fwelc1.gif (3241 bytes) To The Clean Up The Unions In Local Government Campaign 2000


Union Organisers are Tired?

Who cares!

The members are tired of  waiting on competent and proper representation and tired of being fed the same old Bull just presented by different Faces.

Who is tired of waiting?


Organisers Report

Stressed out union Organizer "Lance De'Boyle" reports extreme pressure from some rural councils attempting to retain employment within the local community , this is causing problems in the orchestrated disruption planned on local communities by maverick commie unions.Below is a brief excerpt from his medical appointment with Mr/Ms Dr. A.Nita.B.Low , an ex Green Beret who discovered his/her true self , and   has recently graduated from Phnom Phen Medical School with honours in : Hm.Trans.S.i.m.p.. B.a.r.t.S.o.n..

Dr.A.Nita.B.Low is currently seconded to the Union movement ,to study the effects of R.S.I. in public bars and Brothels in Third World countries. The purpose being , that if we continue to let Unions ruin this country , AUSTRALIA ,  we will be a Third World Country and the only bars they will be able to  drink in will be Brothels.


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I`"m afraid Mr.Boyle ,there ares some character defects whichare affecting your equilibrium.,Have you thought of a career change .With some mind altering substances we could fit you into a Labor Organisation"   "Do want to give it a try?"       .


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"You medical misfit, I bet you`re a bloody Union Member". "Its those Bastards that are causing me all the problems , just because they give me $50,000 ayear and luxury car and a mobile phone and all the other little perks like holidays . The Selfish Bastards want me to work as well." "Always ringing me up when they are going to be sacked or have a pay cut , I have other more important things to do."Like fishing and I just love that deep sleep therapy." But I am lost, since my proxy `MUMMY`got the shaft"


The Phantom

Lance De'Boyle Union Organiser

Now you see him : Now you don`t

Lance De'Boyle has expressed greats concerns about his ability to cope with  these stressful times and complains of Members squeezing him unnecessarily causing him to weep profusely on occasions , the administration of Prozac , or that more popular Social(ist)mind altering substance Cipramil has given poor Lance no respite.Even the application of soothing  "Erythromycin" no longer clams his throbbing head. In fact his constant whingeing is causing many members to feel spite toward the red, swollen ,  nauseating and pulsating "Boyle".Some have suggested the extreme action of taking off the head , this caused great consternation with the Woymins Committee and they have passionately  complained about Sexual Harassment , or perhaps it was the lack thereof . We apologise for any inaccuracies in our report , it could be due to Industrial Deafness , which will be evident until the claim is finalised , then a Miracle will occur at a Pentecostal meeting while on a trip to Disneyland , the length of which (the trip) will depend on the amount of compensation paid for the Industrial Deafness.   Also, we like most myopic Labour Unionists can only hear with one eye , or was that see with one ear , walk a crooked mile  and sing with contorted tongue  . Anyway one thing you can be sure of is :Unions always get it ballsed up.

If you are really curious , contact us and we will inform you when poor old Lance De'Boyle is going to do another performance. : billy_bludger@hotmail.com : Ph/Fx: 61 + 2 85885054 or 0285885054

We recommend an Industrial Court Proceedings , when you may have an opportunity to watch a spontaneous evacuation of body fluids from all the Orifices.

Don`t be afraid to tell others how you feel ! Ask Questions gab2.gif (621 bytes) What can you do to stop the Rot? Resign From the Union

Cancelled Conferences

Questions are being asked as to why the Annual Conference has been cancelled , and the ineffectual ,  insubstantial and somewhat incomplete reasons for this cancellation are causing inopportune questions to be polled, with the pleas being construed as unfitted and simulated , this ostensible  luminous radiance of prevarication is causing great consternation among members involved in the upper echelons of the hierarchy , this all pervasive and destructive affection is cautiously masticating away at any solidarity not already eroded by  perfidious and treacherous behaviour by those who are paid and  entrusted to safeguard members considerations.There is certainly more to this Conference cancellation than meets the eye.Particularly if you are a myopic Commie Unionist.

Clean up the Unions Believe it is just a cover up to make sure that no questions on Finances or membership can be asked . We believe that the reserves,monetary and property have been , and are being dissipated and wasted on flighty , idiotic and otherwise senseless issues .Well if you didn't understand a word  of this use of the Queens English , then you won`t miss the Union Conference , for it is only with copious amounts of free alcohol that anyone understands the special Morse Code that these recalcitrant agitators  communicate to each other in . A bit like trying to communicate with Martians , and after reading some of the motions put forward ,some have certainly  had conversations with extra terresterials during their Out of Body experiences.

They may have possibly met up with the Onanists of whom we spoke of in a previous Press Release.


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Don't be an Ostrich

Take your head out of your Ass

Resign from the Union

Derrick the Derelict

The Unions ILO & UN delegate says :

"We want to send your jobs off shore to help those who are less well of than you , and perhaps we can encourage a few more boat people to do your jobs a lower wage. Not only that they won't whinge and complain about how we run the Union.

"You can`t get me I`m part of the Union!"

"Join me in the Union"

Lets all sink together

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Derrick the Derelict recommends that if you are in the Sydney Area tune into
cowbob.gif (29685 bytes) Country Bob Plummer

  between 6:00am and 9:00am on Wednesdays and Fridays , on 88.1 fm. He also suggests that you contribute to Pauline Hansons Fighting Fund. After which you can go and bite yer BUM.....DD...


Visit Resignation.htm , for a print out form.

Visit Deductions.htm , for a print out form.

Regain yourself your esteem resign from the Union


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Click"HERE" for Video Clip of Union Negotiators Busy At Work.(Large file may be slow


Hey Bill"What is going on about the Annual Conference , I heard that it was cancelled so no reports would have to be given , do you know anything about it?.

"Well Ben", "I have heard all the same rumours you have heard m but I also heard that people are looking at having this Union de-Regeristered , it would appear they are almost Bankrupt , compared to a few years ago.But you know that rumours are rife .

Bill:"Hmm. Lots of fertile ground for them to grow , but!sounds interesting"

Okay , Lets Contact Employee Advocate and get the Good Oil.

lunchtime_md_wht.gif (7800 bytes) Lets Just Hope Before their Union Meeting they take their.......Daily Dose Of.....
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Contact: billy_bludger@hotmail.com : Ph/Fx: 61 + 2 85885054 or 0285885054