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To the Clean Up the Unions in Local Government Campaign

When lightning strikes God is taking a picture of the earth. Each and everyone of us at this point are under surveillance. What does it matter whether it is God, our employers or the Labor/Liberal Government . Abuse is rife. Power is everything. Strong governments ,dictatorships and political shenanigans. R. Welcome to the January edition of Campaign2000 , online.. If you would like to swallow more then read on… and on..and on..and the     Mad Hatter                         is at it again!

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There are many who are starting to wonder what path these people have taken. Some have suggested that they have fallen down the Rabbit Hole , and are now visiting with Alice Through the Looking Glass. There have been claims that         the Queen Of Tarts has been running around Central Station screaming "Of With Their Heads" .We have no difficulty swallowing this story.But what we do have difficulty swallowing , is all the loss of Jobs , wages and conditions that these Fat Cat Union Bosses have sold us out on.That is why there are no fireworks or champagne bottles popping , for those employed in Local Government. Dump this Union before its too late.
Remember Your New Year Resolution...

Knock on Door for entry to Union Office

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Joining in with the screeching Queen , we have our old friends itchy and Scratchy ,

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These pair of Clowns are symbolic of the eye gouging , hair pulling , ear biting and all the other "fowl" punches , that have been pulled by all the "wannabes" , fighting for a bigger snout in the trough of Union Pig Swill. The trough that you "the member",continues to fill with your contribution to the "Union Tax".You can stop paying this Union Tax anytime you wish .Just print out the form you will find on this page: Resignation and  Deductions
Remember Your New Year Resolution...







Does not the Cheshire  Cat remind you of the    Fat Cat "Union Bosses?".

These Fat Cats have every reason to have this smirk on their faces,they can loll around all day  knowing that enough members will contribute the "Union Tax" to pay their exorbitant wages , run their car , pay for   their fishing trips and Gabfests

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These flies are indicitive of a dead body , and in the case of this Union , it has been a cadaver for some time. Let us do the right thing and give this Union a decent send off . We would suggest a Public Cremation ,and the ashes scattered to the four winds. Then a New Beginning , with the subsequent New Deal..
Remember Your New Year Resolution...



It time to stop paying this despicable "UnionTax". This is a remnant from the bad old days of Union Thuggery .Most of us can remember when the bully boys of the Unions would come around and intimidate people into joining a Union. This is all gone by the board , now it is a subtle intimidation . All their huff and Puff is an illusion , even the most timid employee can stand up to these buffoons. And if help is required there are many avenues for assistance. Recent events in the Metropolitian area of Sydney have shown this to be the case. And as a result hundreds of "Press Ganged " Union members have now the courage to resign . You too can save yourself $300   , yes ,  "THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS" a year by resigning from this Union. Thats $300 that could have bought your Kids those extra toys , paid for that Dental expense , a new Dress for your wife , wouldn`t it be better spent on these things, rather  than for a Politicians  luxuries.Take five minutes and scan the names of the Union employees and then examine the relationship to politicians , its like the Roman Empire , with Brothers , Sisters , cousins , aunts and Uncles all feeding from the Public or Union purse. Nepotism at its worst
You MUST have better things to do with your money , than pour it into this massive Pyramid Scheme.
Put an EXTRA $300 a year into YOUR pocket.
Rember Your New Year Resolution...