Living in The Great Mundini's World

Alot of people don't seem to realize, but you are all livin' in my world. Yup, that's right. Every bit, every piece, every molecule, every atom, every little itty bitty tiny thing is MINE. Of course, some people disagree, claiming that I have no power over how people use MY world, but I've got a real easy answer for that: I could care less. It's only gonna be MY world for another few decades or so. Screw it up all ya like! I gives a damn! I'll be fightin' my battles in Valhalla LONG before you screw this planet up so bad no one can live on it.
Which brings me to somethin' else....

Paganism in Today's Society

This is usually where the home audience freaks out and starts screaming "Oh my God he's a PAGAN!!!!" Yes, I'm pagan, boys and girls. Norse pagan, or Asatru to be more politically correct. My gods are Odinn, Thor, Tyr, Freya, and Heimdall, among others. I believe in Valhalla, Niflheim, and Niflhel. And I believe, should I be worthy, that my soul shall find a place in great Valhalla.
I won't deny it: it's a bitch bein' pagan nowadays. I mean, way back when during my ancestors' time, if someone insulted your religious beliefs you put an axe into the side of their head and the argument was over. Today's "Christain" society don't look too fond on that, so sometimes it's difficult to adjust.
Not to say I'm violent. *grins* But I find my ancestors' way of dealing with problems far more refreshing than the options left to me.
For more info on my religion, or paganism in general, hit the links below....
Pagan Links
 Irminsul Aettir Asatru Page: News, Library, History, Runes, and Links!
 The Asatru Alliance: More info, links, history, and a catalogue.
 Heathen Update: A small site with news, events, and info on pagan culture.

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