Colonial Journal Project


Materials : Construction Paper, 2 sheets of writing paper, handouts. All writing must be done in color pencil or fine-point pen.


Cover)             Construct journal. Fold the two sheets of white paper into the cover. Number the pages from 1-8. Write the name of your colony on the front outside cover.  Include an illustration on the front cover. Label the top of each page. (Use the bold-faced words as titles.) Make each page colorful.


Page 1)            Indentured Contract. Copy down the primary source contract using the

                        year 1614 and your name in the blanks.


Page 2)            Voyage. Copy Gottfried MittelbergerÕs journal (100 words minimum) about his voyage to the new world. Atlantic Voyage


Page 3)            Fort. You will make a sketch of your fort. The sketch must include the walls, church, garden, armory, barracks, and gates. Also draw in the river/coast and the dock. You may use James Fort as an example.


Pages 4-5)       GovernorÕs Log. Write a first-person journal entry summarizing the

events of the first year of your colony.


Page 6)            Colonial Ledger. Create a budget chart of your starting money and

                        expenses for your colony. See step 2 of your instructions.


Page 7)            Vocabulary. Write down the following words and a one sentence definition for each term.


Joint-Stock Company 


Indentured Servant



Page 8)            Chief Powhatan. Color and paste in a sketch of Chief Powhatan. Beneath the picture, add a quote from Chief PowhatanÕs speech:


"Why will you take by force what you may obtain by love? Why will you destroy us who supply you with food? What can you get by war? We are unarmed, and willing to give you what you ask, if you come in friendly manner. I am not so simple as not to know it is better to eat good meat, sleep comfortably, live quietly with my women and children, laugh and be merry with the English, and being their friend, trade for their copper and hatchets, than to run away from them. Take away your guns and swords, the cause of all our jealousy, or you may die in the same manner."