This Union is sitting on its hands!

Where is the action that these fumbling, stumbling and incompetent Union representatives promised the members?


Are these Union representatives still hiding somewhere licking their wounds, are they just too ashamed to expose their disgraceful track record to the membership, or are they hiding behind the fridge? If a racehorse, dog, or any other animal gave such a poor performance, one would either shoot it or pay a veterinary surgeon to put it out of its misery.

Why do we persist in feeding this organization which so obviously has a terminal illness.

Why do the members continue, week after week to pour their hard-earned money into this giant poker machine, without even getting to pull the handle. The appetite of this insatiable beast continues to grow, without accountability.

It is time to put a stop to this blatant bloodsucking!

Even as you read this more members are losing their jobs through, this inaction, incompetence, inability and a perceived unwillingness to act on members behalf.

Thousands have lost their jobs within the Sydney Metropolitan area, hundreds have already lost their jobs in rural areas, and what do we hear, "Its not an easy time for workers in Australia", and what do we see, pictures of the head honcho and cronies at the coal miners protest.

This is unacceptable!

Some council employees , earn less than a coal miners bonus!

Bonus for Coal Miner $25, 000: Annual Salary Council Laborer $ 25 000

How dare these people claim to represent their members, while protesting for someone who is on an Annual Salary almost twice your wages, and to rub salt into your wounds, their bonus is more than you earn?

In our last press release we stated "where you sit determines what you see ". Are you now seeing the reality of your representation?

Have a look at the last edition of this Unions` ridiculously expensive publication "The Counsellor "(spring 99), on the back page are pictures of your union employees at the Oakdale Miners protest.


This publication is just another tool for self promotion at the expense of the members, how much does it cost each Union member, $5 , $10 , $15 ,"?" a total waste of members funds. Why is this money not put into a strike (benevolent) fund, this could support members who decided to take the path of Industrial Action.

Disgraceful, absolutely Disgraceful!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is how your money is being wasted.

While most would sympathize with other workers, these people are paid extremely well to represent Local Government employees, not, other workers who earn in excess of three times an average council workers wage.

Until recent times, the blue collar worker has borne the brunt of these massive council job losses, now there are moves afoot to casualise the salaried and clerical sectors, libraries are being targeted with extensive use of electronic equipment, rate payments are being outsourced , even Human Resource departments are being out outsourced.

What is this Union doing?

Spending more money on conferences with all the luxuries on tap, and more luxury cars for the employees, this is another area which should have careful scrutiny??? ??? (cars , $1,045,851)

What about the massive mobile phone bills.


A quick peruse of the balance sheets should awaken members from their slumber!

Like many other members it may be time to reconsider your options, all around the state members are giving themselves a $300 a year pay rise, by resigning from this Union.

At least one Metropolitan Council has done so en mass, remember that it is an offence to discriminate against employees if they choose not to be a member of a Union, and the penalties can be quite severe.

So don’t believe that being a Union member gives you any benefits, in fact, due to the despicable behavior of some Unions, there are those who value their reputation so much, that they will not even disclose their membership of any Union to their family.

The questions you must ask of yourself is:

Is it in my interests to maintain membership of this Union?


Shall I resign immediately, regain my self-esteem and give myself a pay rise?

It is your decision!

The employment advocate is available (free of charge) to assist .

Contact Details:

Office of the Employment Advocate

GPO Box 9842

Your Capital City

Or 1300 366 632

Release ends

17 October 1999

Local Government Employee Clean Up the Union Team

Contact Clean Up The Unions

Dial : 02 9776 6206

or overseas International Code +61 2 9776 6206.
