Reasons to Hate Hanson.

Hi, and welcome to my Reasons to Hate Hanson page. I've done it up in fruity colors to represent the fruity little Hanson sisters. (Oops, I mean brothers, of course....)
This list comes to you from Katie, so let's give her some applause...
My Reasons to hate Hanson:
1. They're reminiscent of Josie and the Pussycats - but cuter. (ugh)
2. Last time I checked, repetetive singing of nonsense words is a sign of
"Lacking Mental Health," not a hit-song making formula...
3. They seem to think that the "girlish-sounding-acting-looking fruit bar
look" is in...
And last but not least...
4. I think the oldest one is the missing link in our evolutionary chain...

Thanks, Katie!!!

If you have any ideas, or reasons to hate Hanson, please email them to me.
I promise I'll give due credit to everyone, if you want it. I can deal with anonymity, too.
Thanks for your help and patience!!

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You are Hanson Hater number ! Give yourself a big pat on the back. And while you're at it, give Taylor a big punch in the face...

Mail me your ides, comments, suggestions, and reasons to hate Hanson at: