Union Members Ridicule Union Fumbling

Many rank and filers of the Municipal Employees Union have laughed and ridiculed the fumbling attempts of this Union in its attempts to articulate the concerns of a its members, at the State Conference over the October long weekend..

The representatives of this Union mumbled and fumbled their way through a litany of slogans, the only thing missing was the Chairman’s little Red Book. In an unbelievable performance more support was lost than gained. If this is the level of Oratory and Debate that this Union presents as its best, then woe betides the members’ employment prospects.

There is absolutely no room for incompetence in the presentation of the members concerns.

In a three-day conference, these Union Members were credited with no more than a passing consideration. It was made quite clear by the State Government, before the conference that; `Market Testing, Competitive Tendering, and Best Practice `, were processes that were non-negotiable.

There is no room in New Labour , or the new order , for those with a poor or obstructive work ethic.

There can be absolutely no comprise in the provision of quality services to those who pay for the services.

The plans carefully considered by this popular government, have taken into consideration all the concerns in the workplace, and ensured that no local government employee will be treated unfairly.

There will be difficulties. They will certainly arise from the fact that the administrative structures are inadequate, and many management systems have collapsed. These problems have created and cultivated an environment that is friendly to this poor work ethic. We must accept that the service we provide must be in line with community standards, and is compatible with the transitional adjustments of voluntary council amalgamations.

This means, we must move away from the politics of protest, where everything that came from the employer was treated with contempt and considered suspicious, and was considered tapu.

All changes must be considered on their merit, and the ability of these changes to benefit the community as a whole. We must grasp these changes for workplace reform, this in turn will negate the argument for Compulsory Competitive Tendering. This change can only be achieved as a team, with management and employees marching to the beat of the same drum.

Make no mistake, there are only two choices, the path of "Thatcherism" , and the ultimate conflict and Industrial War , or the more reasonable philosophy of the Carr Labor Government , that of a joint venture , where all partners can claim gains.

Before this can be achieved, this Union has to cut loose all the old style advisers who have been schooled in the adversarial system, and like old Dogs, they cannot, be taught new tricks.

One only has to examine the Agreements reached with minimal Union involvement, and can see the great advantages of excluding these adversarial belligerents.

Some metropolitan councils have achieved this transition, with great advantages being obtained by the employer, this has made provision for areas of great prosperity for some employees in these councils, in fact, some of these councils are now competing and beating private enterprise at their own game.

Let us now, reject this adversarial role that we have been forced into, and work together with our employers, for the benefit of Ourselves, Our Families, Our local communities and of course our State, New South Wales.

Again all members should be reminded of the continuing mass resignations from this Union, from both Wages and salaried members.


4 October 1999

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