Oh, wow! It's been a while, I'm sorry, but I've been quite busy. Doing what, you say? Making version 2.0 of this page, of course! I've re-titled and everything. This *new* page will definately be up by next week, so hold tight!! I'm moving to Xoom, too. Die, you pop up ads!!! Thanks for visiting, come back soon!!
Click where you want to go! If you find any broken links or mistakes, if you have any comments (good or bad, hopefully good), or if you just want to say "hi", can you email me?.
If you want to link to me, I have banners and buttons here.
page was first uploaded on April 20, 1998 by Jeni
There have been
visitors since then. (Plus a few from before I got the counter.
All images and text are ©1998 Jeni Essington. Please do not steal them without permission, because if you do, I'll cry!!! Thanks! ^_- hehehe