In our everyday lives many changes have been made due to the changes in our health. Our whole enviroment has taken on new meanings. We each have had to adapt to these changes. Nothing seems the same.
How have you adapted?
What daily routine have you improvised?
How do you shop?
How do you travel? Long trips? Vacations?
Do you have assistance?
Are you alone, or have support from family and friends?
Many more questions will arise I'm sure. At some point we all feel different aspects of our illnesses and need to alter our lives accordingly.
Share with us things that help you so others may try them in their daily lives. If you will share ideas you need not have you name shown. Just let me know. We could use the State or Country.

How Can You Tell If You Have It

When I was growing up, people who had similar aches and pain were said to have the "Rhumetiz." Today we know that many symptoms which indicate (to us)are being overly tired, sleeplessness,depression, and unable to keep our minds concentrated for very long at a time. We may also have aching and tight muscles, which are very tender to touch.
Chances are that you may have Fibromyalgia if you have the pain points throughout your body and have problems sleeping, feel exhausted all the time, Go back and forth between anxiety and depression, problems with stomach, headaches, and sinsus problems. Remember, only a doctor can tell you for sure what your problem may be.
A good source of information is the Fibromyalgia Network.
You may also want to check out David Nye, MD.

My greatest helper at home I actually learned by accident. Mother needed a chair she could use in a small space to turn around when working on her crafts. We got an office chair for her to use. Before I knew it, I was using it as much as she was. The arms are there for support. It rolls easily for short and frequent moves. Best of all, it adjusts up and down as needed. Without it, I would be unable to use the computer very much. It's great in the kitchen: filling the dishwasher, getting in the bottom cabinets, etc. I ended up using it some when cooking for the family get-to-gethers. (I even caught Mother sitting in it to mop the floor one day! She was mopping as the chair rolled!)
Looking or in need of a car? After years of pain getting in and out of my car, I had a brainstorm!! No more cars for me!! I found a truck is so much easier for me to get in and out of. I have also learned to get the POWER controls. My hands are so bad and there is no reaching across the seat to open the door for anyone.
Making a bed? Be sure to just wash the same bedding and use it over and over. Make up the layers of bedding all on one side first; then walk around to the other side and complete the job. It saves a lot of steps and stretching. Oh! Also forget about a bedspread-it's just extra energy spent. Let the blanket or sheet do the job.
Grocery shopping, always have the things that go in the refrigerator and freezer put in to separate bags from the staples. When you get home take in only the ones that need to be refrigerated. Ask someone else to get the other things out of the car for you when they are available. If no one is avaliable to help you, be sure to have the bags packed with less in them.
Smiling is contagious. If you always wear a smile (So,you do hurt? First rule of thumb in pain clinic is not to let others know you are in pain!) people will smile back. It makes you feel better, too.
Reach out and call or talk to someone else that may not feel well. Helping others will help keep your mind off of your own pain and problems.
Get yourself a pet. It's remarkable how quickly and often you find yourself not dwelling on pain when you have a pet (or a companion) to share with. More energy towards the outside and not inward.
Washing Clothes? Sort clothes on a table or on top of your washer or dryer.Be sure to not put wet clothes in the dryer bending down. Sit or bend forward. When the clothes are dry, sit on a chair to remove clothes from the dryer.I try to pull them to the front of the dryer so as not to reach into the back too far.
Buy clothing that does not require ironing. When ironing is necessary, often all you need is a small table top ironing board.

When dusting, sit on a chair to dust tabletops. If you can't reach a place, use a long handled brush.
Slide heavy things instead of trying to lift them. Leave things you use a lot sitting out. Don't take all that extra bother putting up and getting out things that you use often. Save your strength for more important things you have to do
Cook enough food for several meals at one time. Freeze some for another day.
Make out your grocery list according to how things are located in the market. Watch the aisles carefully so you don't have to backtrack or hunt for things. It saves a lot of energy and time. Rest as soon as you put up your refrigerated things at home before carrying in the rest of them.
In the car, fix the steering wheel(if possible) so your shoulders are relaxed. Place your hands on the lower part of the wheel for driving. this helps to keep your shoulders and neck muscles relaxed. A small pillow placed at the small of your back helps relieve pressure and pain. You will find that power locks and windows are not just a luxury! They could be one of the best investments you make.
Take a break and rest often. A lot of short rests spells is much better for you than one long one after you are exhausted.

Try to place things you use a lot on shelves in easy reach so that you don't have to stretch up or down to get them. A reacher (found in most drugstores) is a valuable tool to have handy when you are tired or hurting. It is well worth the small price you pay for it.
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