You find this hard to believe?

We suggest that all members read a copy of the Local Government State Award 1997, Pages 69-70.

This clause, "29" makes it quite clear that this Union has endorsed the tendering out of your employment in the area of local government.

We further suggest, that all the persons now elected to positions within this Union, and all employees are responsible for this abject failure in protecting the members of this Union from the ravages of right wing dictators within and without the socialist camp.

There is no excuse for this despicable sellout of the members’ jobs.

The question now to be asked is:

Why are these same employees and elected representatives agitating members to resist that which they have already sold for a scrimption?

There is absolutely no point in resisting, that which has been betrayed by those whom are paid, by you to represent you.

Those members living in Rural New South Wales, should be up in arms at this unbelievable betrayal of the trust they have put in their elected officials. Are these rural members aware that some Sydney Metropolitan Councils, are now tendering for work as far north as Coffs Harbor? Current and Ex – Local Government Employees from large inner city councils with an abundance of experience in road construction and maintenance, have been as recently as Late September, approached by the Business Delivery sections of several Metropolitan Councils

These Councils are intent on expanding their sphere of influence. It should be pointed out to the rural members, if they do not have Quality accreditation then it is not possible to tender for public works.

How many Shire Councils have the required Accreditation? NONE!

This State Government has decided that it can no longer support the drain on the resources of our State Treasury, and the only way ahead is to move the liability to the Federal Government. The only way to achieve this is to transfer this responsibility to the welfare sector.

An example would be;

Make the local shire worker redundant, retrenched or terminated. These individuals register for unemployment benefit, then they are put on a work for the dole program, for three days a week at their previous job.

This job then supports two unemployed persons at no cost to the State Government. The State Government will save Billions of Dollars, which it can then mobilize in its new Hospital, School , and Road reconstruction program using "Work for the Dole participants(you)", who will be working part time for unemployment benefits , paid for by the Federal Government. This Union has done nothing to prevent this! Yes! Nothing!

For those that are old enough, this will arouse bitter memories of the Great Depression, and those that do not remember only have to read recent History.



You must act immediately!

There is no room for those that would waiver, every day that this calamity is not acted upon, there are more lost employment opportunities, more breadwinners lose their jobs, more families are broken up because of the poverty cycle that they have been forced into by Union Inaction.

Poverty caused by this Unions inability or unwillingness to look after its members.

Lead by Leadership which carries a placard for highly paid Teachers, Coal miners, and Wharf laborers, but refuses to attend to their own members needs. Lead by Leadership, which proclaims that it intends to assist the employer.

Members who are paid at what is regarded as poverty level wages.

Yes! Council workers are the working poor. They are the marginalised, the poorly represented, is it not the Union which oppresses these Local Government Employees?



  1. You must! Reject the tainted food presented to you by this Union!
  2. You must! Refuse to deal with representatives who betray you!
  3. You must! Reject any mention of Competitive Tendering!
  4. You must! Demand that it be excluded from your new award!
  5. You must! Demand a new Union Election!
  6. You Must! Demand that all Union Organizers Be Elected!
  7. You Must! Demand that the Union Books be open for Inspection to an Independent Audit!
  8. You Must! Demand that the M.E.U. disaffiliate from the A.S.U.
  9. You Must! Demand that we return to the grassroots.
  10. You Must! Demand that we disassociate from the A.L.P.
  11. You Must! Demand Mass meetings around the State Condemning the A.L.P., and those Union Leaders who have lead us astray.
  12. You Must! Demand a list of employees and the cost of these individual employees to the members.


The last release expressed disgust at this Union sitting on its hands, let us, the members not be guilty of the same offence.

Let Us Act! Let Us Act Now! Let Us Act Decisively!

This Union is falling apart, like the Titanic, it has but a short time left, let us not sink with this degenerate wreck!

Employees and Officials are jumping on the lifeboats, named Stress, Nervous Nellie, Medically Unfit, and Redundant, if these queue jumpers are not stopped there will be nothing left.


The questions you must ask of yourself is:

Is it in my interests to maintain membership of this Union?


Shall I resign immediately, regain my self-esteem and give myself a pay rise?

It is your decision!

The employment advocate is available (free of charge) to assist .

Contact Details:

Office of the Employment Advocate

GPO Box 9842

Your Capital City

Or 1300 366 632

Release ends

24 October 1999

Local Government Employee Clean Up the Union Team

Contact Clean Up The Unions

Dial : 02 9776 6206

or overseas International Code +61 2 9776 6206.
