
William was born on May 29th, 1997, and was diagnosed with Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection (TAPVC), a congenital heart defect, five hours after birth. When William was 12 hours old, he had open heart surgery. It successfully repaired the defect. However, he has to be followed-up should any complications arise. It has all been a very stressful experience for us. While William was in the hospital, we would have liked to hear about the successful outcomes of other babies/children.

We have created "Just William"in an effort to reach others in a similar situation and offer them our help and support. We also hope to make more people aware of the matters of the heart...

God bless our precious, little ones, and grant them health! Love,

Here's a picture of our sweet, little William, one and a half months old.
Click here to read William's story in detail.


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