Monday, March 17, 2025

Welcome To Mike's Website please look around
and if there be any problems with the site
please let me know where I can be able to
fix it and have it back up and running
again, thanks for coming to my site and
please let's bring in the new year in with
God in it and thanks for come and
seen it.Bookmark The site's
Cause you don't know one mintue to the
next when i'm going to be doing some Change's to the
site. Thanks .Have a great morning or day.
LET'S HAVE A GREAT 2007! Michael.

Relax, Relax, Relax kick your shoes off and seat a spell and have a Cold Pepsi or water why you are looking the page over .Thanks.

Well 1998 , 1999 , 2000, has went . Wishing the New Year In with the other's that have went fast .... WELL WELCOME IN THE NEW YEAR 2002.2003....


I hope Everyone will Enjoy the site .

Email Me!

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Funny Greetings Cards

Card Master

Blue Mountain


Copy right part of 97 on-98,99 2000 , 2001 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007,-?...

Guestbook by GuestWorld


If you listening to WWJD 91.7 FM on the dail you can click on the banner to send an e-mail to them . Okay...

Thanks for the award Michael ..

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Bible On The Net Funny Greetings Cards Rock Of My Soul Promise Of GOd
CnetLiving Word Pencostal Church Midi's ,Games , Wave Bluemoutain Cards Cardmaster Blue Letter BibleJacksons Family WEbsite
Marlo Cards Zion Deliverance Church American Greetings Cards Passion Up Flowgo Cards Code Page for HTML codes

Please click on the Megiddo Banner it will take you to there site . thanks .

Background Music ID
Music: Awsome God .
Reason: Cause I like it .

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