BABUSCI, PAMELA A.: an internationally published haiku
& tanka poet winning numerous awards, including The
Museum of Haiku Literature Award in 1995 and
International Tanka Splendor Awards in 1996-1999 and
2001. Pamela’s poetry has appeared in the anthologies In
The Ship's Wake, Red Moon Anthology, The Art of Haiku
2000 and The Basho Festival Anthology, among others.
She along with Kay F.Anderson helped illustrate Full Moon
Tide: The Best of Tanka Splendor. Pamela’s sumi-e paintings
will appear in the next four issues of HSA Newsletter.
Pamela Babusci

BAKER, WINONA: has won international literary awards
for her poetry. In 1989 she won the Japanese Foreign
Minister’s Grand Prize for haiku among entries submitted
from around the world. Baker’s work has been featured on
Radio Japan’s “Haiku Corner,” on CBC Radio shows,
“Morningside” and “Gabereau.” She is the author of five
books of poetry, her latest, Even a Stone Breathes – Haiku
and Senryu is published by Oolichan Books. Her work is
included in about 50 anthologies.  Winona Baker

BALDWIN, G.E.: a 28 year old graduate student residing
in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Gary plans to get married
in June 1998. Works in a bookstore when not in school,
and to stay in shape, he trains for marathons.  Gary
says he has been "pursuing haiku as a hobby (an
obsession?) for about three years."  Gary Baldwin

BENDER, DEBRA WOOLARD: says she is “generally
an unknown artist, writer, and poet within the major roles
of wife, mother, and grandmother, residing in Orlando,
Florida. Current position:  eBay seller - independently
auctioning the past.” Debra's prose and poetry have been
published during the 1970s and early 80s, primarily in
Voices International and in several small magazines and
college presses. To her astonishment, one of her first
published prose works, "World Within A World," was
awarded inclusion in an annual issue of the voluminous
tome, 'Anthology of Magazine Verse and Yearbook of
American Poetry' Produced by Alan Pater. She has been
writing haiku and other styles of verse since the mid 1960's.
Unbent on fame, she has not submitted poetry of any kind
towards publication for several years. She is now, once again,
writing and submitting new works for publication. She says
that writing haiku is her private retreat into the world-at-large.
 Debra Bender   Website: PAPER LANTERNS

BENEDICT, ALICE: has been writing haiku and renku for 8
years. Alice says, "My enjoyment of poetry has been given
a great boost by participation in the Yuki Teikei Haiku Society,
the Marin Renku Group, Haiku Poets of Northern California,
and other events (such as the Asilomar Retreats and Haiku North
America) where poets gather to write, read, and talk." Since 1996
Alice has coordinated the contests of the Haiku Society of
America, as its 2nd Vice President. Closer to home, in California,
she has organized the Asilomar Retreats, and last year, a
day-long seminar in Berkeley on writing International renku.
She has also edited haiku anthologies and articles on writing
renku. Alice's renku have appeared in Lynx, on the YT Society
web page and elsewhere. Her haiku appear in Geppo, anthologies
of the various haiku societies, Sundays at Four, the EPN, and
so forth. She adds, "My other interests include performing as a
singer and keyboard player, gardens,and all kinds of natural history.
 Alice Benedict

BENEDICT, ALEX:  first began writing poetry in the mid-sixties and
was introduced to haiku at the University of Alaska in 1967. Alex is
a past-president and current board member of the Yuki Teikei Haiku
Society, and is also on the advisory board of the American Haiku
Archives. He enjoys collaborative projects, especially poetry. His
renku appear in Lynx, on the web page of 'still', and the Yuki Teikei
Society web page. Alex's haiku have appeared in Geppo, Haiku
Headlines, Woodnotes, Brussels Sprout, Sundays at Four, the EPN,
and various anthologies and other publications. Presently, Alex is
exploring ways to write collaborative poetry live on the internet.
 Alex Benedict  Website: YUKI TEIKEI HAIKU SOCIETY

