Four stories plus photos on Sudan are available for those of you able to access Web sites on the Internet. The stories are: Washington Post, Sunday August 2, 1998 "Saving Sudan's People" by J. Brian Atwood, Adm. for USAID ". . . And Ending Its Cruel War" by Francis M. Deng, Brookings Institute ACT International (Action By Churches Together) Two stories and pictures reporting on the work of relief that is helping the Blue Nile area in southeastern Sudan avoid the famine conditions of Bahr el Ghazal You may access both sites by going to the Sudan Infonet web site and clicking on the links to either the Washington Post or to ACT International. The Sudan Infonet site is: - - - - - - - - - - - Distributed by Sudan Infonet An Information Service of the Sudan Working Group--USA Web Site: Funding provided by: Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 8/3/98 6:13 PM