "We were 19."
"And when, may I ask, did you start dating?"
Walkers confidence sunk. Diana stayed content, and answered. "We were fourteen."
"And how old are we?"
"And can you honestly tell me--me, your own son, that you didn't have sex before you were married?"
"Taylor, this is the seventies we're talking about! Everybody was doing it and nobody knew weather it was right or wrong!" Walker joined in.
"So you're saying sex before marrige is wrong, right?"
"Yes!" They both replied in unison.
"So, dad, you wish you hadn't slept with mom before you were married-you completely regret it?"
Walker was astonished. "I--"
"Would you lie to me, dad?" Taylor said in a smart-alec way, repeating his fathers openining question.
"Son, look. Both of you are very aware of the risks involved. Now We just want you to be open with us. We're not saying we're going to punish you. We want you to tell us the truth."
"The truth?"
They nodded.
Taylor waited. He nodded, probably to reasure him self. "We've had sex."
He grabbed me and pulled me up the stairs.