In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Kind

I have perceived some silent, and sometimes even voiced disapproval from some Muslims
of the woman's picture on my front page.

Some assumed she was a relative of mine,
otherwise why would I put an image of a woman without hijab right at the entrance to my site.
Hypocricy of the assumption that a half-naked granny is OK, but a stranger is not, aside,
I do not side with those ready to abandon their own culture, all the heritage they have
for the sake of their newly acquired identity.

I believe that turning back on one's past is a betrayal of oneself,
even worse is turning back on those who were close to you, whether people or ideas.

This woman represents the culture from which I come, an undeniable part of me.

Talking about the image itself, does the woman look promiscuous?
Does she not present an image of a virtuous woman according to the standards of her society?

So why should virtue be judged by such petty outward signs as the amount of clothing wrapped around the body,
especially in the context of a person not bound by the belief in such requirements?


I am discounting those who disapprove of even my own photo being on the Net.
Nothing can express my personality better than my face.
It is said that eyes are a mirror of the soul,
communication without seeing is lame and bound to lead to misunderstanding.

Blinking eye

And besides, what can dispel the negative images of Muslim women better than seeing and communicating with them.



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