Senior Second Engineer: William Edward Farquharson

Mr W.E. Farquharson was born in Liverpool in 1873. He served his apprenticeship with Messrs. Higginson of Liverpool and then joined the Anglo-American Tool Company.

Farquharson went to sea at the age of 22 years initially with Johnson & Co. Ltd and then aboard ships owned by John Markwood of Liverpool. He joined the White Star line in 1900 as Assistant Second Engineer aboard the Teutonic later transferring to the Seuvic on which he served for over three years before moving to the Majestic as Junior Second Engineer. Later he held the rank of Senior Second Engineer aboard the Teutonic and the Oceanic.

He "stood-by" the Titanic during the latter stages of her construction and died when she was lost at sea.

W. E. Farquharson lived at 90 Wilton Avenue, Southampton and left a widow (Martha) and three children. His estate was valued at £428 7s.

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