Sun Raye's TwEaKeD Pictures

Alrighty then. I have something very VERY important to show all of you looking through my pictures... I have a new gallery of pictures that I tweaked. Now, I would like some credit for these if you happen to place them on your page, by perhaps... putting a link on my page!! Wow, what a novel idea ;) Now I finally understand when people want credit ;) Look at them, and if you have any Serena/Darien pics, send them to here... and I'll try to tweak them. I will be honored to make any other tweaked pics (lets say you want Black Lady and Darien together... it can be done)... just write! More will be on here, but here's a few of my goodies... enjoy! Oh, by the way... this IS Raye, not Lita... I have see Raye with many MANY colors of hair and so I just chose the universal color of dark brown... but here's the Raye pics... : )


Not of Raye and Darien, but I made them myself!


And for those of you out there who think this is sickening because you *love* Serena and Darien together, go to hell. And for those of you who think I have too much time on my hands,


I wanna go home!