BERRY, ERNEST J.: Born, raised and educated in Christchurch,
New Zealand, Ernest served as a medic in the Korean War
(1950)  and spend the remainder of that decade on horseback
as a cowboy/shepherd in the high country of Poverty Bay
& Canterbury. For kicks, he played scrabble & harmonica –
"separately", he says. In 1960, he started a business in
Auckland importing & exporting industrial & domestic
sewing machines. Except for an adventurous sabbatical in
Israel in 1974 (where he met a certain lady), he remained
in business until retiring to a remote Mexican beach in
1983. That's where, during the contemplative sunset hours,
he first succumbed to poetry. In 1993, Ernest returned to
NZ to join that "certain lady" who, a year later, gave him
a copy of  "A Haiku Menagerie" by Stephen Addiss. Ernest
says he "took to this 'new' haiku like slime to a frogpond."
His first haiku was published in 1995. Since then, Ernest's
work has appeared in numerous haiku journals and has
earned a number of awards.  Ernest Berry

BETTER, CATHY DRINKWATER.: has been writing for
readers of all ages for more than two decades. Her haiku,
senryu and other Japanese forms have appeared in Modern
Haiku, Frogpond, Point Judith Light, Brussels Sprout,
black bough, and others in the U.S., Canada and Great
Britain since 1989. An editor at Ottenheimer Publishers,
Inc., Cathy works with books ranging from children's
storybooks to adult health and medicine, cookbooks,
new age topics, and everything in between, as well as
developing original proposals for books in a wide variety
of areas. She is also an experienced newspaper reporter/
photographer. She has written for several daily, weekly
and bi-weekly newspapers in the central Maryland area
since 1984. Her features, articles, photographs, poetry
and light verse, for both children and adults, have also
appeared in publications in the U.S., Canada and
Great Britain since 1976; including Reader's Digest, St.
Anthony Messenger, the Baltimore Sun, The City Paper
(Baltimore), Martial Arts Masters, Inside Karate, and
Humpty Dumpty Magazine for Children. Author of two
commercially published books, Don't Hit Your Brother
With Your Mouth Full, Acme Press, Westminister, Md.,
1995, a humor collection compiled from her long- running
and awarding-winning newspaper column; and the moon
tonight, Los Hombres Press, San Diego, Ca., 1996, a
collection of her poems in a Japanese minimalist style.
 She recently left her job as a writer/communications
specialist for a statewide labor organization--where she
not only covered the state legislature and other topics
 for the union's newspaper, but wrote and designed
booklets and printed materials of all descriptions, and
did computer typesetting and layout, printing press
and bindery--to take on the editorial position at
Ottenheimer Publishers.  Cathy continues to freelance
poetry, newspaper features and other writing; and
beginning in Feb., 1998, she has a regular spot as humor
columnist for the new Carroll Families magazine. The
mother of three and grandmother of one, Cathy lives
and writes in Baltimore County, MD, USA. She is a black
belt in shorinjiryu karatedo, and also assists in teaching
Yang style ta'i chi ch'uan.   Cathy D. Better

BOND, SUSAN: a multidisciplinary artist from Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan, Canada. The fruits of her labour are to be
found in songwriting, composing & arranging, poetry,
bookmaking, paper collage and graphic design.  She is
an independent recording artist whose music has been recorded
by and featured on CBC Radio. Her haiku have been published
in the U.S. and in Canada, and she designs haiku sheets and
brochures for Haiku Canada. As composer, she was commissioned
to write an anniversary piece for a combined 120+-piece choir and
orchestra, which was premiered in April '99. She also recently
completed a privately commissioned set of handmade books in
collaboration with Regina photographer Sandra Butel. Daily life
includes a part time work in the music industry, and her family,
including four children. She is currently working on more handmade
books, a compilation CD of her own songwriting, more music and
arranging, paper collage for book illustrations, and always... haiku,
tanka and renga. As she says in one of her tanka:  "oh how the little/
determines the large".  subi

