Taylor took off my shirt. I didn't really want him too, but i wouldn't let him do much more than that. He hugged me. I hugged back. He could tell I felt uncomfortable.
"Well, you look kinda uncomfortable, is there anything I can do?" he asked.
"Um...no, just don't pull anything stupid!" We both laughed, but he knew I was dead serious.
He kissed me lightly on the cheek.
I kissed back.
He kissed me on the lips, and before you knew it, we were making out passionaltley. His hands wanted to go everywhere, but I would kind of hit thiem a little if they went passed my waist. He eventually got the picture. As much as I liked him, I didn't want to do anything I would feel uncomfortable with.
I just kept my arms around his neck. It was funny because I felt uncomfortable at the beggining, making out with my shirt off, but it seemed OK when it actually happened. I really did like Taylor. Alot.
I heard a little creak. I ignored it because Taylor did.
All of a sudden we heard a small, high voice.
"Hey guys, what are you doing? Hey, why does Lindsay have her shirt off? Why are your hands around her waist Taylor?"
"Oh my god ! Shit ! Mac get out of here!"
I was trying to put my shirt on as fast as I could.
"Ok I was just wondering what you were doing." And he walked out with a confused look.
"Crap! Oh God Linds I hope he doesn't tell my parents! Oh God I am so sorry I didn't know they would be home this early--I didn't even hear them come in! Linds are you Ok?"
We were both shocked.
"I'm fine, but I hope he doesn't tell your parents! Oh gosh Tay I am so sorry it's all my fault I should have remembered the time I'm the one with the watch on!"
"No it's not your fault!" I had my shirt on. He hugged me close. We were scared to death that he was going to tell Mr. and Mrs. Hanson.