Remember! Where there is great love, there are always miracles.
Here is a personal story of Life with Fibromyalgia. There are many being share through the web sites of internet. Each has it's own special story to tell. Find a good doctor that understands where you are coming from. One that will help you ![]() The butterfly is a symbol of a new awakening or rebirth. Think! First it is an egg that becomes a caterpillar. Next, the caterpillar spins itself tightly into a cocoon. Finally, it emerges as a beautiful butterfly. Just think of emerging from where you are today as beautiful in mind and spirit. Half the battle is won when you begin to help yourself. ![]() Click on the Angel above and you can get some Goodwill Awards to share with others. Sign My Guestbook**** View My Guestbook ![]() Return to HOMEPAGE ![]() Remember--**The tears of the compassionate are sweeter than dew-drops, falling from roses on the bosom of spring.** Thank you Debra
That doesn't sound too bad. Non-specific? That could be anything or everything. In our lives, it means "a disruption of" the body. A disruption that's physical, chemical and mental in many cases.I know that in my circumstance that my auto-immune system is off (chemically, probably). My joints and muscles have pain (Physical). My mind refuses to operate as it should at times because of the pain and the pressures placed on the body due to every thing that seems to be happening to me. That equals STRESS big time. Something within my enviroment has had to produce the reactions I receive. Something has become the stressor to my system. As I live with Fibro, I find that there are many stresses that I must deal with. It can be anything from a bad day in general and getting nothing done to just running late for an appointment because my body just doesn't want to have to move. The most common emotional disorder that our stress brings on? Depression, or maybe drug abuse, family problems, and other things that some have experienced. When we become stressed out we have depleted our source of energy. Personally, I feel so wiped out at times. Oh, I look fine. People look at me and think ," What's wrong with her? She looks fine." Inside, my body does not feel fine. It hurts, it screams for rest, rest, more rest!!!! The old joints ache, and just will not work. The muscles tighten up and begin cramping. The fingers get to the point that they no longer can or will do what I want them to do. It is at times like this that I generally push too hard and end up with another injury. Yes, I'm good at causing more pain to myself simply because I don't listen to its' warning signals. There are ways to keep from stressing out and conserving energy.I would love to just copy down a list and say, "Here it is." But, in all fairness to whomever made up a list, I won't. I will relate some of what I remember: Plan each day. Have a general idea of what you need to get done and what you would like to do. Don't get addicted to getting work done. Call on others to do part of the things. You can't do it all by yourself. Concentrate on doing one thing at a time. The rest will wait. It probably will take less time than becoming confused with too many irons in the fire at one time! SOOO.. all that clutter needs to go. Get it out of the way and then you can get focused on concentrating. Work in short sessions. Stop and rest often. Resting is the best way to relieve stress. Don't procrastinate! (my worse enemy!) By doing one thing each day that you have been putting off, you'll find that it wasn't so bad after all. Are you a perfectionist? I am! It only feeds the stress and causes more tension and upset. Instead, just try to do the best you can and forget the rest.
Remember, these are just things that I have been exposed to over the past ten years . I am sharing for information only. I have to say....I am not the best patient in the world. I have my doubts and times of doing nothing! But when I work with the system, I find that I do, indeed, feel better and have more enery for the things that I enjoy. In order to handle everyday stress, balance work with play. It doesn't hurt to loll around and loaf a little. Help someone else Get your mind off of your problems. I got Charlie (the yorkie) to give me a reason to move more. I run errands for others just to keep me going. To sleep or not to sleep- that is the problem! Most adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep? Whoa! What happened to our sleep? If only! Sleep seems to be one of our biggest problems. But, try to sleep and rest. Learn to relax and it helps. Try to exercise a little. Walking is good if you can do it....just a little a day... and try to build up some energy. Find a friend to share your problems with. One that is a good listener.
Stormy Jeanne
This page © copyright 1997-2003 by Stormy Jeanne