![]() This page has been visited*** Plan a day ahead of time. In order to conserve your energy always pioritize and streamline your tasks. ![]() Each of us must learn to cope in different ways to our changing lifestyles. It takes more time to get less done. We must modify what we usually have taken for granted. It would be good to share some of the skills and problems that arise. DO you have some ways of coping that you feel may help others? Let us know. ![]() ![]() COPING with FIBRO![]() :FIBRO TIDBITS
A butterfly is a symbol of new life and new beginnings. May we all look forward to a better life filled with less pain and more strength.I am finding as I meet more people and learn more about Fibromyalgia that I am less stressed about where I am today. ![]() Stress and DepressionSome ideas and thoughts that may lend a helping hand. RelaxationThis is an important tool for each and everyone. Help and Hope Offer a helping hand and a friendly ear to those around you. Hope that each day will be better than the day before. ![]() For encouragements and uplifting, ladies look into LADIES-OF-THE-HEART. - a wonderful group of which I am proud to be a member. ![]() Guardian Goodwill Angel Award The Phenomenal Women of The Web have awards of Goodwill which you can view by clicking on the graphic above. These may be shared with anyone you feel deserves them. The guidelines are listed for awarding them. Be sure to link them back to the Goodwill page. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Years and years of wondering what in the world is wrong! Why the aches? Why the pain? Why the constant lack of energy? So many whys for so many years. Then you learn it's a thing called Fibromyalgia! Fibro----what? I can't even say it how can I have it? How many are floating or drifting around in this world today that experience the same symptoms? Thanks to the computer, I find that we are not alone. There are actually many, many people that are finding out that, "yes, there is a name for what ails you." "No, there is no cure at this time." "Yes, the symptoms will probably stay with you." Or, what we hear the most,"I'm sorry, but we just don't know what is wrong." My last trip out of town to the "special" university hospital that is supposed to find out what's bothering everyone told me,"Madam, you are a very sick person. Something is very wrong with your system. We just don't know what it is. The symptoms are there, but they don't fit a category. Hopefully, you can find someone that can help you." That was my last trip out of the area. It was an Arthritis Clinic Doctor, a Rehab Doctor and a Neurologist that all told me a name: I sincerely hope that through this site we can communicate and share our saddness and joys through this long journey. Yes, I think that together we, the victims of this illusive disease, can share and build a faith in the future wellness of each and every one.I don't claim to know anything about this disease medically. I know nothing of cures. I have watched as many ask for help-that want to know if anything can be done to just, maybe, make life a little easier. It's my firm belief that any person that is physically ill should be under a doctor's care. Any medical advice should only be given by a doctor who knows you and your health history. Hopefully each and everyone can find a doctor to work with. Throughout the past ten years I have been with doctors, rehab (stroke), pain clinics (2), numerous physical therapies, water therapy, group therapy (presently in a Fm/CF Group), etc. Along with these experiences I have accumulated a lot of notes and information. It is my desire to share some of the things I have been exposed to with others in the hope that somethings may help encourage and let you know that, "Yes, there may be a light at the end of the tunnel after all." Come, join with us to try to find that special place of rest and healing hope. You may have newer information or things you would care to include and pass on....please do.
Friends To Visit
Sapient Health Network: A place to share and learn
Jausten's Home: Jausten's FMS Journal
The Lighter Side: That Which Does Not Kill Us, Makes Us Stronger
Medical Site: More to learn
Norma's Quilt of Life: A mixture of things
Misty's FMS Info.: Also has some Magical designs
Quotes for the Day: A good reference point for ideas.
The Senoir Network Organization: Great place for information and help
Jerry's Home Page: Jerry offers a lot of help
Bringing back the 50's and oldies Link: Just a fun place to be (down in Georgia)
Cyber Thoughts A time to just sit back relax and play.
My JournalsHopefully, down the road to recovery.
StormyjJournal Archives and Stuff!
I Shall Wear Purple Some thoughts on retirement. The Daily MotivatorA daily dose of positive inspiration!
Crystal Cloud GraphicsDesigns for the Spiritually inclined..
May each and everyone of us look for the best in the year of 1998. May our health and stamina improve so that we may live a richer and more fulling, normal life. May we each have a loving and understanding friend and\or companion to share our trials and triumphs. There is always hope. Please, before you go be
I have just been accepted by a very loving and prayerful group of ladies, The Delicate Petals, and look forward to sharing with them. ![]() Stormy Jeanne
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