BRADY, PETER: lives in Gatineau, Quebec near Ottawa.
Peter has been writing haiku  and senryu seriously since
1986, submits occasionally to haiku magazines and has
given readings.  Prior to retirement, he worked for five
years as a radio operator in northern Quebec, and
eventually as copyeditor of technical documents for
Transport Canada and Nav Canada in Ottawa. Recently
he became a Reiki practitioner, third degree.  Peter Brady

BRAKEE, GERLA: grew up in a small farming
community in Indiana until her parents returned
to the Netherlands, where she has lived ever since.
Gerla, mother of three wonderful children ages 22,
20 and 18, works as a para-legal. Until she discovered
haiku and tanka on a website, she says she had never
heard of these genres. Now, writing haiku and tanka
has become a way of life for her. Her work has
appeared in Woodpecker and Poetry In The Light.
 Gerla Brakkee

BROOKS, MARK: lives in Temple, Texas, with his wife
(Karen) and his two boys: Dylan (1997) and Casey (2000).
He recently "retired" from his telecommuting job in the
software industry to be a stay-at-home dad for his boys.
Mark is a member of the Haiku Society of America, the
British Haiku Society, the Nick Virgilio Haiku Association,
and the World Haiku Club. His haikai have appeared in
many leading haiku journals, both online and off. Mark¹s
haiku-related projects include the creation of an internet
presence for the World Haiku Association, a moderator¹s
role on the new shiki-temp mailing list, and the editor of
haijinx, an international, web-based journal that examines
haiku with humor. Mark¹s personal web site includes the
unofficial newcomer¹s guide to haiku mailing lists, a list
of online haiku resources, a list of haikai books, and Mark¹s
published haikai.
Personal: Website: MARK'S SITE  Email:  Mark Brooks
Other: Website:  haijinx Email: Mark Brooks, haijinx Ed.

BROWN, JASON SANFORD: a 26 year old poet who sees
magnificence in the commonplace.  He is still amazed
when he manages to get published and hopes to publish
his manuscripts of haiku someday.  Jason Sanford Brown

BRUCE, DAWN: a Sydney, Australia poet, Dawn has
had over 100 poems of free verse published  throughout
Australia in literary magazines, journals, anthologies and
newspapers. Also, her haiku has been published in five
Australian haiku  magazines. Her haiku and free verse have
won a number of prizes. Dawn is the co-ordinator for the
Somerset Poets, a workshop and study group. Their first
anthology, 'Outside Looking In' was published Dec. 2000
and won an award for a collection of work in the FAW
Victorian comp. 2001.  Dawn Bruce

BUETTNER, MARJORIE: writing haiku, tanka, sijo and
haibun; Marjorie’s most recent work has appeared in Tundra,
American Tanka, Modern Haiku, Frogpond, Hummingbird,
Acorn,  Lynx, Raw NerVZ (Canada),  still (U.K.) and
Woodpecker (N.L.).  She has a tanka included in the newest
anthology _100 Tanka_ published in the U.K.  She has won
a number of awards for her sijo in the Florida Poetry Society
and the Arizona Poetry Society contests. Marjorie lives in
Minneapolis with her husband and three children.
 Marjorie Buettner

BUKVA, BORIVOJ: born in Karlovac , December, 1948.
By profession, engineering . His work appears in a
number of literary magazines, periodicals and newspapers,
 as well as on radio and TV. A member of Croation Haiku
Society, Society of Haiku Poets-Rijeka , Haiku Society of
Slovenia, International Friendship Club of Croatia-Japan,
International  Friendship Club of Yugoslavia-Japan, and the
World Haiku Association. He is also a painter, having had 28
Exhibitions of his work and he has participated in 99 collective
expositions in Rijeka and abroad . Illustrated many books and
arranged illustrations for Zbornik Ludbreg, The Ludbreg Collection
in 1999 and 2000 . Received numerous awards. His poetry
appears in anthologies inland and abroad. Borivoj has also
published many lectures about  esoteric and theosophy.
 Borivoj Bukva